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first time I've left a 2cent tip

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  • first time I've left a 2cent tip

    I know that it sucks leaving "your two cents as a tip" but I think this waitress truly deserved it (and yes, I did talk to a manager too on my way out).
    She started out not bad (not good, but about the level of service of being willing to write it off as her having an off day), but it went downhill fast. We went in, were served quickly, she got our drink orders and it took a few minutes for her to get the drinks out (it wasn't busy at the restaurant)... but like I said, I'm willing to write that off as having an off day. She took our order, no problems really... did ask a kind of stupid question. I told her I wanted the 12 ounce chicken fried steak and she asked me if I wanted the 8 or 12 ounce :headsratch: ... but like I said, that could be just a brainfart on an off day, hell, I've asked stupid questions like that on my best of days.
    Now is where the problems begin, she brings out the meal, the chicken fried steak is barely covered with country gravy (proper serving has country gravy completely covering it and going over the sides). I told her I'd like a little bit extra, they didn't really put enough on in the kitchen... she told me that would be extra excuse me, extra to get it served the way it's supposed to be served. Fine, I'll deal with it... the pancakes though also... barely any butter. My BF had better luck with his order... until he found out his toast, wasn't actually toasted... the waitresses response was along the lines of "oh well, kitchen must have messed up".
    Up to this point, I know that none of the problems are her fault... she could of handled them better, but she did not cause them. Now though we come to where she starts to suck directly. Not once after she brought out the food did she check to see if we needed drinks etc. It took over 5 minutes after we finished eating for her to bring out the check (at least, because I started timing after we started getting the, wait a tic, where did our server disappear to feeling). She finally brought out the check, we asked for boxes... does she bring the boxes back for us... nope. she goes over and starts flirting with the guys two tables down from us OK, that was the last straw between bad service and you get my two cents as a tip. Seriously, who the hell in their right mind decides that "hey, I have guests who are waiting for me, perhaps I should just flirt with these guys for a few minutes rather than help them"
    I do not know how long it would have taken her to bring a box, but after 7 minutes of waiting (I timed her from the second she decided trying to get into a customer's pants was more important than serving us) I gave up went to the manager, paid out and left a two cent tip.
    I guarantee that is the last time I eat at the IHOP on 53rd and State.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    I had a problem with an IHOP in philly, a new one that just opened, recently with some friends. it was 2am in center city so it was kinda busy, but only a 5 minutes wait. a manager comes up to us and says "I'll take care of you". ok, that is implied he will be serving us? maybe? but he seats us and walks away....

    15 minutes later no one is serving us, we wave down the server who is serving the table behind us and she is all flustered. apparently we are in another girls section, but she couldn't find her. so she shrugged it off and said "ok, I'm a bit swamped but I'll be your server" she was amazing. we sympathized with her being so busy, and gave her props for covering her CW's problem. she warned us the kitchen was kinda off tonight, which was a good warning because we both got the wrong pancakes. so she went in and got the right ones and left us the wrong ones to eat as well. BONUS PANCAKES! we gave her an enormous tip and wished her luck.

    Your server was terrible though, she should have been let go after those couple of stunts.


    • #3
      I hate to tell you this Smiley, but I suspect she was trying to get you to leave by ignoring you. Some people just cant handle guys (or girls for that matter) of the broken wrist verity. Its sad really, but true.


      • #4
        Quoth Mottom24 View Post
        we gave her an enormous tip and wished her luck.
        I hope you gave it to her directly. I've actually heard waitresses fighting over tips from tables where a girl from another section had to cover because the other one was swamped. If the girl who was supposed to be waiting on you was a bitch, she might have tried to claim "her rightful share", despite never having laid eyes on you.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
          I hope you gave it to her directly. I've actually heard waitresses fighting over tips from tables where a girl from another section had to cover because the other one was swamped. If the girl who was supposed to be waiting on you was a bitch, she might have tried to claim "her rightful share", despite never having laid eyes on you.
          We saw her pick it up when we reached the door, so we know she got it. we never did see the other server. we guessed it was one girl serving nearby, but no one, besides the one who covered for her, came to our table to apologize or even look at us.


