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What does it take? (Long)

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  • #16
    After all of this hassle... have you considered cancelling your current account and just getting a new one?

    It'd probably be easier and take less time/effort/money than trying to make their own freaking system do what it's supposed to do.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      The problem with cancelling is that we're under contract until November '10. To get out is $200/phone.

      And unfortunately, at this point in time, there's really not much competition up here. You're pretty well screwed wherever you go.

      I have no choice at all for cable, and their internet is so far the best.

      I had left B*** for their problems, and R*****s had served me well, up to now.

      We're figuring we wait out our contract and then go pay-as-you-go for the cell phones, or hope to find a company that let's you do seconds, or hope the CRTC lets in some competition (ha - did I really just hope that?).

      As it is, I really don't talk on the phone much, it's more to check voice-mails, but checking a voice-mail takes less than 15 seconds but they get you for the full minute.

      Le sigh...
      No... Just No! And I mean it this time!

