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HELLION is too nice a term

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  • HELLION is too nice a term

    I went into our local Toys R Us last evening to buy one of those bopping clown figures as a gag for my office (stress is unreal). After I found the Power Ranger model, I started back toward the registers when I and everyone else in the store heard an ear-splitting howl come out of the electronics area.

    I turned to see the source of the outburst. I saw what looked like an unwashed street urchin (ratty hair, dirty legs, filthy clothing, smeared face) of about six years or age run out of the section’s gate opening followed quickly by a woman wearing cheap but conservative business attire. Two young, well groomed girls quietly followed the woman. The urchin had grabbed some computer game and was demanding it be bought for him. The mother looked worn out, but was adamant that the boy could not have the game. She was holding a small item and a card, so I assume she and her kids were there to pick out a present for someone else.

    “(FARK) YOU, (BATCH),” the boy screamed at the mom. “I (FARKING) WANT THIS, (GOSH DARN) IT!!!!!”

    The mother tried to grab the game from him, but he punched her in the stomach and ran back into electronics area while pushing his sisters out of the way. The two girls looked as if this behavior was no surprise to them and called out to him to calm down.

    The next thing we heard was a crash as the boy emptied a shelf of something onto the floor. Mom ran after him, but before she could catch him, he ran back out of electronics and began running toward the back of the store – directly into my path.

    I could see the mom had lost control; and since I am not one to stand by passively in such a situation, I broke into what my daughter calls the “Mean Daddy” voice, got on my sternest KILL expression, and threw my arms out while yelling/snarling “STOP RIGHT THERE” at the boy.

    It worked.

    The boy was shocked, and stopped just long enough for the mother to catch up to him. She grabbed him in a bear hug and held him while he struggled and cursed at both her and me. Then he shot me the finger. She thanked me and started walking back to the front of the store while he fought, thrashed, screamed and cursed madly. She paused to calmly tell the daughters to pick up the gift and card from where she had dropped it when he punched her, take her purse and pay for everything. She and Junior were going out to the car. She also apologized to the store employee who now was standing at the gate to the electronics section, but he looked more relieved that she and the boy were leaving.

    The girls meekly did as they were told. I could see through the front window as they left that the mother was NOT being meek with the boy out in the parking lot by her car. If anyone had challenged her for what she was doing, I would have been first in line as a witness in her defense!
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman

  • #2
    i wish there were more people like you in the world
    i've seen waaaay to many kids that are too much for their parents to handle. lol i'm a firm believer in it takes a village to raise some kids.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      At least she wasn't giving in to him and punished him for his behavior.

      If the girls were so well-behaved, I am surprised he wasn't. Then again, I was always an angel child and my brother was a demon, and we grew up in the same household. So that's a point for nature over nurture.


      • #4
        Considering the contrast between kids, I wonder if he had some sort of emotional/mental issues.
        Last edited by bainsidhe; 10-14-2009, 04:15 AM.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth South Texan View Post
          I could see the mom had lost control; and since I am not one to stand by passively in such a situation, I broke into what my daughter calls the “Mean Daddy” voice, got on my sternest KILL expression, and threw my arms out while yelling/snarling “STOP RIGHT THERE” at the boy.
          How I wish the times I have tried to help like that had been met with niceties.

          When I cared more about helping, I'd get the "you are NOT his mother," sortof speak.

          Once, a man with SEVEN children (all seven and under, no twins) was doing a bad job of rallying his children, and the younger boy FLEW out of the doors and right at traffic! I ran out the door to try and herd the lil guy inside, and the dad rammed me out of the way with an angry face (and two kids in one arm) and yeah x_X


          • #6
            Either something is terribly wrong in that family that such a young child knows those words and can use them correctly, or he's learning way more vocabulary than a child should learn on the playground.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              I was pretty shocked at his vocabulary and dexterity as well. I obviously was not the first to whom he had extended his middle digit.

              I also got the strong impression that something might be amiss with him since his sisters were so well behaved. His mother was visibly frazzled and embarrassed by the scene he made. She was trying to act calm in front of the rest of us, but it was easy to see she was upset.

              Had she not been trying to control him, I would have had little sympathy for her.
              Last edited by South Texan; 10-14-2009, 01:42 AM.
              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


              • #8
                Maybe he had a problem, maybe he didn't. Some families don't discipline their boys. I have cousins like that, even. Girls are raised with a complete different set of rules.

                Not good.

                On the other hand, the lady WAS trying to discipline him, so maybe he DID have some sort of issue.


                • #9
                  Kink is right with that one. My little brother got a lot more leeway with his behavior, maybe some of it was because he's the youngest, but I think a lot of it is because he's a guy and my mother was raised in a very, very old fashioned way where ladies don't really talk or do anything but stand there and look pretty.

                  But damn, knowing the one finger salute and all those curse words and punching your mum in the stomach when you're that young?
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    My first thought was that maybe the father isn't much of a father and the boy picked up some of the language/behavior from him, especially if the parents are divorced and the mother doesn't see what's going on when the father has custody of the boy. Of course, it's all speculation, but it is strange that the girls were so well-behaved and the mother did seem to be trying to do something about the boy's behavior.

                    Kudos to the OP for helping out, though.


                    • #11
                      time for supernanny. Oy, my kid cussed at me once....once. I didn't yell at him or spank him. We went to the car and on our way home I told him I was very upset with him and he was disrespectful. He was and said he was sorry and he never did it again.
                      "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                      • #12
                        I'm wondering if it's not maybe some form of autism. He sounds a lot like the kids my mom helps...just more verbal.

                        But yikes anyway.
                        My NaNo page

                        My author blog


                        • #13
                          Maybe the kid in question was actually the Anti-Christ? Ya don't suppose that was an omen, do you? Or maybe Mom was named...Rosemary?

                          Though maybe I shouldn't say anything...I'm reliably informed that when I was a small boy in the 70s, I threw a tantrum so bad I lost my lunch. My mother, God rest her soul, had no problem with spanking...then she found that the lecture worked better when I got too big to spank. My brothers can attest that she was good with the lecture.
                          Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.


                          • #14
                            Too big to spank? My mother clearly never believed that phrase. My oldest brother is 6'3", and until the day he left home, our mom was more than willing to spank him if she thought it necessary (she rarely had to) and he would not try to fight it.
                            The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Stormraven View Post
                              Too big to spank? My mother clearly never believed that phrase. My oldest brother is 6'3", and until the day he left home, our mom was more than willing to spank him if she thought it necessary (she rarely had to) and he would not try to fight it.
                              As my parents jokingly told me once, "We brought you into this world; we can take you out of it." :P

