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Another good one.

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  • Another good one.

    One fine day, I bought myself a sandwich and sat outside, enjoying the weather and my food. I'd chosen a place where I wouldn't be surrounded by tourists. Good place to sit, great atmosphere.

    Then it happened:


    A woman ran by. I'd guess she was in her fifties. She couldn't run very fast, and I wondered what the hell was the big hurry.



    A man, about the same age as the woman, ran after her.

    Exit, stage right.



    Two servers from a nearby cafe.

    Lunch and a floor show! This was too good to miss! I hopped off my seat and followed them, noticing that people working nearby were leaning out the windows to watch their progress. As I rounded the corner, I heard a loud wail, and arrived on the scene in time to see the woman dart away. The man, held firmly by the servers, was marched back to the cafe.

    Man, if you're going to dine 'n' dash, why on EARTH would you not find out how fast you could run?

  • #2
    Doesn't really make much sense to run away after you stuff yourself; does it? But I guess people will do anything for a free meal. I've never had a dine and dash from my waitressing days, but this one time someone left without signing their credit card slip, so I was allowed to close it out....but WITHOUT a tip! And it was a $75-ish bill, and they were really demanding too so I think I deserved at least a little something
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago

