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Smoking on the rooftop deck of a non-smoking building

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  • Smoking on the rooftop deck of a non-smoking building


    All of the buildings on campus are non-smoking. In fact, smokers have to be no less than 30 feet away from the doors of any building, as per the agreement made by the student government to keep the campus from going completely smoke-free. One of the buildings has a lovely rooftop deck area that's perfect for studying, free-time reading, and having lunch. I was studying on the deck for a test that I was having that day. These two girls walked out and started smoking. I didn't say anything but, since cigarette smoke gives me wicked headaches x.x, I just went back inside.

    What I'm wondering is this- Should they have been smoking out there? I mean, there's no sign indicating that the area is a smoking area, and there aren't ash trays up there.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    I'm willing to bet absolutely not, for the exact reason you left. At both the college I went to, and at my last job, there was a similar rule, where people couldn't smoke near the building, the reason being because other people who may be allergic or just plain don't want to smell it would have to walk past the smokers to get back into the building, or the smoke may waft into an open window. I would have reported them.


    • #3
      If they were 30 feet from the door, then I can't see how it would be against the rules.
      "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


      • #4
        i would suggest asking the college for clarification

        all they have to do in response is post a "no smoking" sign
        or put out some ash trays.

        and there's nothing wrong with asking someone to move away from you if you were there first.

        on my first ship the entire fantail was a smoking zone. however it's also where aft mooring lines were. i was stuck out there on line handling detail and we were basically milling about because we couldn't even see the land yet, but couldn't leave.

        I went to the port side of the fantail to escape the smokers... only to have someone light up next to me. I simply asked him if he could join the other smokers because I'd come over there to escape the smoke. (normally it didn't bother me but once in a while it did) He was polite and finished his smoke somewhere else.

        so there's a chance the college girls would be bitches
        but it doesn't hurt to ask... not that they put the smokes out but that they use a different area since you were trying to study.

        also technically... the smokers were within 30 feet of the doors. Not the main doors but... well they had to use some sort of door to get to the rooftop, unless they pulled a Spiderman and scaled the side of the building...


        • #5
          being allergic to cigerette smoke (not sure what in it I am allergic to, never got that found out) I hated having to go to my building with a ring of smokers surrounding the door. the school then started the same rule you speak of, which was 30 ft clearance. it was great for about 2 weeks, when the security gaurds enforced it. but after that, even they were outside smoking right by the door. I had to hold my breath for about a minute while getting inside. and sometimes the lines for elevators were so long, I was standing outside suffering and covering my face. it would always ruin my day with headaches and bad coughes... blech


          • #6
            Quoth Victory Sabre View Post
            If they were 30 feet from the door, then I can't see how it would be against the rules.

            They weren't, unfortunately. The way the area is laid out is it's approx. 20 feet across and 40 feet wide. The outer part of it, from the doors to the first table, is a five-foot-wide walkway. There's only about...not even 5 feet of space between the tables. I was sitting at the first one closest to the walkway, and they were sitting at the one where the other side of the walkway would be (so roughly 10-give-or-take-a-few feet from the door).

            I think I will ask one of the higher-ups at the college about it. I'm just not sure who -to- ask...mostly because I don't know who the proprietor of the building is. And I know that the 'president' (we don't have deans at my college. We have a president) won't do anything.
            Last edited by firecat88; 10-13-2009, 03:55 PM. Reason: Further elaboration needed about the setting
            "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


            • #7
              Last weekend, when I was out shopping, I saw a guy in the mall with a lit coffin nail between his fingers. I shit you not.

              Cheeselandialand has passed a law which bans smoking in pretty much all private businesses. It goes into effect soon, if it hasn't already. And I thought it was pretty much common sense that you didn't smoke in a store anymore.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth firecat88 View Post
                They weren't, unfortunately. The way the area is laid out is it's approx. 20 feet across and 40 feet wide. The outer part of it, from the doors to the first table, is a five-foot-wide walkway. There's only about...not even 5 feet of space between the tables. I was sitting at the first one closest to the walkway, and they were sitting at the one where the other side of the walkway would be (so roughly 10-give-or-take-a-few feet from the door).

                I think I will ask one of the higher-ups at the college about it. I'm just not sure who -to- ask...mostly because I don't know who the proprietor of the building is. And I know that the 'president' (we don't have deans at my college. We have a president) won't do anything.
                Yeah, then I'd say there's a problem, and for sure they are in violation of the rules of your University.
                "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


                • #9
                  I was in the non smoking lobby of a hotel in a line and the chick behind me lit up. This less than ten feet from a "this is a smoke free area" sign.

                  Long story short: I was in a very, very bad mood to start with.

                  Short story even shorter: I offered to put it out for her.

                  She didn't take me up on my offer and put it out herself. Which, I suppose, was probably for the best.


                  • #10
                    Gah! I hate that. People think if they're outside it's ok, not realizing or caring I think that the smoke will just drift through the door unless you go further away. Which is the point. Have to tell people that where I work all the time; have even caught employees smoking in the fire hallways!
                    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                    • #11
                      I'm shocked about that, Irv.

                      Occasionally, you still see the occasional dingbat walk into a restaurant with a lit cigg or try to light one up at the bar (Wisconsin isn't completely smoke free yet, but the larger areas are, it will be next summer completely)......but in the middle of a store? WTF?

                      All I'm going to say is I hate when I'm away from a building, minding my own business, smoking a cigg, and someone has to just patronize me or say something stupid about it.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        A reason for the whole X number of feet rule.

                        I was working register at The Night Place and I started to smell smoke. After I helped the last customer. I noticed that the stockroom outside door was open and two of the other night people were out smoking. While they were right next to the door, the door itself was quite far away from where my register is.

                        It had to have been at least 50 feet away, if not more.
                        Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas View Post
                          All I'm going to say is I hate when I'm away from a building, minding my own business, smoking a cigg, and someone has to just patronize me or say something stupid about it.
                          Agreed. I've even been in my local park, minding my own business, only for some self righteous bitch to come up to me and tell me how unhealthy smoking is. What, really? All these years and I never knew!

                          But I do have the sense not to light up in a nonsmoking zone; doing that is just as rude and unnecessary as someone farting loudly or sneezing in your face. -.-
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                            Last weekend, when I was out shopping, I saw a guy in the mall with a lit coffin nail between his fingers. I shit you not.
                            I couldn't tell you how many people I've seen getting on the underground or the suburb train with a lit smoke. Bonus point if it's the kind of smoke that will have you end up at the Blue Boys Hotel for the night for Possession and Consumption of a Controlled Substance...
                            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                            • #15
                              Sure, smoke if you wish...but as I HATE the smell of it, be a sweetie & don't feck up the air I'm obliged to breathe.

