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An All New Suck Sighting

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  • An All New Suck Sighting

    So after grocery shopping I decide to get some chicken at KFC, but after I get my chicken and get back in my car, I notice an Envoy in the middle of the parking lot. I figure they are leaving, start my car and get everything set, but the Envoy is still there blocking me and everyone else from getting out and anyone from getting in.

    Hmmm, the driver is on his cell phone, but looking angrily at the store. And after he gets off his phone, he still sits there staring angrily at the entrance.

    Okay, let me use my vast psychic powers to figure out what is going on. You noticed that they left something out of your order. You have two options at this point; you can be a human being and go back in and inform them of their mistake and wait patiently for the missing item or you can be a Jack Ass.

    You actually pulled out of your parking space and blocked the lot before you called them on your cell phone to inform them of their mistake. And now you are not going to move till they get you your missing food. Do you really think that your temper tantrum will get you your food faster? Do you think you are making anything but a bad impression on them? Oh and by the way, there is a SEMI TRUCK on your bumper and I think he wants you to move.

    Suddenly his little Envoy wasn't the biggest on the lot anymore and he decided he should get out of the way. Lucky for him, they came out with his food before the truck driver got to him. You could tell he had figured out what was going on as he just shook his head when he saw me watching.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

  • #2
    I'm convinced these people were also the bullies in their classes growing up. Because they don't care what other people think and they're a-holes to everyone around them. Good grief!
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

