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SC at DD and perhaps sucky me? Not sure.

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  • SC at DD and perhaps sucky me? Not sure.

    Ok so I was in Dunkin' Donuts with my boyfriend (not mine). I order my usual: medium iced caramel with skim milk and NO whipped cream. Ok so they give me the drink. Let me describe. Since I work at DD, I know how it should taste and I know how it should look like. First of all, they put whipped cream when I told them not to, but I wasn't going to give them a hard time for that, but when I tasted it, it tasted NASTY. First, there was hardly any ice and I think they put an extra espresso shot because it looked darker and tasted stronger than it should be.

    I was saying to my boyfriend how it doesn't taste good. He tasted it and agreed. The worker who made it overheard me and said "I put skim milk, regular milk will taste better." I know that the skim milk iced latte doesn't taste horrible to me so I know they messed it up. They made it again, of course putting whipped cream again even though I said it 5 times, but I wasn't going to be annoying. It tasted SLIGHTLY better. They made my boyfriend a small iced tea, which looked lighter than it should be and they put lemon juice instead of a lemon wedge, he didn't like the taste either, but he didn't complain.

    While this is going on, a man asks the worker if there was any bowties left, while he is helping my boyfriend and I could even tell there are no bowties left. The worker tells the man to hold on a minute and the man asks again and the worker tells him to hold on a second and then the man says, "it's going to take u a long time to answer a simple question? that's really sad man." The worker then looks and says, "there are no more bowties." The man gets a glazed donut and leaves. I feel bad that I might've been a little mean to them and I felt bad that I couldn't tell them in a nicer tone, but I was pretty peeved they couldn't make a simple drink the right way and they put whipped cream two times when I said no whipped cream, but whatever. Plus the bowtie man was being rude.

  • #2
    No, I think you were right for wanting your drink done the right way. It was not what it was supposed to be; it's not like you changed your mind after it was made on them. Sounds like they need some motivation.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      I love DD. I go damn near everyday. Not all DD's are created equal, sadly.

      It sounds like this store does NOT have their shit together. I don't think it was rude of you to want your drink made properly! DD might be cheaper than Starbucks, but those iced lattes still aren't "cheap" when it comes down to it. I'd be upset if it tasted like crap, too! (and you're right, the latte made with skim milk is equally yummy, so that guy had no idea what he was doing! I order those latte lites occasionally *drool*)
      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


      • #4
        you have the right to get what you ordered, and as dfox said, this store doesn't seem to have its shit together.

        hell, making those drinks isn't hard; any monkey should be able to do so within a month, but apparently, this crew isn't as smart as your average monkey.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Plus, since you work at a DD, you KNOW what stuff should taste's not like you were an SC who said, "This isn't sweet enough for me" or "this doesn't have enough espresso in it for me" even though the drink may have been made correctly. You know it was made incorrectly because you've made (or at least, had) correct ones. So I don't think you were an SC at all either.


          • #6
            Thanks guys! & Yes I do know how it should be made. I make it every weekend when I work for myself. Plus, when I make it for other customers, they don't complain either. If they do, it's because they want more mocha or caramel.


            • #7
              Here is one way to file a complaint when they make your coffee wrong.
              "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

