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Why I have zero faith in these people's intelligence (long and full of stupid)

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  • Why I have zero faith in these people's intelligence (long and full of stupid)

    I cannot believe the amount of sheer fuckitudinal stupidity I've experienced from my cell phone company.
    Yesterday afternoon it reached a point where they shattered my expectations entirely and left me dumbfounded with their idiocy.

    So here's the story. We'll call these maroons simply Wireless Provider but if you live in Canada you may be able to piece two and two together.

    July 17 my boyfriend calls into Wireless Provider to upgrade his iPhone 3G to the iPhone 3GS as well as place an order for another iPhone 3GS for me.
    In this call he indicates that once the phones arrive he would like to have them put onto a family plan together.
    Orders are placed, invoice numbers are emailed and we're told that the phones are on back-order and that there is a wait of three weeks.
    Fine, we're cool with that and we pretty much expected it anyway.

    Three weeks go by and nothing.
    Four weeks. Nothing.
    Five weeks I ask him to send them an email to see if they can tell us what's up.

    So he sends the email and gets a response saying that one of the invoice numbers does not exist.
    Evidently they only had the invoice for the new phone (mine) not the upgrade (his).
    A little bit of explaining later and they get his order in and promise to keep it at the same position in the queue as my invoice.

    Six weeks go by. Nothing.
    I start to get frustrated because while The Boyfriend has a phone I do not, and at this point school is about to start and because of the nature of my field placement I'm out and about in the city constantly and absolutely need to be reachable at all times.
    So this is becoming a big deal to me.
    I know that because the phones have not arrived yet my name isn't on the account, and because of that, despite the fact that we live together and I know all the information they would ask for, I can't access the account or get any information on the status of our order.
    So I try another tactic.

    I call Wireless Provider from work pretending to be a new customer interested in the iPhone 3GS and ask about wait times for the back-orders.
    I'm told it is no longer than three weeks.
    So I ask if I were to order over the phone but the wait got too long, could I cancel and buy in-store without any penalty.
    I'm told that yes I can, but it would be advisable that were I to do that I should call at 24-48 hours before buying in-store to ensure that the phone order has properly been canceled.
    I tell the rep I'm going to think about it, thank her, hang up then call The Boyfriend and tell him what she told me.

    Two days later, September 24, I start calling around Wireless Provider stores and Apple stores to see if any of them have the 3GS's in stock. ONE Wireless Provider store did - two of the white 16G.
    I asked the girl if she would please hold onto them and promised I would be in within the hour to get them.
    In fact, we were there within 15 minutes. As soon as we found out they had them we grabbed our stuff, hopped in a cab and made our way over.

    Now of course you're thinking, "But rerant, didn't they say you have to call in 24-48 hours before to make sure that the cancellation properly went through?"
    I know, I know, our bad. But when we got to the Wireless Provider store the girl helping us said she would call in for us to cancel it and mentioned she knew the a bunch of people at the call centre and could likely get the cancellation pushed through faster.

    So we get the phones, she calls to cancel, gets off the phone then turns to us and says, "They... said they didn't have any orders under your account name."
    The Boyfriend: "None at all?"
    Sales Girl: "No orders. Nothing."

    Ok, well, Wireless Provider fucked up again, but since we're now buying the phones in-store I guess it doesn't matter.
    We buy the phones (I paid cash for mine and The Boyfriend had the cost of his added to our Wireless Provider bill), get all set up on the family plan and go on our merry little ways.
    I think the girl at the Wireless Provider store may have been getting commission because she was very pleased with us and actually had her family wait (guess they were there to pick her up) so that she could finish the transaction.
    She was very nice, too, and very helpful so I hope she got commission (two iPhones, a $30 case and a whole new plan would have been a big KA-CHING, I'm sure).

    Just for reference this is a basic run-down of what our family plan consisted of. This is important.

