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Started as my brain burp

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  • Started as my brain burp

    but ended with sucky worker...

    Yesterday I headed to my local favorite fabric store. I was armed with a 50% off coupon for things that were not on sale. I picked out my fabric and a few other things then headed to pay. I placed my items on the counter, pointed out that I had my own reusable bag and placed my 50% off coupon on top of my purchases.

    The girl at the register scanned my things then gave me the total. I ran my card through and when I started to sign the slip, I saw my coupon sitting off to the side and asked her if she had scanned it. Here is the exchange:

    FSC (Fabric Store Clerk)

    Me: Did you scan the coupon?

    FSC: No, I didn't see it. (looks at me like I just pulled it out of my pocket and placed it there)

    Me: Oh. Well, I guess it isn't a big deal now, huh? (as a side, I am in there pretty often, have never seen her before but am friends with the manager, I was just going to run it by her when I saw her today).

    FSC: *examines my receipt for a minute then says* Well, everything was on sale except for thedollar items.I could return the dollar items and give you the refund. (There was my brain burp, btw, I totally forgot that the 50% was for non sale items and the 20% off was only for items purchased before noon.)

    I ended up telling her it wasn't a big deal, but her manner towards me just said (as my mom put it) just pay and get out of my face.

    **As a side, this is the same girl who was at the cutting counter when I was waiting to have something cut and just walked away when it was my turn so she could go ring, but didn't explain that, she just walked away. I do love this store as it is small and I can find things I want there....I hope she is just seasonal...**

  • #2
    Maybe it was just Black Friday? I got overcharged at Denny's by 47 cents because the cashier plugged in the wrong tip amount. The service was sucky, so I was already annoyed (Admittedly, they were quite busy). It honestly wasn't worth the argument or the wait, and I didn't want to seem like a total ass trying to wrestle the extra 47 cents back from a server. Whatever. (And yes, I did give a proper tip originally)

    But later I was overcharged $1.50 at Bon Ton. At that point, I was most certainly going to get the proper discount. The computer rang the wrong price and the product was clearly marked. It took at least 5 minutes to explain to the cashier how 50% off of $6.00 is $3.00 not $3.50. (They were 3 pair of socks). I'd been in line for fourty minutes at that point, so an extra five wasn't going to kill me.

    But I know what you mean. Having the cashier tell me it was $1.50 and then giving me the look. I just smiled sweetly and asked her to refund me.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

