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I guess only she's allowed to shop

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  • #16
    I'd have little old ladies push their wagons over my foot before, then tell me that I should take better care in sweeping up all the obstructions in the aisles, completely ignoring my minor yelps of pain and/or alarm. Luckily, I was working at the time, or I would have pulled the cart's front into the air and forward, with or without her, to get it off of me and somewhere else where it can do 90% less harm.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


    • #17
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      I've been told I look kind of severe and give the impression that I would make a poor victim. I don't know if that is true, but I've never had to deal with this kind of bizarre behavior, either.
      The types of people that would assault others (with carts, foul words, what have you) look for a certain type of people. You and I are the polar opposite of that type of person and so don't have to deal with much, if any, of that.

      Scammers generally take a more shotgun approach and will hit up everyone they can reach because they'll get a return based on percentages, so the more they hit, the more they'll eventually get.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #18
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
        The types of people that would assault others (with carts, foul words, what have you) look for a certain type of people. You and I are the polar opposite of that type of person and so don't have to deal with much, if any, of that.

        That really is true. People that suck look for people who they think might just let them get away with their shit.

        Evidently, I don't look particularly "nice."


        • #19
          Heh, I remember shopping at wally world with a male friend. Some old bat kept hitting him in the lower back with her shopping cart and calling him a freak because he wore eyeliner. He told her twice to knock it off. The third time, he turned around, flipped her off, then flipped her cart upside down. He had minor anger issues which he typically reserved to express towards strangers, just the wrong guy to mess with.
          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

          ...Beware the voice without a face...


          • #20
            You know, the last time someone rammed their cart into ME like that, their cart someone mysteriously got kicked halfway across the f**king store. Only when they do it on purpose of course. Or continuously. BTW don't anger me when I'm pmsing or the cart may end up rammed someone you won't like
            My Wajas cave


            • #21
              Quoth Bramble View Post
              TW don't anger me when I'm pmsing or the cart may end up rammed someone you won't like
              Bam Margera? I mean yeah I don't like him, but a whole cart?


              • #22
                Huh I never even noticed that.... Should say someWHERE.
                My Wajas cave


                • #23
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  If someone did that to me while my kid was in the cart, which she almost always is, the scene would end up on the 6 o'clock news.
                  lol your funny I don't blame you though...I would have said some sort of remark to that lady too if she hit me with that cart...what a would have been classic to see the look on her face if the cart came flying back at her..
                  NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                  • #24
                    Oooh! Oooh! I remember this game! My brother and I played it with Hot Wheels when we were kids! OK, we'll both back up and run at each other at full tilt. Last one standing gets the packet of roast beef...
                    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

