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I didn't kill anyone, give me a cookie (long)

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  • I didn't kill anyone, give me a cookie (long)

    I don't even know where to begin with this so forgive me if this is fragmented.

    My driver's license was due to expire this year, last month to be exact. Well, thanks to the identity theft vigilantes, they no longer put your social security number on your driver's license. Fine. But- I couldn't renew my DL w/o providing proof of my social sec. #. Now- last I checked, they were telling people not to carry their ss card with them. So naturally, I not only didn't have it with me, I had no freakin idea where it was. Since I'm a SAHM, I had absolutely nothing else that had my SS# on it. I know I waited til the last minute, and have only myself to blame- but in my defense- everyone in our house has been sick and we're remodeling- my driver's license is truly the last thing on my mind. So, moving on....

    I got online and went to the soc. sec. webpage. It said, you need a photo id and one other form of proof- preferably a birth certificate or passport. Fine. Can't find that either (haven't had to prove I've been born lately, and did I mention the remodeling)?

    Went to the website for the city where I was born. Can only get a copy in person or in the mail. Ordered a copy of my birth certificate for $20, b/c of course it had to be a certified copy with the super special seal pounded into it. Pfft. Granted, they were damn speedy in getting it to me. I mailed my check on Sunday, and got my certificate on Tuesday. Holy crap! I was deluded with a false sense of optimism. At this point, I began to plan my trip to the social security office, or as I now call it, the shithole 5 layers beneath hell.

    Naturally, it's located downtown right next to the most popular bus stop in the world. I headed down there with my daughter in tow, and about fell over when I found a parking spot right in front of the building. Surely, this must be an omen, that my time here will not be so bad after all. Think again sucker.

    The building, being a federal building, is now guarded by large stern looking men who melt into goo when my daughter bats her baby blues at them. Handed over my purse, keys, watch and they put it through the xray thing- then I walk through the metal detector. The guy takes one look at my expired license and tells me where to go- obviously this must be a common thing. We enter the soc sec office and it's...... icky. They've taken out most of the personal contact, and I know why, because if I worked there, I'd be popping valium like tic tacs.

    I go up to this machine with a numerical pad- you put in a number which tells them why you're there. #1, your name changed- #2 lost social sec. card, etc. Then it spits out a little piece of paper with a # on it and when it's called, it's your turn. When we approach the waiting room, I realize that I am SO OUT OF MY ELEMENT. This crazed old woman is trying to flag people down to tell them something- but she doesn't speak decent english so no one can understand her, then she sits down and starts babbling to whoever had the bad luck to sit there. Then this guy is pacing and ranting about how he's going to lose his house deal if they don't hurry and he's got a cab waiting for him and it's already up to $20 just for the cab. At different times, different nutcases try to half-heartedly storm the office and are stopped by the security guy who has clearly seen this before. We sat there for 45 minutes before they called our number, watching various people have nervous breakdowns waiting for their turn. One guy's number got called, and he started shouting "Praise the Lord" over and over as he walked up. My toddler put these people to shame, she behaved incredibly well and the adults were the ones having tantrums.

    They finally called my number. I approached the window with my document downloaded from their site and completely and neatly filled out, my birth certificate and expired DL in my hand.

    You know what he said?

    We can't issue you a new social security card because your driver's license is expired.

    I ask the obvious question. "If I can't renew my DL without my social security card, and I can't get a replacement social security card without a valid DL, how am I supposed to rectify this"?

    Well, he knew just what to do. He printed out a piece of paper with my information on it and stamped it, and said the BMV would accept it as proof. Then I can come back with my renewed driver's license and get a replacement social security card. (Yeah, I want to come back here ASAP).

    I looked at my new "proof". I swear I could have just made this at home. It was that generic. Of course I wouldn't I immediately drove over to the BMV and renewed my license.

    Then you know what happened? That's right, it's not over. I left my daughter with a sitter a few hours later and went to the store, and looked for my new DL so I could buy some cold medicine- whiskey I can buy easily, cold medicine I need ID for. It wasn't there. I looked in both pockets, could NOT find it. I can NOT go through this twice in one week. I drove to the BMV and looked through the parking lot, figuring it must have fallen out of my pocket. By sheer chance, they weren't closed yet, so I went in to see if it fell out in there or if someone turned it in. The lady at the desk was the same one who I talked to earlier, we chatted quite a bit and it was nice to talk to someone who wasn't growling at the wall. She happily gave me my license that someone found in the parking lot.

    She was, in fact, the same woman who told me that I didn't have to go to that grungy social security office in the first place. There is a much nicer one on the west side of town where the affluent folks live

    Next time I have a day like that, I'm going back to bed before it gets any worse.

  • #2

    My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
    I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


    • #3
      My Grandma would have been stopped at the get go - she has no birth certificate. She was born at home and the attending physician didn't record the birth with the county. The only proof we have that she was born in the US is a handwritten adoption certificate between her Mom and her paternal Grandparents.

      Grandma's Mom took her back when she was 11 because she was now 'useful' - which is a whole new and improved can of worms.
      Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

      I'm a case study.


      • #4
        Quoth Cia View Post

        Grandma's Mom took her back when she was 11 because she was now 'useful' - which is a whole new and improved can of worms.
        Hope she was contributing to a therapy fund, sounds like it was needed. People have such a warped view of kids- I'm an only child, when I was little people used to harass my mom that she should have more kids in case I died. Cause, you know, that would make it less heartbreaking. My mom, who can deliver a smackdown like no other- and you don't even know you're getting it, would often respond that she didn't believe in the "heir and a spare" thing.

        I would have started drinking heavily, but I needed to take care of my daughter who was ready to implode from being coerced to sit still for too long- so I took a couple xanax instead. Such a lovely state of calm followed. And I stayed the f##k home and gave the world the finger.


