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An evening at Disneyland, where sucky customers can truly shine!

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  • An evening at Disneyland, where sucky customers can truly shine!

    Apologies in advance - this is likely to ramble a bit before I get to the "sucky" part.

    Andara and I live about 12 miles away from Disneyland, and we both have Season Passes. In order to get the most out of them, I like to go to the park after work on weeknights, especially Friday night when the park is open later. Andara sometimes joins me on these evening journeys, but more often doesn't. This past Friday, I was on my own. My big interest, aside from the few thrill rides that Disney has, is pin trading.

    Andara and I got off work at the usual time. We stopped at home, and I gathered my pin-trading gear, then headed back out. I made one detour to get a new chair, then headed directly to Disneyland. As soon as I got within 3 miles of the park, traffic stopped. Thousands of people are heading to Disney for their special Trick-or-Treating at California Adventures, as well as for all of the special events going on in Disneyland itself. It actually took several passes around the park before I found a way in to park (I was heading for the Downtown Disney parking lots - park for free for 3 hours there!), and it was a little bit harrowing. At one point, I got to be a Sucky Driver myself, as I misread someone else's cues, and ended up cutting him off to get to where I needed to be. I'm sure that, to him, I looked like I was Oblivious and Single-Minded, but that wasn't the case, honest! =^_^=

    I got myself parked, got some food in the Downtown Disney area, and entered the park. It was packed. As busy as I've ever seen it. I ended up taking short-cuts through dining areas on several occasions, because the "street" traffic was barely moving. Despite that, though, the energy in the air was very much up, and the castmembers all seemed to be in good moods, even going so far as to chat at length with me when their jobs weren't demanding their immediate attention. The only ride I had any real interest in riding this day was Space Mountain, and the line was 1.5 hours long, so I gave that a pass. I spent the entire evening wandering around, trading pins with castmembers and other guests. All in all, it was a fun, productive night.

    So on my way out, I decided to stop at Customer Service at the City Hall building for two reasons: Trade pins (there's always at least one person there with a pin lanyard), and see about some discount tickets for Andara's Mom-and-Aunt, who are going to be visiting later this week. The night has gone so well so far... so, of course, that's when I got to observe The Suck, Industrial Strength.

    The CSRs at Disneyland are very good about customer management, by the way. They keep their voices low, calm, and steady. This serves two purposes: It helps manage the customer in front of them, and it also helps keep other customers in line from getting too much of an idea of how much they're caving to the unreasonable customers' demands.

    Disneyland is TOO CROWDED!

    At Counter #2 is a lady who is going on at length about how the park was too crowded. She literally goes on and on, ranting at length. At one point, she declared that the park should have just stopped letting people in. I overheard her clearly say that she was, "bumped and jostled for nine and a half hours," and I'm pretty sure that she claimed that because of the long lines, she didn't get to go on anything. Since the longest line in the park was Space Mountain, at 80 minutes from the gate. Most of the mild rides seemed to run 30-45 minutes, and the popular rides ran an hour or so. Nine and a half hours is enough time to hit the rides you really want to ride, and even have lunch in the middle. I heard the CSR offer to give her instant-pass tickets for her next day's visit (like Fastpass, but they skip the ENTIRE line, not just 3/4 of it), but that wasn't good enough.

    But, as sucky as that customer was, she paled in comparison to the lady at Counter #1.

    Disneyland should be financially supporting my children!

    This woman had two young girls in tow with her. As she ranted and raved at the poor CSR behind the counter, I managed to piece together these facts about their trip.

    She had some holiday package deal that included $40 in Disney Bucks. That was simply inadequate for her, so as soon as they arrived, she marched to CustomerService, raved about how that wasn't sufficient to feed three people for a day at Disneyland, and ended up being given another $40 in Disney Bucks. Now, at the end of the day, she has come back because she took her girls on Splash Mountain after the sun had set, and her girls got soaked. Nobody told her that it was going to get them wet, much less soaked! Nobody told her it was going to be this cold in California! Disneyland should give her more Disney Bucks so that she can get them sweaters, so that they won't catch diseases! And apparently, they were caving, at least partly, because she said something along the lines of, "Well, that's fine for one of my girls, but what about the other one?"

    Seriously, Disney is not that expensive. I'm a big guy, 6'2" and over 250 pounds, and I can eat comfortably for $10 a meal at Disneyland. I have no doubt that this woman can manage to feed herself and both daughters for around $20 per meal.

    Sadly, I didn't get to hear the full resolution for either of these cases; they were both still going when I left 20 minutes later, after having waited in line, waved several people ahead of me because the CSR with the lanyard was busy with a difficult case (didn't seem to be sucky, just difficult), got my answer (No discounts right now, sorry) and traded a pin. And they were both trying to get more concessions out of the CSRs.

  • #2
    Ugh. Just... ugh. My wife is a Disney addict and we try to go to Disney World at least every other year, usually around the end of September/beginning of October. That way we can catch the Halloween decorations and festivities, and make it to the Epcot Food and Wine festival.

    Yes, it gets crowded when there's a special event going on. (Ever seen Star Wars Weekends at Disney Hollywood Studios? That's a zoo.) What did she expect, that her family would be the only one's there? Oh, wait. Yeah, she probably did.

    I'm not going to even get started on the second EW. I would have torn her apart.

    And I understand about pin trading. The wife and I tend to be particular about what pins we're looking for, but we do tend to do a good bit of trading when we're down there. We just managed to get the display racks for our keepers hung up in our computer room/library.
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      Oh man, you're scaring me! I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow Hope it's not too crowded...