          • #6
            Reminds me of the ONLY time I've ever felt justified in a no-tip situation. great service/having to put up with my sometimes eccentric friends/having to put up with me on certain days = as much of a tip as I can give without breaking the bank and is still over 15%, average service 15%, poor service/maybe is having a bad day 10%, piss poor service 5-10%, and finally making the ONLY customers in the place have to wait 5 minutes to be seated, 20 minutes for drinks (15 for just ordering 5 for brining out), 5 for food ordering after we've clearly set down the menus one table away from you, serving the food on time about 15 minutes later (miracles of miracles) and almost a full half hour more for dessert and check (dessert was to go... mmmm baklava) all the while aside from those last 30 minutes, being not less than 5 feet away texting, gabbing, not doing anything business related with your phone, then having the balls to say we left no tip = 0% tip and unfortunately for your wonderful cook, less business for him (have actually told friends about this, made them not want to go, and I'll never go back as long as I know it's under the same management.)

            And yes, this was literally two freaking hours, if it had been some Mediterranean feast we had ordered I would expect two hours to sit, and eat, nope we're talking two rather nice sized plate, both of which took about 15 minutes or so to eat, great food, but extremely sub-par on the service, and reminded me of one rul I've followed for years, if the food is from the area where flat bread like Pita is popular, and it's dead on a Friday around dinner in the middle of a busy down town area, DO NOT GO!

            though I have yet to have a problem with any other place I've gone to... aside from the strange looks this southern raised yankee boy got the first time I was in a Wafflehouse.... *pouts* I can has yes?


            • #7
              There is only one instance that sticks in my mind of service so bad that I left a quarter tip.

              We had gone to a Denny's late at night after having gone to Halloween Haunt at Knott's. A couple of us had colored hair spray in, but due to Knott's restrictive costume policy (they actually tried to not let us in because one of us had green hair) we weren't actually dressed up oddly at all.

              When we stepped in the door, there was only one other group in the place, and they were about a dozen people. They were getting their food just as we were being seated.

              It took 15 minutes to get our drinks. Then another 15 minutes for the waitress to come take our order. Then it was half an hour before our food showed up. She never came to check if we needed refills, and one of our group had secured a pitcher of soda from one of the bussers. Then it was another 20 minutes after we were done before she brought the check.

              She actually had the gall to try to blame the other group for the shitty service. We have no idea what she was up to, since she wasn't actually within view for the vast majority of our stay.

              Being young, irritated, and with a couple of more irritable party members, they decided that the quarter left as a tip should be placed under an upside-down glass full of water. We actually put it on a plate, so it could be removed without getting water all over everything, but I doubt the slackers working there would have even looked at it long enough to consider it might be a prank.

              I wouldn't do something like that now, being rather more mature, but I'm not all that sorry that I did it then.

              There was another incident when I was much younger where my family (mom, aunt, brother, and me) walked out of a Coco's diner just as our food was arriving.

              The waiter was snotty and rude from the get-go, we never actually got enough silverware at the table for all of us, we only got half of our drinks, and when my mother told him she would be having a word with the manager, he made some sneering comment about her going ahead and doing that. So she did. The manager didn't look pleased. My brother was dying of embarrassment.

              We ended up having breakfast some other place that day.

              Last edited by Andara Bledin; 11-25-2009, 10:01 PM.
              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                I think the one time I left no tip was when I was at a "Mexican" restaurant and the beans were very runny. I mean, I've had beans enough at other restaurants to know they were runny but not that runny. Anyways, I was promptly informed, "This is not Taco Bell....blah blah blah". I paid with a credit card and made sure the tip line said $0.01. I may have even put lines and stuff around it so that the waiter couldn't do the Letterman trick. There might have been a couple other things that chapped my ass about him but giving me the snob treatment doesn't wash.


