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No, you can't return damaged goods.

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  • No, you can't return damaged goods.

    I'm (thankfully) not working this semester and am instead taking classes full-time, but my mother's been complaining about her bookstore job to me, so I figured I'd post some of her stories again. She's been about 1-2 hours under full time for over a year now and feels like she's really not getting paid enough to put up with this sort of thing.

    She's impressively computer-illiterate and can't even get a browser window open on her own, so I'll pass any comments onto her.

    M - mother
    SC - sucky/stupid customer

    Dialogue reconstructed as best as possible!

    How Not to Do Returns
    SC: "Can I return this?"
    M: "Do you have the original receipt?"
    SC: "No, my boyfriend bought it for me."
    M: "Well, if he brings it into the store with the receipt and it was purchased within the last-"
    SC: "Actually, I'm not sure if he bought it here."
    M: "..."

    Okay, so you lose points for not thinking ahead. Still, you did get yourself to a store, so you can't be that much of an idiot, can you? You just didn't think clearly.

    SC: "Did he?"
    M: "Did he what?"
    SC: "Buy it here."

    Yes, you are that much of an idiot. Never mind.
    SC waves book at her - it's a very common paperback.

    M: "...well, I don't know, ma'am. Is there still a price sticker on it? It would have the name of the store on it."

    She reaches over to grab the book and SC pulls it out of her reach, puts it back into her purse, and glares.

    SC: "It's still mine! You just want to take it back and not give me the credit!"

    ....well, good luck with getting help on that, then.

    How Not to Do Returns 2
    SC hands over a copy of The Odyssy.
    SC: "Can I return this? I already got the parts I needed for class."
    M flips through and realizes that SC has ripped out pages that relate to her school assignments. M then spends nearly 10 minutes explaining the words 'damaged' and 'nonreturnable,' neither of which SC has ever encountered in the wild.

    Not So Educational
    SC comes up to the counter with a textbook and what looks like some Lit class type books. She's college-age, roughly. SC slams the books down on the counter. She's talking on her cell phone the whole time.
    SC: "Prices!"
    M: "The prices are on the price stickers, miss. Did you want me to ring you up?"
    SC: "No, not those prices! - no, no, not you, the idiot working here - hold on..."
    SC rolls her eyes and lets out this long-suffering sigh, and then addresses M in a condescending tone of voice as if she is speaking to a puppy that just made a mess on the carpet.
    SC: "I need to know the prices for you to put these on audio books."
    Oh, obviously. Because that's the only reason you would ever bring books to a sale counter in a bookstore.
    M: "If they're not in the audiobook section, then we don't have them on audiobook."
    SC: "But how am I supposed to study otherwise?!"
    M: "Well, you could look online to see if someone else has them on audio book.... or just read the books."
    SC: "I don't have time to read! You should be able to find an audiobook for me!"
    M: "I'm sorry, but if we don't have it, then we don't have it. I can't give you something that we don't have."
    SC: "This is ridiculous. You should be required to have everything on audio book if you sell it!"

    Bonus points: her textbook was for an English Lit/composition class. Why are you taking a class about books if you don't want to read?

    It's a Miracle?
    Someone tried to steal one of Bookstore's large chairs. Yes, singlehandedly. When he tried to saunter out the front door with it, the inevitable confrontation took place. Apparently the chair 'spoke' to him and told him that it was 'lonely,' and he just wanted to give it a more loving home. They figured he was harmless, made him give the chair back, and then asked him to leave. Later the same week, my mother found him talking to the sofa. She's actually hoping that he tries to take it just because it's much too big to physically fit out through the doors and, as she put it, she could 'use the excitement.'

  • #2
    the chairs speak? that is exciting; let us know if he does make a move for the couch.

    SC: "This is ridiculous. You should be required to have everything on audio book if you sell it!"
    well, princess, i'm sure if you ask mommy or daddy, they'll read it to you like a bedtime story, otherwise, you're SOL.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
      the chairs speak? that is exciting; let us know if he does make a move for the couch.

      well, princess, i'm sure if you ask mommy or daddy, they'll read it to you like a bedtime story, otherwise, you're SOL.
      I'm sure mom and day woudl live that phone call from ther college student.