    400 daytime minutes to be shared between us (fine for us since I'm pretty much the only one who uses the daytime minutes)
    Calls to each other are free
    Free evening and weekend calling
    1G of data usage a month to be shared (again, more than enough for us)
    Unlimited text messaging

    Friday, October 2 The Boyfriend calls me at work.
    "You're never going to believe this."
    "I just got an email from Wireless Provider saying 'Your order has been shipped'."
    "They're sending us the iPhone they had no record of that we canceled."
    "But how... I don't... ugh just send it back when it hows up."

    So yes, about a week after we cancel the order that, according to Wireless Provider, doesn't even exist, they ship out our non-existent canceled order.
    The mind... she boggles.

    Skip ahead to Monday the 5th. The phone arrives and we do not open the box. Why would we? We know what's in it and we don't need it.
    I ask The Boyfriend to call Wireless Provider and let them know of the error and ask them how they want us to go about returning it, and also how they will go about crediting the account, since we've now paid for this third phone.

    The Boyfriend calls and rather than being instructed on how to go about returning the phone, the Wireless Provider rep says, "Wouldn't you rather keep the phone and sell it to someone else?"

    What the...
    Did he seriously just say that?

    "Umm... no, I'd just like to return it, please, and have the cost credited back to my account, please."
    We're informed that there is a 30 day return policy. 30 days, ok?

    About a week ago we finally got around to dropping the box off at a UPS store. Yes not exactly swift on our part but we're busy folks who barely see each other and we live in the same dang house. So yeah, it got forgotten.
    BUT we were, and are, still within the 30 day return period.

    Now we come to yesterday. The Boyfriend was online paying some bills and got to our Wireless Provider bill, which also consists of our cable and Internet.


    Um... noooooo.

    So he shits a brick and gets right on the phone with Wireless Provider. He showed me the call time later on and it was one hour and 19 minutes.
    The first rep he speaks to immediately sees that something is not right.

    Here is what apparently happened:
    When the third phone was shipped they canceled our family plan (what?) and we were now being charged for every text message (supposed to be free - and we text a LOT!) all of our data (supposed to be 1G per month) and all of our calls to one another (we're supposed to call each other for free).
    It was something like $300 in overages what were supposed to be included in the plan they, for some fucking reason, canceled.
    So the rep reverses the charges and get us back on track with our proper plan but mentions that we've still been charged for the third phone.
    The rep says that issue is handled by a different department and transfers The Boyfriend over there.

    New Rep tells The Boyfriend we're responsible for the cost of the third phone because the return policy on iPhones is 15 days not the 30 days we were originally told.

    Now, The Boyfriend is a lot more passive than I am which is why I am so glad he said this:
    "So if that's your return policy on purchased phones, what's your policy on returning phones that the orders never existed for in your system but were in any case canceled by a Wireless Provider in-store rep?"
    Evidently she did not have an answer for this and he flat out told her, "Look we waited nearly two months for our phones, Wireless Provider lost the order for one of them once, we canceled the orders entirely in-store, and we told when we tried to do that that there was no existence of either order, we bought the phones in-store and then Wireless Provider sent us a third phone from the order that we canceled, but never existed in the first place. Do you see how incredibly stupid this is? We are not paying for this huge mix-up and it's not fair for us to be paying for the overages that were incurred as a result of this massive fuck up. The phone has been shipped back, we canceled it before it was even sent to us, and it's not fair to expect us to pay for any of this."


    So the end result is that we were credited for the erroneously charged overages, credited for the cost of the third phone, had our plan reset back to what they were supposed to be, had the cost of the hour and 19 minute call credited, and now our bill is back to what it should be.
    My my FUCK what a pile of stupid Wireless Provider has been!

    Personally, and I'm not a greedy credit grabber, but for all the crap they've put us through I think it would have been fair to tack on at least one tiny little credit for the epic struggle. Nothing permanent like extra data or anything but something small at least just as a gesture.
    But The Boyfriend didn't ask for anything like that and the Wireless Provider rep didn't offer it so the idea is off the table.

    *sigh* At least everything is back in order, which is fine enough for me.