                • #9
                  Quoth KitterCat View Post
                  I hate to tell you this Smiley, but I suspect she was trying to get you to leave by ignoring you. Some people just cant handle guys (or girls for that matter) of the broken wrist verity. Its sad really, but true.
                  *ahem* the politically correct term is limp wrist

                  and in Utah I honestly would not be surprised... after all, Utahns do overwhelmingly vote for a legislature that will go on the record saying that homosexuals are the greatest threat to America and publicly admit that it homosexuality should be criminalized. On that note, smart servers treat homosexuals like royalty here, because we are so used to getting shitty service because people don't want to deal with the deviants that when we do get good service we will give HUGE tips (I've before left $10 on a $34 tab).
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Dunno about the tip (MIL took paid the tab) but a few years ago she and I went out to eat breakfast at this mom and pop restaurant that was (literally) walking distance from our neighborhood. I ordered my waffles with fruit on the top and I forget exactly what MIL ordered. But when the server came out with our food, she never bothered to say that they were out of the fruit for my waffles and to top that the waffles were still cold! It wasn't the first time MIL went to that same restaurant and had craptacular service and food from them, because she's the kind to give chances on top of chances which was what she did with them, but that day was the last straw. Needless to say we never never went there again and now it looks like that spot the restaurant was once in is now up for lease (figures).
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #11
                      We had a waitress once not only not come by after the meal (we don't know how long she would have taken, my sister eventually went and hunted her down), but tried to excuse the fact that she was blatantly ignoring us by saying that oh, normally you (my parents) like to wait a while after dinner. Well, that may be true, but it would have been nice to wait around WITH our dessert.

                      And yes, she was definitely ignoring us - after a while of actively trying to catch her attention, we noticed that she was working hard at not looking in our direction. She would move her eyes quickly from one side of us to the other, so that she did not look in our direction long enough to actually see us. My dad left the 1 cent tip (credit card) that he does in that case, but unfortunately the manager backed her up, so he might as well have not bothered. Corporate sent them a gift certificate when he complained, but the next closest location is 15-20 minutes away by car (we live in a city. If you have to drive, it's far, and this one was not only out of walking distance, but a bit of a pain by bus, it probably would have taken 45 minutes to bus there).


                      • #12
                        Quoth KitterCat View Post
                        I hate to tell you this Smiley, but I suspect she was trying to get you to leave by ignoring you. Some people just cant handle guys (or girls for that matter) of the broken wrist verity. Its sad really, but true.
                        Unless Smiley and his date were being obviously affectionate with each other, who's to say the girl would have even picked up on the fact they were gay? They very well could have been two guy friends grabbing a bite to eat and catching up. Either way, it was still sucky of the server to behave in this manner. Everyone deserves a basic level of respect unless that person abuses the priviledge. And even then, it's usually best to at least remain civil.

                        Ugh. Sorry. I just hate it when people assume things about others (not aimed at you, KitterCat. More aimed at the server if you're right ). I admit I do it too sometimes, but I try to keep my assumptions to myself. Off my soapbox now.
                        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                        • #13
                          What bothers me even more than when servers ignore me, is when they RUSH me.

                          I was in a Ruby Tuesdays once and we were 10 minutes into our meal (not even half finished) when she brought over our desserts and set them down and then set the check down next to it!!!

                          I couldn't believe it. I could tell it was somewhat busy, but its not like we'd even been there that long. But i was young and didn't say or do anything about it at the time. I left her a standard tip because i didn't know then that you could use the tip to communicate the level of service you'd thought you'd received.

                          I'm much more outspoken now.


                          • #14
                            Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                            I guarantee that is the last time I eat at the IHOP on 53rd and State.
                            53rd and state you say? Thanks for the tip, and now I know where not to go, not that I go that far north hardly ever, but now on the rare occasion I do, I know where to go to (possibly) get bad service. :-P
                            Coworker: Distro of choice?
                            Me: Gentoo.
                            Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Midorikawa View Post
                              53rd and state you say? Thanks for the tip, and now I know where not to go, not that I go that far north hardly ever, but now on the rare occasion I do, I know where to go to (possibly) get bad service. :-P
                              you know, I keep forgetting we live in the same state (and have the same first name... to my knowledge there are three of us on this sight).
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