      S: Hi Mommmmey!!!! Can I mail you home one of my text books and have you calle me and read my assignment each night!!????
      M: *curled up in fetal position* I did not just spend thousands of dollars for this, I did not just spend thousands of dollars for this, I did not just spend thousands of dollars for this.


      • #4
        I'm not sure I'd want a piece of furniture I fart on to be able to speak.
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          If little miss "I don't have time for this" doesn't have time to READ the book, how on earth will she have time to LISTEN? I mean, unless she's an abysmally slow reader, it isn't going to speed up the process all that much...

          She made it to college, I'm assuming she isn't illiterate. Sheesh.
          I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


          • #6
            Quoth Taboo View Post
            Later the same week, my mother found him talking to the sofa. She's actually hoping that he tries to take it just because it's much too big to physically fit out through the doors and, as she put it, she could 'use the excitement.'
            I think I might like your mom! This sounds exactly like me when I worked retail. I longed for something usual to happen to break up the day. Someone trying to steal a sofa in the middle of the day would have totally done it.
            Do I dare
            Disturb the universe?
            In a minute there is time
            For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

            T.S. Eliot


            • #7
              Quoth DesignFox View Post
              If little miss "I don't have time for this" doesn't have time to READ the book, how on earth will she have time to LISTEN? I mean, unless she's an abysmally slow reader, it isn't going to speed up the process all that much...

              She made it to college, I'm assuming she isn't illiterate. Sheesh.
              well she could play it and there for listen to it every night as she sleeps


              • #8
                Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                I'm not sure I'd want a piece of furniture I fart on to be able to speak.
                If it could... do screams of pain and anguish REALLY count as 'speaking'?
                Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                  I'm not sure I'd want a piece of furniture I fart on to be able to speak.
                  If it's a public piece of furniture, I bet it would have a few choice words about the dumbasses that absolutely refuse to acknowledge the existence of personal hygiene.
                  No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                    I'm not sure I'd want a piece of furniture I fart on to be able to speak.
                    No need to worry.

                    It is very dead.

                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                    • #11
                      I like audiobooks; now that I'm 9-5, sneaking in an audiobook on an iPod is the only chance I get to read...

                      I probably should have used an audiobook when I was wading through "Ulysses": I read it on an audiobook several years later and found it more palatable, but that wouldn't work for the majority of classes. Audiobooks take a lot more time to read than regular books, so unless you can do a hell of a lot of multitasking, they're not going to be terribly practical.

                      She might have a reading disability like dyslexia, in which case, most universities will provide accommodations for free...SO GO HARASS THEM, LADY!

                      Love, Who?


                      • #12
                        Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                        <snip> Audiobooks take a lot more time to read than regular books, so unless you can do a hell of a lot of multitasking, they're not going to be terribly practical.

                        That's exactly my point. If time is the deciding factor, you don't have time to listen to it anymore than you have time to read it. And if there is genuine reason to need it on audio (like a disability) order it from someone who carries it for Pete's sake!
                        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                        • #13
                          I'd recommend poetry on audio books. This would go for some of the Greek epics, Shakespeare, or other things meant to be heard rather than read. But only to help get a better flavor of it. You'll still need the hardcopy text for doing work.


                          • #14
                            Quoth DesignFox View Post
                            She made it to college, I'm assuming she isn't illiterate. Sheesh.
                            Oh, how sweet. Some faith in humanity that's not quite dead now.
                            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                            • #15
                              Quoth DesignFox View Post
                              If little miss "I don't have time for this" doesn't have time to READ the book, how on earth will she have time to LISTEN? I mean, unless she's an abysmally slow reader, it isn't going to speed up the process all that much...

                              She made it to college, I'm assuming she isn't illiterate. Sheesh.
                              Depends on the college, I suppose. there are some colleges that will take anyone that breathes. sometimes even that isn't a requirement.

