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Smoking on the rooftop deck of a non-smoking building

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  • #16
    I grew up in Los Angeles, so I cut teeth on chemical-laden air thick enough to cut with a knife. A little cigarette smoke doesn't both me unless I'm eating. Not smoking in or around hospitals seems a no-brainer to me: too many people who could have issues with the smoke that could literally kill them. Then again, I was watching "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (the old 1951 B&W, not the new one) and Klaatu's doctor lit up a smoke right there in the hospital! We've come a long way in understanding how bad the stuff is to us.

    I won't mess with smokers, though, unless they're dumb enough to be puffing in a nosmoking area. Even then, I probably won't say anything unless it's either really bad, I'm in a smoke-free restaurant, or I have my kids with me.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #17
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      Cheeselandialand has passed a law which bans smoking in pretty much all private businesses. It goes into effect soon, if it hasn't already. .
      We here in Gumbolivia have had such a law on the books for years, which prohibits smoking within public/gov't' buildings, schools, etc., as well as lighting up within something like 20-30 feet of the doors. Even with signs all over the place, if there are people on their smoke break, it's all but a guarantee that you will have to pass a gauntlet of smoke even as you open the doors, because they're so close.

      I have no problem with smokers (tho I can't tolerate the aroma), I have a problem with smokers who are sucky about it ^_^
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      • #18
        Quoth blas View Post
        All I'm going to say is I hate when I'm away from a building, minding my own business, smoking a cigg, and someone has to just patronize me or say something stupid about it.
        agreed 100%
        recently I was walking to work and having a cigarette and a construction worker stopped me to tell me, "You know millions of people die every year from that, right?"
        I looked at the warning on my package (one regardng smoking causing impotence) and said, "Nope. Impotence. Not something I have to worry about." and kept walking.


        • #19
          The buildings are smoke free. The roof is part of the building. They were in violation. O also get very ill from tobacco smoke. nausea-vomiting, breathing issues. I will point out that it is non-smoking, and if they do not go to a smoking area I WILL be nasty and complain to security or whomever is in charge.
          Their addiction does not give them the right to make you ill. (BTW, my dad was a smoker and he was NEVER such an Ahole. He ALWAYS made sure he was downwind of non-smokers at the very least.)


          • #20
            Quoth Teskeria View Post
            Their addiction does not give them the right to make you ill. (BTW, my dad was a smoker and he was NEVER such an Ahole. He ALWAYS made sure he was downwind of non-smokers at the very least.)
            I also agree with this; some people are just absolute jerks about it. Although on the flip side so are some who oppose it. I cannot count the number of times I've been standing alone at a bus stop smoking only to have someone else walk right up beside me then start doing the fake OMG RU SRSLY SMOKING AROUND MEEEEE cough then either complain to me that I'm violating their right to breathe clean (city smog polluted) air, despite the fact that they knowingly sauntered up to someone who was clearly smoking or give me the stink eye like I'm reaching into their chest and pulling five years of life away from them.
            I mean... come on.


            • #21
              I personally wish assholes on both sides of the smoking thing would DIAF, but especially the recently ex-smokers. I despise the zeal of a new convert, regardless of the subject of conversion (so to speak).

              (For the record, I don't smoke, but if the smoker isn't a douchebag about it and takes into consideration non-smoker feelings, as long as I can get some clear air I don't bitch about it. The only place where I have absolutely no tolerance of smoking, ever, is in my car. I don't care if you're having a nic-fit from hell, you're just in here for a few minutes every now and then, I have to breathe in here just about every single day.)
              No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.