    A word of warning, if you've caught on to who Wireless Provider is and you're thinking of buying an iPhone 3GS save yourself a truck load of trouble and just buy in-store.
    Truuuuuuuuuust me.
    Last edited by rerant; 10-24-2009, 04:43 PM.

  • #2
    Hmm, my complaint seems positively miniscule compared to yours. One complaint I have about in-store is that these folks are on commission, meaning it's in their interest to tack on extra bells and whistles to line their pocketbook. When I bought my phone in-store, I was told to be careful not to hit certain buttons or it would take me on-line (not part of my plan, so it charges me extra). Of course the guy was trying to get me signed up for a higher plan than I need, which is why he warned me. I point-blank asked if the onl-line feature could be blocked/removed/cancelled. He point-blank said no. Guess what I later found out can be blocked? And guess who gets a commission for every phone signed up with internet feature? Yeah, that's one way to piss me off.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I guess the benefit for us was we researched the plan we wanted ahead of time so we didn't run too much a risk of being talked into something extra.
      Plus I think the girl helping us knew she'd be getting good enough commission that she didn't need to upsell any further.


      • #4
        Heh, cell folks dread me cause I walk into a store and go "I want a PHONE. No e-mail, text crap, internet capabilites, etc, etc, etc, and it has to be able to survive world war 3 for 2 years."

        I find it hilarious when they try to get me a blackberry or something. I ask for simple because I suck with technology. Why the hell would I get something with bells and whistles I will never use? I'll pay for them if I am silly enough to try.
        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


        • #5
          I know exactly which provider you're talking about. I left them 6 years ago, and have been with a competitor. I would love an iPhone, but until my provider starts to carry them (I heard later this year), I'll be sticking with my Palm.
          "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

          a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


          • #6
            Sounds like my old fiends friends at Robbers Communications.

            Hate them with a passion.

            I'm stuck with them as our LD provider at work and they blow goats. I can't wait for the contract to expire so I can dump them.

            Soup cans and strings would be more reliable than that clown show. 20 years in telecom, I have had more problems with Robbers network in the last year than I have had with any other telco anywhere in the world in the previous 19 years.

            They will never get another cent of mine, no matter what they promise. They can't deliver.

            <rant off>

            Last edited by Bandit; 10-25-2009, 12:24 AM.
            "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
            I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


            • #7
              I think now would be a good time to declare this a -a-thon.

              Thanks to Becks for obvious inspiration.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth patiokitty View Post
                Considering that I'm in the process of looking to add a couple of cell phones to my Bell Aliant account...I'm curious about who you're dealing with. I've heard horror stories about all the cell providers, and I'm leery about dropping my pay-as-you-go Telus phone if there's a good chance that I'll have a mess on my hands...
                I heard that Telus will be carrying the iPhones shortly and depending what their policy is on upgrades you may get one at a reasonable price.
                They may even do what my carrier did which is new customers get them at $200. Since you're on pay-as-you-go you may be considered a "new" customer when you sign up for a monthly plan. I'd definitely ask about that ahead of time though. I know nothing about Telus' policies.

                All Wireless Provider fuckery aside I'm super happy with my phone (on it right now, actually) and the plan we set up is totally reasonable.
                My advice: don't get sucked into larger data plans

                The Boyfriend got a promo for 6G/month when he got his first iPhone last year and in one year he had only used a total of half of what his monthly allotment was.
                Plus you can easily check your usage under Settings so you can keep track of how close to your limit you're coming.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mamadrae View Post
                  Heh, cell folks dread me cause I walk into a store and go "I want a PHONE. No e-mail, text crap, internet capabilites, etc, etc, etc, and it has to be able to survive world war 3 for 2 years."

                  I find it hilarious when they try to get me a blackberry or something. I ask for simple because I suck with technology. Why the hell would I get something with bells and whistles I will never use? I'll pay for them if I am silly enough to try.
                  same here. I do not need texting (can not do that while delivery driving anyway), do no want internet access (at this time what do I need that for), no e-mail, right now I have no need for a 200megapixle camera, capacity to store 1 million MP3's, etc.

