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Minor Self sighting plus bonus brain burps!

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  • Minor Self sighting plus bonus brain burps!

    I was at the local Wally the other day, doing the little bit of grocery shopping needed to tide me over for the next couple of weeks and to deposit my paycheck. I get to the checkout, and as the cashier is almost done ringing up my order (it was small, enough so that I went thru the express checkout) it occured to me... I hadn't yet deposited my check! ACK!

    If I try to pay for my groceries now, it'll either be a declined sale or else the bank will smack me with their outrageous overdraft fees. GAH. So I ask the cashier if she can suspend my transaction for just a few moments, thinking that she can ring the next folks thru while I run to the bank (in the building, maybe 150 feet away) and deposit my check. She says sure. So off I go, feeling like a ditz. Get there, thankfully there usually aren't any lines at the bank. Fill out my deposit slip, go to the teller and hand them to her, trying to find my bank card... oh DAMN... I don't have it with me. Ok, no problem, I'm right here, I'll just get enough cash to pay for my groceries. Go to pull out my ID... um.... I know it has to be here somewhere.... maybe? Oh no.. it isn't. But the teller is cool, lets me get the cash anyway, says the deposit slip I filled out is enough verification. Whew!

    So run back to the cashier... she had WAITED for me to get back.... I kept the people in line behind me waiting the extra 5 minutes or so it took me to get to the bank and back! *feels like a complete heel* I did apologize to the cashier and the people behind me for making them wait, and they seemed ok with it, but still....
    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga

  • #2
    You weren't sucky if you apologized, especially not if you were sincere in your apology, not just some off-handed or flippant remark. If I'd been waiting, I'd have been cool with it.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      We all have ditzy moments. But I don't think you were really sucky because you specifically asked the cashier to suspend the order, not to wait around on you.

      Other possibilities are that the cashier didn't comprehend suspending an order (sad but often true when I worked at the grocery store) or maybe she'd been waiting on a keyholder to come and suspend the order and you just beat them to punch.


      • #4
        What Gerrinson said.

        And knowing how long it sometimes took the CSMs to come take care of things for me (including suspending a transaction), I wouldn't put it past that possibility.
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #5
          Perhaps her sup or AM was one of those ones where in the time it takes to come up and suspend a transaction, the customer would have had eneough time to leave the line and come back with whatever missing item three or four times (coughcough half the CSMs I worked for at Big Yank cough cough)

          Certainly not sucky. You apologized, and they seemed okay with it. Sounds like more of a ditzy brain burp here.


          • #6
            Yeah, I'll go with everyone else. You'd just had a forgetful moment, and you'd done what you could to fix it without inconveniencing everyone else. We probably won't ever know why the cashier didn't suspend the order, but that part's certainly not your fault.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


