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No, you're not going to catch that in a kitchen.

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  • #16
    Quoth HYHYBT View Post
    Not much point in knowing who has it anyway in a hospital setting (unless you're the one deciding on treatment; certainly not if you're just cooking the food!). At best it would only be knowing who *knows* they have it. You'd still have to take precautions because of the ones who haven't yet found out.
    yea that was an argument the instructor tried to make basically.. ok say patient A. has it, knows but doesn't tell u b/c he/she DOESN'T HAVE TOO.
    and patient B. has it. and doesn't tell you because they DONT know they have it.

    if you follow just routine procedures etc. in either case you'll be fine since you aren't gonna get it from basic contact (as we all, hopefully, know :P).

    blah stupid people piss me off.
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


    • #17
      Quoth dalesys View Post
      You expect me to eat that salami?!
      Reminds me of the joke about a woman who goes to her local deli and orders one whole hard salami. The deli man asks her how she wants it sliced and she asks "Do I look like a slot machine?!".
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #18
        Hmm, it's called standard precautions for a reason - you treat everyone as if they are contagious, that is you wear gloves (and an apron if it's getting messy) before you lay hands on a patient and you maintain proper hygiene, especially with your hands (hospital handwashing technique anyone?).
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #19
          Quoth crazylegs View Post
          Hmm, it's called standard precautions for a reason - you treat everyone as if they are contagious, that is you wear gloves (and an apron if it's getting messy) before you lay hands on a patient and you maintain proper hygiene, especially with your hands (hospital handwashing technique anyone?).

          But as far as privacy...Isnt HIV/AIDS a reportable disease to the state(government)? I could swear it is in PA...meaning if youre tested in a clinic and find out that way, it has to be reported to the state. Im not sure how that would follow a medical record, but it would be in the system @ my hospital had it been done in an assoc. clinic. I think... I should look it up. Not that it matters. Everyone gets treated the same.


          • #20
            Quoth Amina516 View Post

            But as far as privacy...Isnt HIV/AIDS a reportable disease to the state(government)? I could swear it is in PA...meaning if youre tested in a clinic and find out that way, it has to be reported to the state. Im not sure how that would follow a medical record, but it would be in the system @ my hospital had it been done in an assoc. clinic. I think... I should look it up. Not that it matters. Everyone gets treated the same.
            hm. that i dunno. but im up in canada i know up here (at least in my province) if someone is asked to give blood for a blood test for HIV/AIDS they can refuse, it can't be done if they're unconsious etc.

            and as in my OP im pretty sure (except in the case of sexual partners) anyone with it doesn't have to let anyone else know. (although I do have to assume there's some kind of legal thing for if say... soemone with it needs surgery or HAS to have blood drawn or something but... maybe not b/c routine precautions are enough to guard against it).
            Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


            • #21
              I used to work in a residental group home for youth in the US. We were not privy to a youth's medical records, including HIV/AIDS status. We were expected to take the same percaustions with each child, so that is why we weren't told. The only people who knew were the administrators of the facility and the staff medical team.


              • #22
                I knew a guy like that cook. they aren't pleasant to work with. You get a feeling they wont last long.

                On the note of panic, I scraped my knee on the way to school once, so of course it had dried and was all icky (but not dribbling. just beading) by the time I got there. Soon word around school was that I was 'spreading aids' by having a scrape on my knee *eyeroll*

                Not to mention the guy online who accused me of endangering my entire neighborhood with bird flu because I rescued a baby magpie from trying to cross a six lane highway on foot (the baby was, not me). ... that happened before bird flu in any form was even in Canada, much less in our area (plus, no mosquitoes that year to transmit it)

                Stupid people suck in all cases.
                Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                • #23
                  Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                  Notice how the deer flee in a panic, sprinting off into the underbrush, leaping ever so gracefully?
                  Panicky 'phobes aren't even remotely graceful. They usually fall all over themselves to get away from whatever imagined threat they've encountered.

                  Pathetic, the lot of them.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Quoth Horsetuna View Post

                    Not to mention the guy online who accused me of endangering my entire neighborhood with bird flu because I rescued a baby magpie from trying to cross a six lane highway on foot (the baby was, not me). ... that happened before bird flu in any form was even in Canada, much less in our area (plus, no mosquitoes that year to transmit it)

                    Stupid people suck in all cases.

                    There was comment on the local yocal newspaper forum about H1N1. A woman's daughter had symptoms and she was taken to the doctor. The tests came back negative BUT the mom is all concerned now and wants to make sure the schools are taking proper precautions to make sure H1N1 isn't spread if a case comes up. Makes sense right? Except she wants the school to round up all of the students who from Mexico or of Mexican heritage and have them learn how to cover their noses/mouths when they cough/sneeze as well as they need to be told how to wash their hands.


                    (If that got in to a "no no" area, please let me know!)


                    • #25
                      Quoth Sightings Reporter View Post
                      Except she wants the school to round up all of the students who from Mexico or of Mexican heritage and have them learn how to cover their noses/mouths when they cough/sneeze as well as they need to be told how to wash their hands.
                      Oh, look. Some stupid twit is using swine flu as an excuse to parade her blatant racism around.

                      At least now everyone knows all about how she thinks.

                      Or, rather, fails to do so.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #26
                        Quoth Sightings Reporter View Post
                        There was comment on the local yocal newspaper forum about H1N1. A womExcept she wants the school to round up all of the students who from Mexico or of Mexican heritage and have them learn how to cover their noses/mouths when they cough/sneeze as well as they need to be told how to wash their hands.

                        She had a good point until she got stupid.

