Quoth mikoyan29
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My first year we had an option of 2 english classes. An advanced writers critique course (very cool course basically involved reading short stories/essays/songs and then tearing them apart the next class. Made me a better writer and a very good editor).
the other class was a more basic one. I had a friend who said the advanced one sounded a bit much for him, so he took the basic one (remember this is first year college :P)
and he said it was mind numbingly dumb like stuff you did BEFORE highschool like the teacher would write a sentence on the board and have a student tell her what the noun was or the verb or whatever.
so basic grammar... which you have to do to PASS highschool.
and yes... people failed. in droves. I weep for humanity. This is why society as a whole is getting dumber. WE'RE LETTING THESE PEOPLE BREED!