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The Line Cutter Who Wouldn't Quit...

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  • The Line Cutter Who Wouldn't Quit...

    For the last week or two-ish I've been sick at home with a really nasty respiratory infection. As a result, I've pretty much cleaned out my refrigerator and found myself in the position of needing to go shopping desperately the other day. I decide to hit a Kroger which is on the bus route on my way home, and doesn't require too much walking, because I still feel pretty blasted weak (and really really wish that part would go away!!)

    Everything's fine until I get ready to check out. Now, there is a line at the self-checkout stations, so I'm waiting patiently, with about 4 other folks behind me. We move up and I'm slated to be the next in line. Enter The Asshole.

    Asshole is a middle aged man wearing a business suit who wanders up, and appears to be perusing the endcap of DVDs set up directly next to the SCO stations. Asshole is lingering and clutching a few items from the bakery while he tends to linger and stare at the display of tweenie movies.

    One of the four stations clears and I start to push my cart over and Asshole darts over, cutting me off. Now, having been sick, I have no voice, I'm exhausted, and I have no patience. So, I croak out an "excuse me, sir. There's a line!"

    Asshole doesn't even turn around to acknowledge me while he digs through pockets for I'm presuming his loyalty rewards card or something. Instead he waves a hand over his shoulder, as though brushing me off.

    Grr. This does not make me a happy Lupo. So, I call upon the years of vocal training I've had in the past and drop my register so I don't sound so squeaky and belt out a sharp (and deep) "HEY!"

    Asshole startles, and turns to glare at me. I glare back and point to the now 6 or 7 people behind me. "There. Is. A. LINE! We've been waiting patiently, you can too!"

    Before he can respond, the guy behind me pipes up "That's right buddy, get in line!"

    So, Asshole takes a step to the side and gestures for me to go, glaring the entire time. I run my stuff through, and am done in less than 2 minutes. I grab my bags, and turn to leave, and Asshole steps forward again to try and skip the line.

    I pause in grabbing my receipt and look at the line pointedly, and at the woman who has an entire cart full of groceries. I smile at her and wave her over, telling her I'm finished and to go ahead since she's next in line. Asshole glares even more and I giggle inside, but I'm just evil that way. The next several people in line pretty much do the same thing. It was amusing.

    See, I understand he had two items, and if he'd asked politely, I wouldn't have minded letting him in front of me, but he apparently didn't feel the need to ask. I left after that, but I sincerely hope he had to wait until the line was finished. He didn't make an attempt, not even once, to get into line.


  • #2
    I love you...

    Seriously though....great job, especially with being sick.


    • #3

      Sad thing is I wouldn't be as sick as I was/am if I hadn't ignored it and thought it was just a cold, and only going into to get checked out when I couldn't breathe...

      I'm cranky when I'm sick, and Asshole reaped the "benefits".


      • #4
        oh yeah! you rule!

        I hate people that do that! I prefer the self checkouts and use them often. What shits me most are those people who think it's ok to just go in front of you...

        Had it happen so many times I can't count. One of these days I'll get through to one of the assholes that you NEED TO WAIT! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
        I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


        • #5
          I don't even ask to go ahead of someone if they have more items than I do. That's the whole point of a line. They were there first. However, I will try to beat them out if I see them heading for the same line.


          • #6
            There is a difference between only having a few items and the next person in line allowing you to cut, and expecting to be allowed to cut or to just be ballsy and do it.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I why do I have a feeling the guy got into a BMW when he finally did leave.


              • #8
                Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                I why do I have a feeling the guy got into a BMW when he finally did leave.
                Actually I was thinking an oversized pickup truck parked in two spaces that's likely never even been used for its original purpose of off-roading or hauling material.


                • #9
                  One of those pickup trucks that has "hips" and side mirrors that extend nearly 10 feet to the side?
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Lupo I have one thing to say to you.

                    Too many times I have worked at the SCO and have witnessed line cutting. A couple of times I was in line. It pisses me off to know end, there is a line, now get in line!


                    • #11
                      Quoth ditchdj View Post
                      Actually I was thinking an oversized pickup truck parked in two spaces that's likely never even been used for its original purpose of off-roading or hauling material.
                      or a bmw or sports car
                      also taking up 2+ spots because he's "special"


                      • #12
                        2 supervisors at work now call me "The Line Police".

                        Our express registers are setup pretty crappy... in fact, they're much like a 4 stand SCO setup. We usually wind up with 1 line for each side.

                        Then people dart from the side to the next register, and I jump in with a polite "I'm sorry sir, there's a line for both of these registers over there" *points at nearly 10 deep line".

                        I did that politely to one lady today and she yelled and said she was going to get the manager. I wished her a nice day.

                        One time one guy would NOT listen to me, he just kept saying stuff like "You don't have time to ring up 1 cookie? Is it because I'm black?". I rang him up, then he said "You were trying to close and go to lunch or home huh?" with a smug look on his face. I told him "No sir, YOU just jumped in front of a line of 10 people during our busiest time of day, and they look really pissed. If I were you, I would get the hell out of here before one of them makes it physical". He looked over, saw the line I was pointing at, and, well, I've never seen a black man turn pale until that day. He took my advice and hauled ass out of the door.

                        I get away with some stuff.


                        • #13
                          Nice work Lupo, particularly when sick.

                          Actually being sick could be an advantage, you could "accidentally" sneeze all over him.

                          "Oops so sorry sir, it's an involuntary reaction to entitlement whores and line-jumpers. By the way, hope you've had your H1N1 shot, I feel another one coming on! Better get to the back of the line *cough cough* I mean out of the way!"
                          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                          • #14
                            We had this happen recently at my work. I work in a donut shop that's built in a long rectangle. The right end has a fridge the bathrooms a wall then our Java bar. The far left is a square that contains the Kitchen and dish room the rest of the space between is split about 1/3 behind counter to 2/3 in front of counter the entire length.

                            It's a saturday at a donut shop 9:00. Anyone with brains would know this means a line and a low supply of donuts (we close at 1 but the cooks are still going full tilt).

                            One of the girls in the front (I work on the window this day) has a customer and has gone back to the kitchen to get part of there order. This guy comes up to her on the other side of the counter and starts asking her to hand him certain donuts. She does one thinking that he's with the other lady but as he continues she realizes he isn't and tells him to get back in line. (that girl has no problem telling people what's what.) He gets mad, yells about how we always have a line on Saturday and storms out.
                            With his wife.

                            Guess what Sunday his wife comes through the Drive-thru and proceeds to yell at us about the drive-thru line once she's at the window.

                            He complains to the owner which means we have to suffer her Bi-polar, ADHD self (and we're pretty sure she's on drugs but well....)through the next Saturday for somehow it must have been our fault he had to wait in line.

