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Why I'm Switching Doctors...And Clinics

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  • Why I'm Switching Doctors...And Clinics

    Due to my own lack of planning, it got to be my 2 week "window" for my next Depo injection and follow up it wouldn't really make much sense to hurry hurry and transfer my medical stuff and find a new doctor.

    I have had many, many problems with the clinic and my doctor in general....the last snafu was my doctor putting down that she was an out of network provider and the insurance company initially charged me for my last entire Pap smear and Depo shot (several hundreds of dollars). I had to call the clinic and the insurance agency to get it cleared, and the insurance company found the discrepency.

    So this morning I call to schedule my shot and Pap.

    I give the receptionist my name, DOB, and doctor's name (this is how they look up your records, and I can only assume your latest history shows up after that, because every other time I've called, before I even get to say anything, they'll say "It looks like you are soon due for a Depo injection and a Pap" *or they'll just say Depo if it's not time for my Pap yet). Although because for the past year or so, they've had nurses scheduling appointments and not receptionists, I've been telling them what I want to schedule before we get to my info.

    The receptionist says, "And you wanted to schedule a Depo injection and a Pap?" and I said "Correct".

    She then says "It appears you haven't had a Pap smear in 2 years..."

    I'll admit it, I cut her off, and said "I just had my last one in June of this year, and before that, it was December of last year..."

    She answered "So you have your Paps every 6 months?"

    I answered "Correct. And in between Paps, I just get my Depo injections..."

    She ho-hummed and said she'd have to put me on hold.....fortunately, it was only a minute or she magically found my records and saw that yes, I do get them every 6 months, and my shots are every 3, and I haven't missed a single one.

    "And who was your doctor again?"

    Bwah? It doesn't show on my records the doctor who performed the Pap?

    I just swallowed hard and said my doctor's name, and asked if I could get an early appointment. The receptionist took it the wrong way and thought I meant that I wanted TWO seperate appointments.....*headdesk*

    We finally got it figured out, but annoying. I'm glad the clinic finally did away with nurses making appointments, since that's not their job and they are too busy for that stuff, but it seems like since they went back to receptionists doing it, no one's info is as up to date as it should be.

    Next time, new doctor, new clinic.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    kinda makes me wonder when they started hiring brain-donors for their receptionists...


    • #3
      Doctor's office personel would rather be beaten, cornholed, sprayed with a firehose, and then nailed to a wall by their skin than look inside the folder that holds your medical records.

      That, Constant Reader, is the God's Honest Truth.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Doctor's office personel would rather be beaten, cornholed, sprayed with a firehose, and then nailed to a wall by their skin than look inside the folder that holds your medical records.

        That, Constant Reader, is the God's Honest Truth.
        My mother-in-law will second that. She's worked in health care her entire career, much of it as a health records technician. Me? I do not and will not work in a medical office of any sort. I would not be able to help myself taking a peek. I'm a librarian, looking inside the file is what I DO. So it's better for everyone if I stick to the engineering sector.
        What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper

