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Unprofessional dentist office

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  • #16
    Good point ladodger34. I was looking at it from the point of cost, but those are yet more reasons for not pulling the tooth.
    "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


    • #17
      Try a saltwater (use regular table salt) rinse several times a day to wash out the area and help with the swelling. I just had my bottom wisdon teeth out, and the oral surgeon said that was an easy, but important, thing to do. Past that, if the swelling is still an issue, go see a dentist, now. Call them up and tell them you have a swelling from an extraction that you are worried about, and most will see you on an emergancy basis.

      Also, the HIPAA issue is big in the medical community right now (I work in a doctor/EMS billing office), keep on that angle. The caution being exorcised right now should have someone down on that office with both boots.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #18
        Well the fun just doesnt stop. I now have a sinus infection apparently brought about by the toth extraction according to my regular doctor. Let me tell you this has not been a fun week/month/year.

        I woke up this morning with my nose having a bloody yellow green mucus coming from it (sorry for being gross but accurate) and a headache that felt like a dull axe was being applied to the center of my skull. Called my regular doctor and she found a way to squeeze me in this afternoon. No problem whatsoever i could live until then as it wasn't gushing or anything and the sinus tabs I took where appearing to dull it from and axe to a hatchet at least.

        Get there, she checks me out and confirms its an infection. Since its on the same side as the tooth that got pulled and I've been having trouble with it since monday thats probably where and when it started. Oh joy and rapture! The HMO and the State are definately hearing about this one. So now I have to have a run of antibiotics going on and my regular doctor is peeved highly with dr Quack as

        In other news I heard back from the state board of health who i called when the county board of health said they didnt handle office inspections and stuff and the state board said that they will be talking to the local board as they most certianly are responsible for inspecting public access buildings like that. So i think i may have gotten someone else in trouble for not doing their job as well as Dr Quack. Oh well two lazy birds with one stone is a good deal.

        Ladodger: Yeah a good dentist pretty much does what he can to keep from pulling a tooth. Unfortunately Dr quack doesnt appear to be a good dentist.

        Pagan: yeah I realize that with properly set and adjusted machines I'm not going to get RP from just 6 dentals but with the people in that place I'd not bet much on the equipment being properly adjusted , maintained or trained. And yeah the swelling was a bit much but as I said earlier at least there was a cause for that.

        Geek King: I was doing the saltwater swish but like I just found out today with an infection that doesnt do much good.

        Crosshair: Thank you. I try to be easy goign and don't like to fight but sometimes a person just has to drop the kid gloves and stand up for themselves. This guy needs to learn to be more respectful of his patients, regardless of their income. You know I wonde what kind of customer he is when he goes to the store? Probably a major entitlement hore.


        • #19
          Good God! I had five wisdom teeth pulled and had no idea things as bad as THAT could go wrong! The worst problems I had was when they used stitches when my left lower one was pulled and food got into the folds and irritated it. I guess I'm lucky I got a good oral surgeon, and I was on Medicaid too.


          • #20
            Quoth ditchdj View Post
            Good God! I had five wisdom teeth pulled and had no idea things as bad as THAT could go wrong! The worst problems I had was when they used stitches when my left lower one was pulled and food got into the folds and irritated it. I guess I'm lucky I got a good oral surgeon, and I was on Medicaid too.
            *Five*??? Did you have an extra in there? Were any of them referred to as #33?
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #21
              I am so sorry for all you are going through. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. I also had to have four teeth extracted when I got my braces. They did those two at a time.
              I had no infections and healing wasn't too bad.

              When I got the wisdom teeth pulled they gave me a gauze "headband" that I could fill with crushed ice and wrap around my head. It made me feel better. Have you tried ice?

              I hope that dentist's office gets what's coming to them.
              "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
              "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


              • #22
                Looking at my post from 12-07-2006 and seeing that you DID get an infection, I think I better start playing the lotto. Thanks for keeping us updated and I hope you get well soon.
                "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                • #23
                  Update your issue with the Dr Q to include the sinus infection.

                  Update your paperwork w/ the officials and reference this sinus infection diagnosed by Dr Nice.

                  Make sure he gets the book thrown at him.

                  In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                  She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                  • #24
                    5 wisdom teeth? isnt that a sign of being an EBE? Wow.

                    zumzum: yeah i tried Ice didnt work, but then again being cold sensitive doesnt help in that regards. The antibiotics are working a lot better now though.

                    Crosshair: good luck on the lottery thing, if there's any winnings let me know.

                    Cutenoob: Already updated everyone that needed it. Dr Nice gave me copies of her report to attach to the state. I'm not sure if she is going to do anything independent or not but at the very least she isnt goign to be recommending him to anyone.

                    as for throwing the book I've been trying to throw the library at him!