                  BUT I DO NEED the phone to be resonablely weather-resistant since I am out in rain, snow, sleet, mud and cold when I deliver as I HAVE dropped one in the snow and cold before (that one died a horrible cracked screen death). I only have a cell phone so I figure get a outdoor type phone is the best bet. I got a great deal on a military grade phone no bells and whistles
                  Last edited by Racket_Man; 10-25-2009, 08:03 AM.
                  I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                  -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                  "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                  • #10
                    My hubby and I chose a pre-paid plan with a phone you can buy at Wally World specifically because we got tired of paying $50+ per month on things we didn't use. The final straw was when we went to every phone store in town and they couldn't provide us with what we wanted:

                    A phone. To make and receive phone calls. No internet, no text, no camera, no video, no music, no GPS. Just. A. Phone. And no, we don't need more minutes of talk time then there are in a month.

                    Now we only pay about $10 per month for both of our phones, and that's only 'cuz we need to add minutes every 90 days to keep the phone active.

                    The best part: Their telephone help service rocks!
                    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                    • #11
                      Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                      My hubby and I chose a pre-paid plan with a phone you can buy at Wally World specifically because we got tired of paying $50+ per month on things we didn't use. The final straw was when we went to every phone store in town and they couldn't provide us with what we wanted:

                      A phone. To make and receive phone calls. No internet, no text, no camera, no video, no music, no GPS. Just. A. Phone. And no, we don't need more minutes of talk time then there are in a month.
                      That used to be me too. I only used my phone for, well, the purposes it's meant for, but these days the extra bells and whistles are definitely useful for me.
                      I need to be able to send and receive emails several times during the day. Because I'm out and about in the city I don't always know exactly where I'm going (Google Maps) and hell, I'm an Internet junkie so yeah, I like having it.
                      But I can definitely see how it would be utterly useless to some people.


                      • #12
                        Sounds like the red logo people. I wouldn't trust them to hit water falling out of a boat, let alone with my money. T's reception was good, but their CSRs blew goats. B's reception is mediocre, and so are their CSRs. Telecommunications in Canada sucks. =\
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                          T's reception was good, but their CSRs blew goats.


                          Telecommunications in Canada sucks. =\
                          When I was with T I had to fight tooth and nail sometimes to get the things that were owed to me.
                          Case in point: I was on pay as you go and would buy unlimited texting for $10 yet every single month without fail I would have to spend upwards of 45 minutes on the phone with one of their CSRs because i was still being charged for the messages I already purchased.
                          Eventually I just got so fed up I never bothered to add more minutes to my phone and just let the damn thing lapse so I could be rid of them.
                          Sadly I'm not in a much better position, which is why your second statement there is so very, very true.
                          Love my phone, haaaaaaaate my provider.
                          We're getting the shaft. :/


                          • #14
                            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                            Sounds like the red logo people. I wouldn't trust them to hit water falling out of a boat, let alone with my money. T's reception was good, but their CSRs blew goats. B's reception is mediocre, and so are their CSRs. Telecommunications in Canada sucks. =\
                            That is the understatement of the century.

                            I will avoid a full rant, but trust me - I know it very well. I deal with carriers and telcos all around the world, and even on the corporate side, the Canadian carriers manage to suck and blow goats at the same time.

                            It's a matter of finding which one pisses you off the least.

                            Can't wait for the new carriers next year.

                            "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
                            I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth patiokitty View Post
                              ...I'm curious about who you're dealing with. I've heard horror stories about all the cell providers, and I'm leery about dropping my pay-as-you-go Telus phone if there's a good chance that I'll have a mess on my hands...
                              AFAIK, there's only one wireless carrier in Canada who uses the iPhone. One British slang term for f***ing someone up the rear end is to "Roger" them - considering the treatment the OP got, it's an appropriate term.
                              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