        • #5
          "Heir and a spare" LOL Haven't heard that one in awhile. My dad used to say that he had two sons in case he had to kill one of them. When my second son was born, I looked at my dad and said, "I had two sons so that if one of them decides they're homosexual, I'll still get grandkids out of the other." Just a big ol out of him on that. My brothers fell down laughing.
 do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

          Chickens are Asexual!


          • #6
            Mighty Girl, I hear your pain....

            Two years ago almost, I got married. Six months later, I finally decided to get my name changed (I was excited to be dropping five letters with my new name - maiden name sorta long and polish).

            The day before Thanksgiving, my boss decides to close up shop early around noon, so I figure this would be a good time to head on over to the SS office. About a month previous, I asked them what I needed to do this: Driver's license and marriage license. I asked them "ARE you SURE that's all I need?" Them: "Yup."

            I go over to the office and head on in with driver's license and m/license in hand. I take a number and proceed to sit. And sit. And sit some more. There were only two other people in the waiting area. As I'm sitting there, I notice all these fluffy happy diversity posters, to remind us how we need to be tolerant of everyone, etc. and so forth. IOW, stupid posters that do absolutely nothing nor inform anyone there of actual changes in policy regarding the business they are there for.

            After waiting an hour, they finally call my number. I tell the lady what I'm there for and hand her my items. I then find out, matter of factly with that flat tone of civil servants, that I NOW need my birth certificate. I have NO clue where it is and certainly don't carry it with me. I then explained that I spoke with someone on the phone and they said this is all I needed.

            Another civil servant tore herself away from the tray of cookies and said, "Oh, they changed the policy". I asked her when they did this. She replies, "About 3 weeks ago".

            Now I'm thinking that maybe a poster or some kind of signage would have been helpful so that I didn't waste my time to find out that I didn't have what I needed in the first place. But of course, that would make sense, and we wouldn't want to laden the SS office with informative posters now, would we?

            I still haven't changed my name.


            • #7
              Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
              "Heir and a spare" LOL Haven't heard that one in awhile. My dad used to say that he had two sons in case he had to kill one of them. When my second son was born, I looked at my dad and said, "I had two sons so that if one of them decides they're homosexual, I'll still get grandkids out of the other." Just a big ol out of him on that. My brothers fell down laughing.
              Nothing pissed me the hell off more than some dumbass telling me I could always have more children after my son was stillborn. Like that would somehow make up for my son that died.
              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


              • #8
                Grandma hated her Mom with a passion. Her Mom had more kids but Grandma never acknowledged that she had siblings so I don't know how they treated her. One of her Mom's husbands tried to 'mess with her' (Grandma's words) and when Grandma told her Mom her reply was "Why did you lead him on?" Karma got that asshole in the end because he lost both legs in a train accident.

                I've always wondered what Grandma's life would have been like if her Dad hadn't died in the 1918 Flu Epidemic.

                MG, what kinda cookie do you want? I have mollasses, choco chip and coconut macaroon.
                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                I'm a case study.


                • #9
                  Quoth Cia View Post
                  I've always wondered what Grandma's life would have been like if her Dad hadn't died in the 1918 Flu Epidemic.
                  My grandmother lost both parents in that epidemic. Luckily for her and her sisters her father was an Oddfellow. They were raised in a home that was also an "old folks home," so the kids had surrogate grandparents growing up.

                  There are many reasons that birth control should be cheap, easy to obtain, and mandatory for many.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Shacky, I feel YOUR pain, too. Try going to a DMV in NJ to get an ID to replace your now out of state ID. Look at all the different forms of ID you need for your "6 points". Use the handy checklist on the website. See you have everything you need. Take your choices with you to nearest DMV. Have them tell you that you still don't have enough "points". Go back later with every piece of paper that you can find in the house with any combination of your name, address, SS#, etc. on it. During return trip, get a different clerk who accepts the original pile of documents.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      I had that kind of trouble just trying to open an ISA. I'm epileptic, dumbass, I'm not allowed by English law to have a driver's licence!!
                      "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                      • #12
                        Isn't there something in UK law that says you can drive if it's been more than a year since your last seisure and your doc t hinks you're good to go?



                        • #13
                          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                          Isn't there something in UK law that says you can drive if it's been more than a year since your last seisure and your doc t hinks you're good to go?

                          Yeah, but you still have that year gap to wait. I think for lorry-driving the wait is five years, and one seizure automatically disqualifies you for armed services and piloting licence. That last one is the one that grates me.

                          That said...I'm actualy 2 and a half years spazz-free...but I can't start driving lessons until the new year because I have to get verified by my doctor and I need to find a school in Winchester.
                          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                          • #14
                            Well, at least you've got thirty months without an attack - that's good to hear. Good luck with the doc!



                            • #15
                              Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                              "Heir and a spare" LOL Haven't heard that one in awhile. My dad used to say that he had two sons in case he had to kill one of them. When my second son was born, I looked at my dad and said, "I had two sons so that if one of them decides they're homosexual, I'll still get grandkids out of the other." Just a big ol out of him on that. My brothers fell down laughing.
                              I know I'm continuing OT, and I apologize. It's just that this "heir and a spare" thing strikes home. Apparently, that's how my father felt -- a few months before he died, he re-wrote his living trust to make sure I got the smallest pittance, and my brother got the lion's share -- what must have been at least 100 times as much as I got. (All because my father had some sort of misguided grudge against my wife. This on top of my finding out that my birth was a result of my father not taking no for an answer one night kind of gets to me, you know?) So it seems that my brother was the spare, and I was deemed (almost) worthless.

                              Sorry, but that just struck a nerve and I had to vent. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread...
                              I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6

