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Crazy Taxi

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  • Crazy Taxi

    Crazy Taxi

    Sunday morning I had a guest try and check in, but they didn't have enough to cover the cost of the room. They decided to call a taxi. After waiting some time, they decided to call a 2nd cab company because the first one was taking longer. I knew none of this until I got a call from taxi1.

    Taxi1: Did someone call for a cab?
    Me: Yes
    Taxi1: I'm on my way.

    Shortly after, taxi2 comes and picks up the guests. 15 minutes later taxi1 finally pulls up and calls.
    Taxi1: Introducing themselves and company (not done in the first call)
    Me: I think they already left, but with taxi2.
    Taxi1: Well you're wasting my time!

    Thinks asshole, I think I'll stop wasting your time further by not recomending your company.

    Best Buy Bonus

    This happened the same day. My brother came over to my house to watch South Park episodes until just before BB opened up. We were going be there right at open to ensure a copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii. (Awesome game btw) We get to the parking lot with 5 minutes to kill. My brother opens the sunroof forgetting about the 6 inches of snow that he forgot to clear. Cue much swearing at him.

    I get out of the car to brush the snow into the sunroof as revenge. I figured I had time to kill and brushed the entire car, then went to wait by the entrance since it should be opening any time soon. There was one other guy waiting. Little did I know, he was a Loach!

    It started off innocent enough.

    L: Hi how's it going?
    Me: Not bad.
    L: It's 10:00 so it should be open by now.
    Me: Yep any time now.
    L: I think it's ridiculous that they make us wait out in the cold like this.

    No, dipshit, you CHOSE to wait in the cold! Go wait in your car if you want to be warm. If you get to a store before it opens, you should expect to get everything that comes with it.

    As a side note, I'm glad I got there early because when I was checking out, there were at least 4 copies of the game besides my own that were being purchased.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

  • #2
    Sounds like one of our local drivers. On my paper route once, I found a taxi at the end of ABC Ln and a customer waiting for a taxi at the end of ABC Ave. Figuring out that there was some miscommunication between the customer and the cab (it was highly unlikely in that neighborhood at that time someone else was needing a cab), I offered to drive back to the cab and tell the driver that the customer was just around the corner.

    What did I get? "They told me they would be HERE, at THIS intersection, by THIS SIGN!"
    Me: "Yes, but this is ABC Ln, and ABC Ave is just down the street, so perhaps they got it wrong when they called you?"

    WTF? Buddy, I'm helping you connect to your fare, what's with the attitude?

    I've dealt with this guy a handful of times, and he's always got the same sour attitude. If you weren't in CO, I'd say it was the same guy. Maybe it's his cousin?
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      Quoth Mr Hero View Post
      My brother opens the sunroof forgetting about the 6 inches of snow that he forgot to clear. Cue much swearing at him.
      I just want to know why he's opening the sunroof in November? I don't know where you are in Colorado, but I'm well south of you and, even if my sunroof still worked, there's no way I'd be running around with it open. Hell, I don't even open the windows right now!
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        Quoth Pagan View Post
        I just want to know why he's opening the sunroof in November? I don't know where you are in Colorado, but I'm well south of you and, even if my sunroof still worked, there's no way I'd be running around with it open. Hell, I don't even open the windows right now!
        I'm not sure why. I think he was just being an idiot. Snow was still falling when he did that.
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

