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Cranky old goat...

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  • Cranky old goat...

    The scene - KFC. November. The temperature outside - 55 degrees. (13 if you're in Europe.) Old building, old circulation system. Old goat.

    Old Goat comes in. Well, I imagine he came in; I wasn't paying attention to that bit. For all I know, the floor opened up and he crawled from the sulfuric depths of Hell. Like most nasty customers, he only appeared within my notice, let alone my contempt, when he started yelling.

    Top of his lungs, about how "it's FREEZING in here!" Now, it may well have been; I hadn't shed my jacket, but my hands weren't cold and I didn't really care. Up to the counter to yell at them to turn up the heat. Except the thermostat on the wall says that it's 74 degrees. (24. You know the drill.)

    "I was here all last week and every day it was freezing in here!" he rages. Now, this is a man somewhere between 90 and 200 years old and thin as two sticks. He looks like his part-time post-retirement job involves scaring away crows from a pumpkin patch. Two or three times, he rants at the poor, cowed employees huddled behind the counter that "It's FREEZING in here!" and the employees are forced to insist yet again that they can't crank up the heat any more than they already have. Why he doesn't just leave is a question for the ages; why he keeps coming back indicates that his logic isn't the same as our Earth logic.

    "Guy over here, he says it's freezing, too!" shouts the Cranky Old Goat, gesturing towards the wing where I'm enjoying my lunch. (Mm potatoes.) Now, at the time, I thought he was indicating someone else in the same wing, perhaps seated behind me and also suffering an attack of the stupids. This forum being what it is, I probably don't have to fill in that particular blank. If you have a beef with the management, you do NOT draw me into it. I will make my own complaints. If I have no complaints, I will not commiserate with you just because your sensibilities are offended.

    The staff made a couple of game attempts to turn the heat up, but as soon as the thermostat reached its incremental new temperature and switched off, the old goat would again start howling, "It's FREEZING in here!" and storm up to the counter like his own little weather system, scattering staff in his wake. I want to reiterate that it wasn't even that cold OUTSIDE; the idea that the interior of a fried-chicken restaurant would even be capable of sinking to nipple-stiffening depths is unheard of. And now that I've made you think of an elderly man's nipples, I'll continue.

    I decided I'd had enough of Col. Sander's Grandpa and his extended temper tantrum. I did happen to glimpse out of the corner of my eye that he was wearing an iPod. Not a hearing aid, an iPod. That, I suppose, explained the volume. I went to dump my tray, four feet from the table, leaving my backpack and iPhone within sight at the booth.

    "Hey. HEY! You forgot something." I threw the "ignore" switch, but he was determined to override it. "HEY! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!" I swear, the windows rattled. I shot him A Look (copyright [c] Ben_Who Is Pissed Off Productions, all rights reserved, prohibited in Nebraska), went back to the table, picked up the backpack and iPhone, and headed for the door.

    The trembling counter staff emerged from their hiding places to ask if it was cold or comfortable in that part of the restaurant. I looked at the two-thousand year old man, turned to the staff, and said, "Ignore him. He's a cranky old goat."

    The parts of the staff will now be understudied by the Smiley Players:

    I left, feeling that there's nothing worse than a customer who feels that his longetivity entitles him to have his ass kissed. Should I be fortunate enough to enjoy a healthy old age (and it's a-comin', make no mistake) I hope I don't squander it by ignoring basic respect.

    Love, Who?

  • #2
    Man, I love the way you write. Truly.

    My father in law, whom I love dearly and who is a wonderful person and who turned 85 today, keeps the back of the house, where we stay, at a balmy 80 degrees. I just came from there It wasn't all that hot outside this weekend. I swear it was hotter in the damn bedroom than it was outside in the sun.

    Now, this is South Carolina, and outside, where you are wearing shorts and it's a crisp Autumn day, 80 is nice.

    Inside, where the windows are stuck shut and it's freaking 1 am and you are trying to sleep 80 is...well... for you Europeans 80 translates to "buggering hot."

    I don't know what it is with old people and keeping the house like a crematorium. No wonder they sometimes supposedly spontaneously combust.


    • #3
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      I don't know what it is with old people and keeping the house like a crematorium. No wonder they sometimes supposedly spontaneously combust.
      Some of them have health issues. My grandfather was like that--during the winter, his house was usually pretty warm. He didn't have problems getting around (no joint problems, which can get worse when it's colder), but he did have some heart issues and poor circulation. As such, he'd sometimes get cold.
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Quoth protege View Post
        Some of them have health issues. My grandfather was like that--during the winter, his house was usually pretty warm. He didn't have problems getting around (no joint problems, which can get worse when it's colder), but he did have some heart issues and poor circulation. As such, he'd sometimes get cold.
        Yeah, my FIL had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and has been on blood thinners ever since (he's now 72). He's ALWAYS cold, and the old fart refuses to, oh, put on a sweater or warm socks, and insists on stoking the wood stove until it's practically glowing. This usually starts in September and will persist until May unless my poor MIL puts her foot down and makes him dress warmer. And God help you if you suggest that he doesn't need to light a fire when the outside temp is over 15C - the argument will be spectacular. And loud. :P
        What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


        • #5
          I put the heater on because I was cold, on a day when my beloved family informed me was 'sweltering'. I turned the heater off.

          My internal temperature control system is malfunctioning. I assume the same happens to some elderly people.

          The difference being that I know it, and trust my family to ensure I neither freeze nor roast (despite what it might FEEL like).
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            If a person has hypothyroidism, (you can have it and not know it), you can feel cold even when it's roasting.


            • #7
              Ya know, considering what happened in the movie Drag Me To Hell, you may want to consider being nicer towards old people. You never know if any of them just might grab a button off of your coat and put a curse on you!
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Even if the old man truly felt cold, that's no reason to go screaming at the staff over and over about something they can't control. You'd think that if he felt cold everywhere he went, he might get a clue that it was him and not the thermostats.


                • #9
                  One facility I did some work at, walked into one residents room, and they had their heat set for 95. Yes, 95. The maintenance person that was with us immediately turned it down to about 75 since the resident wasn't in there to say anything.

