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thank you for your understanding....NOT! (an epic tale)

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  • thank you for your understanding....NOT! (an epic tale)

    OK this is an epic tale. JUST in case I've replace all names and companies with fake names to make sure I can't get any trouble for telling the tale. OH and I'm PRETTY sure I've not told this tale yet....I think.

    OK so
    Car Company= CC
    Car company guy= CCG
    Road side assistance = RSA
    Car Model= CM
    DH= Hubby
    think that's easy I hope I remember

    OK, so DH and I go and buy a car that will suit our needs, it's a lovely wagon. It's about 3-4 years old and is in great working order.

    So fast forward, I'm driving along, and as is the norm when driving I have to stop as a person has stopped to wait for other cars in front of my. However..instead of my car stopping, it keeps going when I go to break. I slam my foot to the floor...nothing. In a panic I pull the hand break...thank GOD it was working. Also, it was raining and getting dark! So yeah I was shaken up!

    I managed to get the car to roll around the corned into the driveway of some horse racing place. I stop. I'm shaken up. I call DH to come to my aid the call RSA to come see what the HELL happened to my car!

    A lovely security guard comes along to close up the entry and comes over to see what's going on. I tell him what happened, and he was very concerned and really nice. He left the gates open for RSA to come and DH to come. He also left and got a flashlight to have a look at the car. And also stuck around to make sure I was ok. It was dark by now and I was alone.

    DH and RSA show up. RSA guy looks at the car and states that the CC that make our CM have been re-calling them because of a fault in the break lines. Sadly there is nothing he can do apart from call a tow truck. If we tow the car back to our house tonight we lose our free tow and would have to pay for it to be towed to a repairs place. Security guy says we can leave the car there, he'll lock it up and let the next person on duty know what's happened. Then we can come back in the morning and get the car towed to the CC closet to us to get it repaired.

    DH calls CC mechanic closes to us. He's told by CCG that he knows our car! He did the services on it before we got the car. He also confirmed that there is indeed a re-call on the CM because of faulty break lines! Fantastic! DH organises to have the car towed to the CC mechanic. He then talks to CCG again. OH but there is a issue. The CC only did a re-call on the sedans in this CM, not wagons. He can't do it for free. DH is FUMING! We wasted the free tow to take it to them as we were told it was to be free. If it wasn't we would have taken it to our own (much cheaper) mechanic.

    DH and I need the car so we agree to have it repaired. However DH takes it up with fair trading. He lets them know what happened. The break lines are all the same for the CM. The only difference is the car (wagon, sedan, ute whatever) all the CM have the same fault!

    Fair trading investigates the incident. DH gets the faulty breaks after the car is fixed and shows a guy from fair trading. It is agreed, the breaks are all the same for all cars from this run (whatever you call it). CC tries to say it was our mechanic that caused the issue with the breaks. Fair trading investigates more, and no, no that is wrong from the looks of the breaks. DH informs CC that we have the faulty breaks and have shown fair trading. CC shits itself and does a back flip!

    CC then says that yes, all the breaks are the same. All the cars have the fault and they will refund the money spent on fixing the breaks. HOWEVER! The condition is that we return the faulty breaks to them.

    OK whatever, DH and I agree. All we wanted was for the CC to recognise that the breaks are all the same and we should be part of the re-call as it is indeed a fault (a rather dangerous fault) and shouldn’t have to pay for their mistake.

    Fast forward a few months! No check. No contact, no nothing! DH calls up the fair trading guy who’s been helping us. He’s shocked. Apparently he called CC to see if all was resolved. They told him that they had indeed resolved the issue. They had given us the check and spoken to DH and everything was great.

    The fair trading guy was fuming! They lied to him! He calls CC and they once again SHIT themselves! They back flip and say that they are working on the “issue” and that the check is ready for pickup.

    DH goes to pick up the check. CCG greats him and says that he “tried to contact DH” as the check was not there. BUT he’ll just take the faulty breaks for us to “get them off our hands” and that the check is as good as in the mail!

    HAHAHAHA yeah no! DH doesn’t fall for it and says they will get the faulty breaks (the only evidence we have proving they fucked up!) when we get the check.

    So boys and girls we are still waiting for the check…and they still insist we give them the breaks and that the check is “in the mail”.

    Let’s see what happens. All we want is what we should have got in the first place. We’ve gone this far and we’re not going to give up!
    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha

  • #2
    definitely keep them on hand intil the check is in your hands, and it is spelled 'brake' =)
    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


    • #3
      So thats why they didn't work. They word 'brake' was mispelled on the part.

      Keep up the good fight.

      Next time they tell you they have the check, show up with the fair trading guy......

      .....And a lawyer.
      I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


      • #4
        darn it! Microsoft word has failed me again!

        Yes, we're handing over nothing till that check is handed back....however....I think a lawer is a bit much for the amount we're getting back.

        Funnilly enough we think it was the threat of fair trading on their ass that is spurring them on...but it'll be the threat of bad publicity more than anything if they keep it up....
        I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


        • #5
          Quoth Binky View Post
          Yes, we're handing over nothing till that check is handed back....however....I think a lawer is a bit much for the amount we're getting back.
          Even for a small amount I would at least seek legal advice and consider a small claims case for the amount of the repair + court costs. You have a fairly solid case IMO especially if you can get the guy from fair trading to make a statement on your behalf. Just from the gist of your post the company sounds fairly shady and I expect this will likely be the only way you see your money. But then again I have been surprised before.


          • #6
            I used to work in the US office that handled this sort of thing, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. I was in the office that investigated auto safety defects, and ordered the car manufacturers to do auto safety recalls, and also saw to it that they actually did the recalls. The way to get this problem resolved quickly in the US is to send a letter to your congressmen (representative or senator or both). In the letter say that you PETITION them to look into the problem you are having. The fact that this is a petition gets the government agency to act right away, and the car company to put things right quickly so the petition is resolved.

            Since you mention Fair Trade, I'm going to assume you are in England/Australia/somewhere similar. Try sending a petition to your MP and see what happens.
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #7
              So let me get this straight. They lie to the fair trading guy, claiming they gave you the check, then when they are caught in their lie, they say they have the check only to say it's in the mail? How stupid can they be?


