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My Landlord Is An Idiot....

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  • #16
    Quoth blas View Post

    Why don't they just take the cheapskate/Mr. Krabs route like my dad does and just burn it, lol?
    Don't most places have laws against burning?
    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • #17
      Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
      Don't most places have laws against burning?
      Yeah, but try enforcing them when your neighbors are far away from you, like in rural areas, and the wind isn't blowing toward them.

      When driving in the country, I see people burning trash in barrels all the time.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #18
        Odd. My older sis lives in the middle of nowhere and is no longer allowed to burn garbage. Different rules for different places.
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #19
          I once dumpster dived for donuts. The donuts were kept in a seperate dumpster from the rest of the garbage and we went and got them as soon as they were thrown out but people still seem to think thats gross.


          • #20
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            On a different note, my sister was one who would go around to apartments to ADD trash to the bins. She has to pay for trash service, so when cash was short she would deposit it at apartment complexes and fast food restaurants.
            ...This is the reason our Apartment manager has added a nice padlock to our dumpster. Only tenants have a key for it.

            Quoth Teskeria View Post
            .... For the rest of the time I lived there, mine was the only trash not left all over. And one week when I was ill, she pulled my trash to pickup for me.
            Awesome! The power of NICE!

            Quoth elsporko View Post
            I once dumpster dived for donuts. The donuts were kept in a seperate dumpster from the rest of the garbage and we went and got them as soon as they were thrown out but people still seem to think thats gross.
            Not gross at all. I know Krispy Kreme does that with their doughnuts at the end of the day. They are put in a box, in a bag, and then in another bag and thrown into a "Bakery" dumpster with nothing but food in it.... when I was in HS my friends and I would raid their dumpsters on a weekly basis....*cough* Until they put up security cameras.....
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #21
              My city is actually starting a fight with the recycling collectors. See, they contracted with a company to run the recycling program. All recyclables must go into these green plastic containers you get from the city (little boxes are free, but they charge you for the big rolling bins).

              Problem is, roving bands of junk collectors would drive around in their pickup trucks and literally clear out a neighborhood's recyclables by emptying the bins into their trucks!

              So, the city was paying for the collection service, but weren't getting anything back from the recycling payout. They're trying to make a law saying that anything put into the bins is then the property of the city, contrary to the typical rule that anything left out for the grabage collection is free game.
              Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


              • #22
                Quoth Primer View Post
                If you put a $25 "price tag" on it, it will disappear even faster...
                That it will

                But, I've never had to do that. Shortly after I moved into my current home, I took out a lawn divider...that someone had built with cinder blocks. I think there were about 30-40 blocks total. Some were used at my parent's place...the rest sat on my patio over the winter. Sick of them, I carted the lot down to the curb, and spray-painted "free" on them. Next morning, the entire pile was gone.

                Sadly though, those stupid concrete lions (why?) that I'd dumped there...still remain to this day. At least they kept errant cars off the grass, but still. If they didn't weigh 300 pounds each, they'd go into the trash as-is. For now, they're dumped in the weeds next to the driveway.

                Where I live though, it's not unheard of for people to dump yard waste down at the elementary school. That place is surrounded by woods, so nobody would notice. But, if you get caught, you'll get hit with a nice $500 fine

                Locally though, nobody seems to be too strict about dumpsters. There are very few that will actually bust someone for dropping off their trash. One such place...was one of the buildings I once worked in.

                Back in 2001, my grandfather's death meant that several things had to be "made to disappear." Specifically, old cans of paint, various cleaning products (Grandpa was a rep for Johnson Wax), and other junk. Not wanting to pay the (hefty) fee accessed by her township, Grandma told me to get rid of that crap. I bagged up the entire lot, drove over to work, and tossed it into the dumpster. Of course, not wanting to possibly get into trouble, I did it on a weekend.

                Rural areas in PA are different--many times, there are illegal dumps all over the place. Not surprising, many of them got started...simply because they were outside town limits, yet the towns would try to charge a high fee to haul things like...broken appliances, yard waste, etc. In other words, you could literally dump those things in a field, and nobody would say anything.

                For well over 50 years, that's how we handled our trash. That, and burning it. At the time, there was a fireplace in one of the outbuildings. Grandpa or I, would haul the trash over there, and light it. When the ash pile got too high, I'd remove the fireplace grate, and use a wagon to haul the ash into the fields. All of that was dumped out, foreign particles (glass, metal, etc.) removed, and the remaining ash raked into the soil. Within weeks, you'd have pretty good fertilizer
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #23
                  I don't get the people who dump lawn waste.

                  If it's just clippings and the like, you can probably get a local landscaper to pick it up for their composting if you ask around.
                  Quoth protege View Post
                  Sadly though, those stupid concrete lions (why?) that I'd dumped there...still remain to this day. At least they kept errant cars off the grass, but still. If they didn't weigh 300 pounds each, they'd go into the trash as-is. For now, they're dumped in the weeds next to the driveway.
                  Have you tried hanging a "free" or "take me" sign on the lions? I can imagine that a lot of people might think that you put them there as decoration if they aren't marked.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    Quoth LillFilly View Post
                    True Dumpster Diving is when college is letting-out and you check the dumpsters for all the cool stuff the students don't have room in their cars to take home! (chairs, clothes, books, etc.) Or when your neighbors move-out!
                    The thrift store in my little sister's college town would go around and pick up any furniture (especially sofas) left out near dumpsters when everyone moved out. They would then sell the furniture back to the students that fall.

                    I've also grabbed stuff from near the dumpster and I never throw good stuff into the dumpster. Usually someone picks it up within a day or two. It's my version of recycling


                    • #25
                      Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                      I don't get the people who dump lawn waste.

                      If it's just clippings and the like, you can probably get a local landscaper to pick it up for their composting if you ask around.
                      The local lawnmowing service dump all their grass clippings at the edge of the bush across the road from my house.
                      And since there's such a large amount there I add mine to it.

                      It all came good recently when a guy a few houses down used his escavator to stir it up and move the compost quality soil to a new pile for locals to take to add to their gardens.
                      It all went over that weekend
                      It's like trying to get laid by showing a girl your resume.
                      Look, I was good at Biology and Woodwork.
                      So I know where stuff is and I'm good with my hands.

                      - Dan, The Gruen Transfer


                      • #26
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        Have you tried hanging a "free" or "take me" sign on the lions? I can imagine that a lot of people might think that you put them there as decoration if they aren't marked.
                        I tried that. Problem is, that they're ugly as hell and very heavy. In fact, I nearly gave myself another hernia trying to move the damn things
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #27
                          And this morning, he shows up ready to be a snoop and an idiot like he always is...

                          As he leaves from snooping around someone's apartment, he goes into the trunk of the business vehicle, grabs several garbage bags, and then tosses them into the dumpster.

                          I know, he can do whatever he wants, it's just the principle. That's our dumpster you testicle tick.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