                    But as it stands now its all pretty much in the hands of the state. If anythign else major happens I'll let you know.


                    • #25
                      *Five*??? Did you have an extra in there? Were any of them referred to as #33?
                      Yeah an X ray showed one behind my right top one. When I got the original one pulled, I just let the one behind it decend right in and then had it pulled. My childhood dentist told me that it's best to just have all your wisdom teeth pulled because they made of a different kind of enamel that can break apart and cause problems. My upper right one had most of its enamel just chip away and I was spitting out bits of enamel a lot. One night it started hurting real bad because a lot of nerves were starting to get exposed so I hurried up and got it pulled. Then a lot of cavaties started showing up in my lower ones so I got them out too.


                      • #26
                        Enough with the damned paperwork, call people! Starting with say, your Congressman, Representative, Govenor...this is state issued care, right? Go right to the top and let the head guys in charge know that there is a real problem, and you feel that you are being discriminated against because of your financial situation, and that your right to privacy has been violated. Also, bring up lawyers and the ACLU. It might not be a bad idea to call the ACLU and tell them how you were treated and why you think you were treated that way. (The ACLU can be a fun bunch to have behind you, even if you think they sound like a bunch of butthurt whiners on occasion).

                        Its one thing to read and file away paperwork, its another to have to listen to the person on the phone and deal with them in real time.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #27
                          Quoth Rahmota View Post
                          Ok thanks again for the info.

                          I really need to find a new dentist. I have trust issues because I had been going to mine from the time I was 3 until I was about 30. One thing for sure, if they even look like they're gonna try to use gas, I'll be out of there so fast!
                          Gas, when used properly, can be a good thing. My dentist can't touch me without it, and he also knows I need, and can deal with, a double strength dose. I've been seeing my dentist for about as long as you've been seeing Dr. Nice.

                          Is there any chance that their office would be willing to take payments on any procedures you need in the future? After all these years, my dentist will work with me if/when I need to.

                          Good Luck!
                          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                          • #28
                            Oh my god. O_O Was I in that situation I would have just walked out, as I have a serious fear of the dentist and have been going to my current one, a friend of the family, all my life. I have a craven fear of having teeth pulled, which is the reason why I am prepared to pay whatever so that doesn't happen and also why I have 2 wisdom teeth growing out the side of my left gum that are still there.
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #29
                              zzap: I spoke with the HMO, which yes is state issued and backed, and have a casse number and all that. They are actively investigating Dr Quack and we are getting along quite well on that. They where quite pleased ,in a way not pleased I got an infection, to hear about the infection as that is another major no-no for a doctor's office to have someone get an infection from a "simple" procedure.

                              As for anything and anyone else unfortunately they all have their own hoops to jump through and trying to cut around those hoops either takes friends or money or both. None of which I have so I have to go through the hoops. Especially as calling the govenor would be pointless right now since hes too busy packing and his replacement is too busy redecorating the office

                              Not sure about the ACLU on this one. Much as I want to get Dr Quack I dont exactly want a media circus in this. I've already got the HMO and their regulatory agency sicced on him, the state dental liscencing board, the state health agency, and the local health department plus I'm making sure anyone i talk to hears about this. So since this is still essentially small town america word of mouth should make sure it gets around about him. Of course bad thing about tat is ever play the telephone game? For all i know by th time it gets around he killed me and I'm suing him or who knows what.

                              Primer: I dont know about gas as I've never had that done on purpose, aside from a few cars that had an exhuast leak before. But I'e never had any anethesia done in my life aside from novocaine.

                              My dentist ol'doc in this case has a policy of not taking payments for most patients due to too many folks scamming them about it. Another one of those cases of the sucky few shafting the responsible many. Though they said they might work something out with me they'd have to see what they can do. Dr nice is my general practitioner.

                              lace singer: i dont know why I didnt walk out either. Just wasn't thinking I guess. Shows what happens if I dont get my morning java.


                              • #30
                                Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                                Oh my god. O_O Was I in that situation I would have just walked out, as I have a serious fear of the dentist and have been going to my current one, a friend of the family, all my life. I have a craven fear of having teeth pulled, which is the reason why I am prepared to pay whatever so that doesn't happen and also why I have 2 wisdom teeth growing out the side of my left gum that are still there.
                                Lance it's really not as bad as it's made out to be. If you have a good dentist, the the very worst you'll feel is not pain but discomfort, from the novocaine needle. The pulling itself you dont feel. You only feel some pressure from them securing the extracting tool onto your tooth. If the teeth growing out the side are already above the gum line they just attach the extracting tool and it just pulls it out. Afterward just follow the dentist's instructions on caring for the site where the tooth came from. Mine all went smooth, and after the novocaine wore off I didnt have any pain or swelling at all.

