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    A couple days ago, my dad and I were driving home, and we needed to get some Red Bull. We had a choice

    1) Go to Stop and Shop, in the middle of town, where its cheaper and comes in packs, and singles cost 2.19
    2) Go to the convenience store, right next to our house where singles cost 2.50 and there are no packs

    The choice would seem obvious, but there was a factor contributing to our decision, which was that we both REALLY had to use the bathroom. So, we went to the convenience store. I got a bunch of Red Bull, and took them up to the counter. When she told us the price, Dad immediately asked "Is there a discount?"

    And she said yes, we could have a dollar off.

    Which was nice, and I wouldn't complain if she did it for me, because I would only ask if I didn't have enough money, and pay back later. She also let me take a pair of sunglasses from the rack when my hypersensitivity hit without paying.

    Dagnabbit, its great, but my dad is a discount-seeking SC of the highest order. Otherwise he's great, but if he wants a discount he'll go after it like a hawk. So please, PLEASE don't let him think just asking for a discount will get him one. It just encourages him. It makes shopping a worse experience and occasionally embarrassing. Actually, deep in the bowels of the backlogs here there is an event recounted, which I will not link to, which was him, because I remember the conversation exactly.

    The people at that store are nice, but damnit, some people are too nice for my own good.

    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.