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Wow. Is -every- idiot in town out today?

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  • Wow. Is -every- idiot in town out today?

    Ok, all of this Over a span of not even half an hour.

    "Ok, we'll be right there." = telling the pharmacist you have kids? (long)

    My mom took me to the hospital today so I could get a flu shot, because you don't have to make appointments to get them at the hospital pharmacy. While we were waiting, this woman (who couldn't have been much older than me, and I'm 23 just for the record) comes in with two children who don't look much older than 7. She wanted flu shots for her kids. Now, the hospital policy is that children 9 and under have to have appointments made and different dosage requirements and all kinds of liability issues.

    The pharmacist asks the woman if her kids are over the age of 9, to which the answer was no. Cue the epic freakout. This woman starts raving about how she -told- them that she was bringing her kids and this and that and the other. They try to explain the rules, which this woman apparently considered as 'giving her an attitude' .

    Somehow, they manage to find the proper dosage somewhere for her little darlings (who were surprisingly quiet through the whole ordeal. They made less fuss than their mom) and they get taken care of. Later, after I get my shot, my mom chats with the girls behind the counter a bit.

    According to the girl who actually -took- the call, all this woman said, after being told no appointment was needed, was 'Ok, we'll be right over." No mention of kids or anything. Just "We'll be right over." Who's we? You and your husband? You and your pet lemur? You and your mother's aunt's cousin's brother-in-law's step-nephew twice removed? She never specified kids. Had she done so, she would've known what the rule was.

    They'll never learn...until they get run over.

    I don't have road rage. I will say this and try to be convincing right now. I have no road rage. I just have no tolerance for idiots on the road, be they pedestrians or other drivers. After the events at the hospital, we were driving back home. We drove past one of the local middle schools. Because it takes up a whole block, there were two places to legally cross the street.

    Nowhere near either of the legal crossing zones, these three kids decided to run across the road -while- cars were coming. Including my mom's big-honkin' Suburban. And they were -looking straight at us- as they did it too (which means that they weren't watching the other side of the road, so they could've easily been hit by a car coming from the other direction)

    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    I was driving my Big old car over a bridge when I lived in Omaha. Had just picked my daughter up from school. Ahead of me this group of kids were jumping into the street in front of cars. Cars hitting brakes. Kids laughing. I kept going. They jumped in front of me. I kept going. they jumped out of the way REAL fast when I didn't hit the brakes (Yeah I could still have avoided hitting them, but they didn't know that). Apparently (according to the other parents who drive that route) I was the last car they pulled that excretement on.


    • #3
      Quoth firecat88 View Post

      Somehow, they manage to find the proper dosage somewhere for her little darlings (who were surprisingly quiet through the whole ordeal. They made less fuss than their mom) and they get taken care of. Later, after I get my shot, my mom chats with the girls behind the counter a bit.

      Of course the kids didn't make a fuss. They were secretly hoping their mom would lose the argument and they could leave without getting a shot.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        Quoth Soulstealer View Post
        Of course the kids didn't make a fuss. They were secretly hoping their mom would lose the argument and they could leave without getting a shot.
        My dad said the exact same thing when I told him about it.
        "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


        • #5
          Quoth Teskeria View Post
          I was driving my Big old car over a bridge when I lived in Omaha. Had just picked my daughter up from school. Ahead of me this group of kids were jumping into the street in front of cars. Cars hitting brakes. Kids laughing. I kept going. They jumped in front of me. I kept going. they jumped out of the way REAL fast when I didn't hit the brakes (Yeah I could still have avoided hitting them, but they didn't know that). Apparently (according to the other parents who drive that route) I was the last car they pulled that excretement on.
          I had somebody do that except the group looked like college students and he wasn't fast enough to jump in front of my car. When he pretended he was going to jump in front of me he would have actually hit my passenger side door. Not sure what he was trying to prove.


          • #6
            Quoth elsporko View Post
            I had somebody do that except the group looked like college students and he wasn't fast enough to jump in front of my car. When he pretended he was going to jump in front of me he would have actually hit my passenger side door. Not sure what he was trying to prove.
            Maybe he was an art student and was creating a piece called 'Roadkill'
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              Sounds like one of these assheads that think complete strangers have more concern for the wellfare of assheads than the assheads themselves do.

              I know I don't.


              • #8
                Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                Maybe he was an art student and was creating a piece called 'Roadkill'

                I'm trying really hard not to get chicken casserole all over the laptop right now. . .
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

