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Gym B*tch

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  • Gym B*tch

    My goal is to lose 60lbs by the spring. (I had a baby in January and I'm tired of the extra blubber) So, I was at the gym today doing the circuit weights when I encounter this genius.

    I was doing leg extensions when blondie walked out between my machine and the next one, and stopped RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY LEGS as I was lifting them up. I said "Excuse me..." and she went "oh..." and moved. Oblivious much?

    Only to do the same thing coming back the other way. Great way to get hurt, lady.

    I continued down the circuit, trying to be patient as she cut in front of me for the biceps curl (gym no-no), but the last straw was after she finished, got up...and WALKED OUT THE DOOR without wiping her nasty ass sweat (literally) off of the machine (HUGE gym no-no).
    I would have said something then, but I thought she was going for the paper towels and spray soap mounted by the door. Nope.

    Why must some people be so gross?
    "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

    Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.

  • #2
    Perhaps she's new to the gym scene? I know I didn't know any the unspoken of etiquette rules when I started going to the gym. However a lot of that seems like common sense to me...a rare and mythical thing I know.
    "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


    • #3
      Mmm...maybe just oblivious. Why would anyone stop in front of someone obviously trying to lift up weights?
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


      • #4
        She obviously believes her ass smells like roses, so in her mind she was really doing you a favour. It just makes the day if minions like us to clean up after a princess!

        I would report her to the gym staff.
        I have done it before, I will do it again.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          I hate people who don't wipe down the machines! Luckily my gym provides antibacterial wipes, so I usually get some and take them around with me when I do the circuit to wipe the machines before and after using them!


          • #6
            My vote is for rude and inconsiderate. Most gyms either have the rules posted (having users wipe down the machines is how they keep them looking shiny new for years), or you have to agree to them as part of the membership (check your fine print, folks!). Used to be that that kind of thing could get you booted out of the gym with your membership cancelled, no refund, thank you very much. Nowadays, I'm not so sure... I've seen more gyms start up and then go under in the first six months than I care to count. The gym may give her umpteen warnings before actually doing anything about it.

            It's not like the other customers can get a refund of their membership if she pisses them off enough to stop going.
            Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


            • #7
              Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
              My vote is for rude and inconsiderate. Most gyms either have the rules posted (having users wipe down the machines is how they keep them looking shiny new for years), or you have to agree to them as part of the membership (check your fine print, folks!).
              This is correct. She was rude AND oblivious.
              "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

              Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.


              • #8
                Ugh, what is it about the gym that makes some people sooooo oblivious? People like that lady seem to forget that you aren't all there to admire her, you're there to work out! Story from my gym: just yesterday some guy was using an elliptical machine next to me and then just all of a sudden jumps off of it and practically runs out the door of the gym without leaving any of his stuff behind. The guy waiting for the next elliptical was but he wiped the machine down (which was really sweaty by that time), cleared the other guys' workout record, and started to use it. Minutes later the other guy came back in and got mad that the guy had "taken his machine." WTF! People are waiting....

                Sorry, didn't mean to threadjack! I have a million stories about stupid gym people though. Just ignore those losers. And congrats on the baby
                "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


                • #9
                  Sounds like someone at the gym I belong to. These people, are so caught up in their own little world, that the thought of someone else being annoyed at inconceivable.

                  For instance, there was a woman, who would talk loudly about various things. Usually, to one of her equally annoying friends. Most of the discussions were harmless--what her daughter was wearing to prom, what they were having for dinner, etc. But, she achieved legendary status one night...

                  As I'm on the elliptical, she got on the one next to me...and then her friend came over to chat. Most of the conversation was harmless. Didn't stay that way though. About 15 minutes of that, she started going on about her husband's um, "bedroom problem" (use imagination here, folks) Seriously, who the hell talks about that crap in public?

                  Didn't stop there. She left, and as soon as I got off the machine, the girl next to me...asked "was she talking about what I think she was?" I replied that she had, and I thought the girl was going to From what I understand, several people complained about Viagara-woman that night.
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

