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I am the worst shoplifter ever! O_O

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  • #16
    I don't know what country you're in but frankly it doesn't matter if you're UK/US/CAN/AUS/etc most western countries use Mens Rea as part of their theft legislation.

    Mens Rea literally translated from the latin is guilty mind.

    In a case of theft that means that to be prosecuted you must have mentally meant to steal the item as well as physically. You did not enter the store with intent to steal, there was no intention at any point and you brought the omission to their intention. no court would even look at it

    Plus as a bonus depending on your country/state you have to physically take the item outside the store/grounds before you have even been physically guilty of theft.


    • #17
      Just an FYI, if this is in Canada, the store manager would be deemed "Negligent" and therefore personally liable, and you could sue them personally along with the corporate entities. The LP department could face charges of Unlawful Confinement, and Malicious prosecution.

      If this ever happens again, I would suggest that you contact legal council before you talk to corporate. The fact that you got $100 in a gift card, when the average is $30, leads me to believe you had a pretty good legal standpoint to teach them a lesson, and by accepting the GC, you have basically settled the matter.

      Hope you recover soon.
      Windows Operating System is an oxymoron."

      Oh, You want instant Gratification? Go f*ck yourself then!
      I found the problem. /dev/clue was linked to /dev/null


      • #18
        If Hyena Dandy is happy with the outcome what's the problem ?

        Taking action further would take effort, stress and possibly financial commitment. That's a personal choice. Not really something anyone should tell another person to do.

        In addition people keep talking about being "detained"- which I'm not sure is accurate. They asked HD to follow them and due to the confusion etc HD went. I didn't get the impression they actually insisted HD stayed when he/she was trying to leave. They may only have got away with it because of the confusion but that still isn't "detaining" someone...

        I'm sure it would be possible to make a bigger fuss and maybe get something extra - but that isn't always the best thing, and maybe HD doesn't want to go public as the person who couldn't count their pizzas.

        Personally I'd say viva $100 free food and a conclusion that satisfies the most important person.

        Victoria J


        • #19
          Quoth Victoria J View Post
          If Hyena Dandy is happy with the outcome what's the problem ?
          Marry me?
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.

