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  • Impatience

    So it was late, I was nearly home and starving. So I decide to pull into the local arches for some quick grub.

    It's about 11 o'clock and I found out later that there were only 2 people working. There's a minivan ahead of me at the speakerbox. He's sitting there for a good five minutes...I mean, an abnormally long time. I'm not in a particular rush so I sit and wait. Meanwhile, a car full of teens pulls in behind me.

    Finally the minivan pulls ahead to the next window and I pull up to the call box to see a MASSIVE order on the screen (something like forty/fifty dollars worth of food).

    I sit and wait for another four or five minutes without a peep over the com. But again, I'm patient, not in a rush. Oh, and also, it's pouring rain (important to the story).

    After a couple minutes waiting the teen guys in the car behind me begin flashing their lights and yelling at me out the driver's side window, telling me to pull up, come on, they'd like to order. I ignore them because A) I'm not going to stick my head out in the pouring rain and b) I'm sure as heck not pulling up until _I_ get to order.

    They start yelling louder, cussing and swearing and demanding that I pull up. Just about then, the girl comes on the speaker and apologizes, tells me there's only two of them working and asks for my order. I give it to her and she gives me my total. Takes less than ten seconds from the time she answers the com until I pull up.

    I go to the window and pay and she again apologizes. I tell her it's fine and make a joke about what kind of person waits until 1100 at night to order enough food to feed ten people at a drive thru. I pull forward to the pickup window and the teenagers pull up to the pay window. I'm watching them in my rearview hoping they're not asses to the poor frazzled girl when I saw karma take over.

    The driver pulled too far away from the window to reach, he leans very far out of his window (to the point he's almost sitting on the sill), and goes to hand her what is clearly a bunch of cash and a lot of change he's balancing precariously in his hand.

    And he drops it.

    Right into a big puddle.

    I get my food and can't help giggling to myself as I pull away, looking in my rearview and seeing the rude driver out of his car and scrounging miserably in a puddle for his money. I only feel bad that the poor girl had to handle wet money after that.
    My dollhouse blog.

    Blog about life

  • #2
    If he didn't go down to dig out the money, I';d almost say he did it on purpose.


    • #3
      Wow, you were trapped in between suck. First the driver in front of you for taking forever, second for the stupid teenagers for being assholes. I've been impatient toward people taking forever, but not enough to want to get out and swear at someone (only in my head).

      What is it with teenagers in groups that like to act sooooo intimidating? To me, they aren't being intimidating, they're just being annoying.


      • #4
        This happens a lot to me (and undoubtedly others) at a Taco Bell here in town. Their drive-thru is slower than molasses, but it's still faster than going inside! It's double-sucky for the impatient SC because you're boxed in by curbs and other cars, and are thus "trapped" until the line moves along! I've had lots of people cursing at me to pull forward before I've even ordered!

        Never seen epic karma pwnage, though!
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          I saw something like that at Starbucks once, where I was stuck in the drive-thru with a large order being prepared, and I was 2 cars from the window. Someone a couple of cars behind me started honking because they needed their coffee NOW. My reaction to the honking was as there was nothing any of us could do until that order was completed. If that person was in that much of a hurry, they really should have parked and gone inside as it was a nice summer day outside.


          • #6
            Quoth rageaholic View Post
            Wow, you were trapped in between suck. First the driver in front of you for taking forever.
            Admittedly they took forever, But I don't see it being sucky on their end....


            • #7
              Quoth PizzaTheHut View Post
              Admittedly they took forever, But I don't see it being sucky on their end....
              I think people who work fast food/drive thru will say that a complicated order through the drive thru is least that is what I have been told by friends of mine who work dt.


              • #8
                Well, that late the inside is probably closed, and even if it isn't, with only two people in the store it hardly matters whether the big order is at the counter or window.

                I do want to thank you, and even the cars in front of and behind you, for waiting at the box instead of pulling up to the window. Because we can't "park" cars after the doors are locked. People get tired of waiting at the speaker while the only service person in the store is handling the customer at the window, so they drive around. Naturally the order behind them is taken at the speaker where it's supposed to be. So then they get to the window not having ordered, or occasionally having shouted their order at the box anyway after being placed on hold. The food for the car(s) behind them is ready to hand out, and they get all *ssy at being sent back to the speaker to order. Meanwhile, if I were to take theirs at the window, it would make the food for those who used the drive-thru properly get cold and we'd have to do that over again, which would make the orders behind *that* get cold, and basically everything would take twice as long until the line was clear again. Then they call corporate and, instead of giving a truthful account of what happened, go "Nobody would take my order and the manager was rude."
                Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                • #9
                  Quoth PizzaTheHut View Post
                  Admittedly they took forever, But I don't see it being sucky on their end....
                  I see it as being sucky. Orders like that should go inside, given that people go through a drive thru for quick service. But since they don't post something like the express lane rules, I guess I can't fault people for that.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ADoyle90815 View Post
                    I saw something like that at Starbucks once, where I was stuck in the drive-thru with a large order being prepared, and I was 2 cars from the window. Someone a couple of cars behind me started honking because they needed their coffee NOW. My reaction to the honking was as there was nothing any of us could do until that order was completed. If that person was in that much of a hurry, they really should have parked and gone inside as it was a nice summer day outside.
                    *twitch* i hate this. so much. it's physically painful when people honk because of the headsets.
                    also, i'm not sure about other starbucks, but the one where i work only has one set of espresso machines, so it really doesn't matter if you go inside or if you go drive thru. if it's busy, you're gonna wait. we make drinks as they're ordered; doesn't matter if you're in drive through or go inside. i don't get why people get so upset. it's just coffee/burgers/ need to get impatient...
                    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                    • #11
                      I have no problem waiting at the box, because I know it's my option. I know going to the pay window in an attempt to speed things up only makes matters worse, and if possible, I know its my option to pull out of the drive-thru and go park and go inside...or go to another place if I'm in a particular hurry.

                      People I tell this story to in person say I should have yelled back at them, that I was being 'passive-aggressive' by ignoring their behavior. I don't particularly think I was. Their behavior was stupid and I wasn't going to acknowledge it or get into a shouting match with a bunch of kids.
                      My dollhouse blog.

                      Blog about life


                      • #12
                        you were totally in the right by ignoring them. i applaud that. i'm also glad you aren't one of those people that gets all sorts of pissy for having to wait.
                        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                        • #13
                          I don't get people that have to honk in situations like that. Yeah, because you know that makes the experience that much more pleasurable.


                          • #14
                            A strange thing: consistently, when I'd tell someone at the speaker to please not honk in my ear, they'd claim it was someone else. Even when they're the only car back there.
                            Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

