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Facebook sighting...

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  • Facebook sighting...

    No names used to protect the identity of this person

    A friend complained about the price of cable/internet/phone in her status update. A friend of hers chimed in with these two gems:

    i agree they suck. every 6 months we switch the cable from my name to abc's (or vice versa) so we can continue to get ripped off, i mean....... get our "special" rate.


    i get on the phone with one of the idiots, and get all teary about how my boyfriend is moving out, and I really need cable and internet, but I cant afford what he was paying, and probably should just cancel, and they help me out. i continue on crying and whining, and last time they gave me a free on demand movie code too! suckers!

  • #2
    I had a roommate like that. He would call the cable company and berate the poor CS mercilessly until he got free cable, etc etc etc. He used the world "unacceptable" a lot. They would always cave to him because they had to, I guess. Still those options are meant to help people who actually need them; instead they reward people who are voluntarily SCs
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Wow...I actually just talked to the cable people to try and lower my bill and never got like that with them. I just went over options and they are actually waiving the fees for the modem and dvr rentals..and the channel guide I would get in the mail and never use

      But I was nice to them and didn't try to get anything I didn't deserve. Hell the time I moved and they shut me down 3 days too early I didn't whine and they offered a free month of service without me asking for it.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        Maybe she's the Facebook Turkey Spammer?

        What a bitch. And if she keeps that up, then the companies are just gonna get tougher on the honest people as well.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          I called one time and told I had to cancel because i could only afford xx a month on cable and couldn't afford the xxx I was paying anymore. The lady found me a plan that was within my budget and I only lost the landline....which I didn't use anyways.