      One thing I do love about Disneyland no matter what is how incredibly polite and helpful the "Cast Members" are at ALL times. It frequently amazes me. The must get some of the suckiest SCs in the world (there's nothing like a SC on vacation, right?) and yet they still have the best customer service around. Unfortunately some people have to try and take advantage of that.

      As for the lady who thought it was too crowded... DUH. It's Disneyland isn't it?! She's lucky they have FastPasses now. Remember how it was without them?
      "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


      • #4
        I tried to go to Disneyland once, and never could FIND the place. (true)

        They owe me a refund for the ticket, food, and souvenirs I didn't buy!
        Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


        • #5
          Quoth Mnemjian View Post
          Oh man, you're scaring me! I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow Hope it's not too crowded...

          One thing I do love about Disneyland no matter what is how incredibly polite and helpful the "Cast Members" are at ALL times. It frequently amazes me. The must get some of the suckiest SCs in the world (there's nothing like a SC on vacation, right?) and yet they still have the best customer service around. Unfortunately some people have to try and take advantage of that.

          As for the lady who thought it was too crowded... DUH. It's Disneyland isn't it?! She's lucky they have FastPasses now. Remember how it was without them?
          Having talked to a number of cast members, they've gotten far more than their fair share of SCs. One trip my wife and I ended up coming to the rescue of a cast member who was being chewed out to a supervisor for being rude and unhelpful. Said SC was not too happy about a couple of other guests saying they were witnesses (I don't remember the specifics. It's been a while.) and backing up the cast member. I do remember her yelling "Are you calling me a liar?" To which I responded, "Yes, I am." She grabbed her kid and stormed off. Felt bad for the kid, but the supervisor was very grateful.

          Somewhere, I've got the url for the Disney cast version of this place. That makes for some really interesting reading....
          "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


          • #6
            Quoth Mnemjian View Post
            Oh man, you're scaring me! I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow Hope it's not too crowded...
            You should be fine. Midweek is always better than weekend (and Friday is part of the weekend for ANY amusement park), and the Trick-or-Treating won't be going during the midweek (I don't think, anyway...), so it should be fairly pleasant.

            See Space Mountain and the Haunted Mansion. Regardless of anything else you do, ride those two rides.

            And I'll be going back Thursday for the full day. Yippee.


            • #7
              I've been to Disney Land once and Disney World once.

              I'm not big on amusement parks.

              I lucked out on not being forced to ride roller coasters because my mom hated them and I'd stay and keep her company when PapaRum and SisterRum were in line.

              However, all other rides? Yeah, I had to ride them. Panic attacks (full-blown, btw) and all. Doesn't make for good memories.

              Haunted Mansion - not a roller coaster is it?

              I know what Space Mountain is. I won't ride it.

              What is "Pin Trading"? It sounds interesting.
              Last edited by CaroPhoenix; 10-26-2009, 10:36 PM.


              • #8
                Quoth idrinkarum View Post

                Haunted Mansion - not a roller coaster is it?
                It's a slow-moving, look-at-the-spooky-scenery ride. Very mild unless you're easily frightened.

                What is "Pin Trading"? It sounds interesting.
                Pin trading is something neat that Disney started doing 10 years ago. Basically, they sell lapel pins in the park, but there are also castmembers around the park who have lanyards with pins on them. You can trade any Disney pin you have for any pin on their lanyard, straight up, and they cannot (normally) refuse.

                To encourage pin trading (and especially pin buying), they have monthly limited releases that are only available from Cast lanyards... you can't buy them from the stores.


                • #9
                  hehe I just hit up Disneyland Sunday and its still stupid packed. cant wait for halloween to be over, during the weekdays arent too busy of a time it seems.

                  Annual pass ftw.


                  • #10
                    Hmm. There's a ride called Splash Mountain. I'm sure we won't get wet.

                    The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Stormraven View Post
                      Hmm. There's a ride called Splash Mountain. I'm sure we won't get wet.


                      You mean on Splash Mountain you splash into water!? Who'da thunk it?

                      And did you get wet?

                      Sorry, but I had to laugh at your pain (or I'd be crying at my own pain).

                      Also, now I want to get into pin trading! It sounds like a blast.


                      • #12
                        Quoth idrinkarum View Post

                        Also, now I want to get into pin trading! It sounds like a blast.
                        To be honest, without pin trading, I'd never get a season pass. Disneyland doesn't have enough thrill rides/roller coasters for me to want to go frequently if that was the only thing I was going for. But the pin trading - now that can keep me occupied for hours, and keep me coming back frequently.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                          Oh man, you're scaring me! I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow Hope it's not too crowded...
                          It shouldn't be too bad on a Tuesday. Most kids are in school, and the huge crowds don't usually land until Friday.
                          Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                          I tried to go to Disneyland once, and never could FIND the place. (true)
                          I'm confused as to how you can miss Disneyland. Explain how you managed it?
                          Quoth Nekojin View Post
                          But the pin trading - now that can keep me occupied for hours, and keep me coming back frequently.
                          He's a junkie, I tell you. Their plan worked.

                          ... quietly hides her 20+ personal pins... >.>

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Quoth Crossbow View Post

                            Somewhere, I've got the url for the Disney cast version of this place. That makes for some really interesting reading....
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth Crossbow View Post
                              Somewhere, I've got the url for the Disney cast version of this place. That makes for some really interesting reading....
                              Care to share? By PM, if nothing else?

