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FailureShop ( Argh! )

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  • FailureShop ( Argh! )

    Is it just me or does FutureShop seem to be staffed by monkies? Maybe its just the one near me...

    It took 6 different employees to ring up my stuff. *6*. 3 clerks, 1 floor guy, 1 ASM and 1 manager. You heard that right. 6 different people and around 20 minutes of my time were required to check out. Why you ask? Was I being an SC? Nope, not at all. Heck I only had 4 items. So what was the crisis?

    Hell I'm still not even sure.

    Floor Geek in the games/electronics section was cool, being a fellow geek. No problem there. He brought my stuff up front to be checked out, told the clerk what it was and how it needed to be rung up and left. So good so far.

    The clerk struggles to ring it up properly. She doesn't know which serial bar to scan. She doesn't know how to enter items that are part of a bundle or sale. She's pretty much floundering and the line behind me is of course growing. So I step aside and suggest she get the folks behind me real quick. She gets them cleared. Then back to trying to process my retail adventure.

    Eventually she gives up, apologizes and brings my stuff over to the other register for the other clerk to ring up. Cutting through that clerk's line up of 4 or 5 people in the process. I immediately move to the end of the line. I'm not cutting ahead of a bunch of people even with the clerk's approval. I maintain a mental zen of non-SCness at all times.

    I wait in line and finally get back up to bat.

    Round 2:

    This clerk doesn't know how to scan the items or enter sales either. Sigh. She summons clerk #3 behind her to help. Clerk #3 doesn't know either but it doesn't stop her from trying several times. Finally she just says "You know what just clear it and do it again, it'd be faster." Wee~

    Floor Geek walks by, sees me, comes over and says "Jesus, you're still here?! Whats going on?". I explain, he talks to clerk #2, explains how to ring the stuff up, what she's suppose to scan, etc like he did with clerk #1. Clerk #1 meanwhile is looking over at me from her register with a mixture of pity and "Oh god I am SO sorry" on her face.

    Clerk #2 too attempts to ring it up again....epic failure. She even managed to get it to ring up $50 cheaper then it was suppose to be. No I did not crack a stupid SC joke about that. ( Well if it scans for that it must be that much! ). I am One with the Unsuck.

    She also attempts to pitch me a 2 year extended warranty for like $6.99 on a pair of computer speakers worth $19.99. Needless to say I politely declined that offer.

    An ASM is finally summoned. He appears out of no where like some sort of magic retail genie. He hits like 3 keys and solves everything. I am quite thankful but wish he had been summoned 10 minutes ago.

    So, now everything is rung up annnnd.....oh, you can't input any special deals or bundles unless you have the supervisor's approval code. I'm sure there's a logical reason for this but when its Christmas shopping time and half the crap in the store is part of a sale or bundle deal this seems rather ineffecient.

    So a supervisor is summoned. He too magically appears out of nowhere. ( Is there a trapdoor behind the register? ) enters his code and viola! Finally! Please, take my cash, take my entire wallet, just let me LEAVE. ( sob ). It wasn't even that busy in there since I'm not foolish enough to Christmas shop in the afternoon or evening. I head out first thing in the morning.

    All through it I just smiled and stayed polite. A concept so utterly foreign to most shoppers I'm sure the people in line behind me thought I was insane.

    I try to go to Futureshop as little as possible because there's always some monkeydance whenever I do. Even if there isn't you have to fend off their floor guys like vultures. Especially if you're in the computer section. Last Christmas I was looking for a photo printer for my folks and I was asked if I needed help by no less then 4 different employees inside a 5 minute period and I hadn't even moved from the printer aisle. Finally one of them "staked me out" and told every other employee that came near me that I didn't need help. Yet he kept hovering around me.

    Salivating for a comission I guess?

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    Round 2:

    Clerk #2 too attempts to ring it up again....epic failure. ?

    Gravekeeper's Faliure
    Upon activation this item will cause all vendors or auction house counters in the radius of effect to malfunction, causing all transactions to take 5-30 minutes longer than normal. Only usable by gnomes.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #3
      Quoth Geek King View Post

      Gravekeeper's Faliure
      Upon activation this item will cause all vendors or auction house counters in the radius of effect to malfunction, causing all transactions to take 5-30 minutes longer than normal. Only usable by gnomes.
      Gnomes? Hey! I'm clearly Foresaken. ^^


      • #4
        To start off GK, as an FS employee, my apologies.

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Is it just me or does FutureShop seem to be staffed by monkies? Maybe its just the one near me...
        Similar at my store, we need people in, but they haven't been properly trained.

        Floor Geek in the games/electronics section was cool, being a fellow geek. No problem there. He brought my stuff up front to be checked out, told the clerk what it was and how it needed to be rung up and left. So good so far.
        That sounds similar to me! YAY!

        Finally she just says "You know what just clear it and do it again, it'd be faster." Wee~
        This is called a major mess, where clearing it is quicker, usually.

        I am quite thankful but wish he had been summoned 10 minutes ago.
        You're lucky you got one like that. Most Floor managers know less about the tills than the cashiers!

        I'm sure there's a logical reason for this but when its Christmas shopping time and half the crap in the store is part of a sale or bundle deal this seems rather ineffecient.
        Those sales are usually pre-programmed in the system. When a code is needed, It's because of a manual change in the system, which are fairly infrequent, unless GHQ goofed.

        He too magically appears out of nowhere. ( Is there a trapdoor behind the register? )
        I've wondered that myself. A trapdoor to disappear from the floor and pop up to scare someone.

        Even if there isn't you have to fend off their floor guys like vultures. Especially if you're in the computer section. Last Christmas I was looking for a photo printer for my folks and I was asked if I needed help by no less then 4 different employees inside a 5 minute period and I hadn't even moved from the printer aisle. Finally one of them "staked me out" and told every other employee that came near me that I didn't need help. Yet he kept hovering around me.

        Salivating for a comission I guess?
        I'm not even sure I want to touch this one apart from agreeing with you fully. I'm willing to bet they were all from about 5+ years back, when the staff were trained like used car salesman. Some of them still haven't got it out of their system.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #5
          Hovering to sell ya that USB cable

          "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

          Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Eventually she gives up, apologizes and brings my stuff over to the other register for the other clerk to ring up. Cutting through that clerk's line up of 4 or 5 people in the process. I immediately move to the end of the line. I'm not cutting ahead of a bunch of people even with the clerk's approval. I maintain a mental zen of non-SCness at all times.
            I suppose Clerk #1 could have just offered to ring up the other customers in line so that Clerk #2 could focus on you....
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