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Fabric Store Website and FB

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  • Fabric Store Website and FB

    I recently became a fan of a certain fabric store on the fb. This store's website crashed yesterday b/c of the overwhelming amount of people trying to log on. The comments yesterday regarding the site being down were laughable!

    After the company noted that they would allow the sales that people were missing out on would be extended, people still demanded that the sales be extended. (Uh...selective reading much). People stated "this is enough, I am don with this company...blah blah blah".

    Today I went on line just to see what their online doorbusters were. The site was up and I found two deals that I couldn't pass up (even if it means beans and rice for a month ). I spent 10 minutes conversing with dh about it then another 10 reading reviews on the product. Then I ordered and no problems. It rocked.

    I went back on to fb and in the news feed, there were comments about how it wasn't working still and how the company sucks and eleventy....I will NEVER shop here again...then people started listing their web browser and how it won't work with certain web browsers and that isn't fair.

    Calm down people, they are working on it...they have said they will extend the deal...and I sure that if you call, someone will give you the deal anyway. I didn't realize how catty crafters can be!!

    I posted that I had no problems with my Linux machine and my FF browser and got great deals on two items (just to stir the pot a bit )

  • #2
    Quoth Sightings Reporter View Post
    I didn't realize how catty crafters can be!!
    3 years working at a discount craft store showed me that crafters can be the nastiest, meanest, biggest be-yatches on the earth. I am scarred for life because of that store.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      Quoth Kiwi View Post
      3 years working at a discount craft store showed me that crafters can be the nastiest, meanest, biggest be-yatches on the earth. I am scarred for life because of that store.
      Wow!! I seriously thought about applying at the local Fabric store to help pay for my addiction (and new windows for the house) but after reading the comments, I think I will stay on this side of the cutting counter


      • #4
        Trust me... they are horrbile and demanding in person too. Argh


        • #5
          it's "not fair" that it doesn't work on their browser?

          wtf, it's not like a browser costs anything to download. hell... i prefer safari but my college site is firefox friendly only so what do i do?... i use firefox for the college work.



          • #6
            One more reason I run two browsers. I honestly prefer IE for most of my web browsing (don't hit me), but have Firefox for the few sites that have had their ads compromised by viruses before or whose ads slow things down tremendously, and for when I just have to have two browsers open at once.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

