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Sucky Supermarket Customers

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  • Sucky Supermarket Customers

    Not so much a sighting, but a reaction from someone I helped today which stopped me in my tracks at how sucky some people must be.

    I was at the supermarket, it was busy.I went to get a trolley and passed an elderly gentleman who was walking slowly with a cane in the direction of the trolleys.

    So i took a trolley and walked back a few paces to him, smiled, and said "here, would you like this trolley?", before returning to get one for myself.

    I thought that a perfectly normal thing to do.But his reaction floored me.His whole face lit up and he said "why bless you young lady that is so thoughtfull"

    It just made me wonder if he had been shoved out of the way or struggled with getting a trolley on other occassions and people had not helped him.
    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

  • #2
    Quoth TelephoneAngel View Post
    It just made me wonder if he had been shoved out of the way or struggled with getting a trolley on other occassions and people had not helped him.
    Yes. Most definitely yes.

    It's been done to me, and I've seen it done to others. The worst offenders are those who only temporarily need to use the motor carts in the stores (like for a sprained ankle or such). They act like they're more entitled to take the scooter than someone with a permanent disability. I've actually been told "If you had a *real* problem, you'd own one of your own!"

    Yeah, like people on disability can afford the power scooter and the carrier for their vehicle.

    Thank you for helping the old man. Cookies for you for being a kind heart.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      I know that when I'm at the grocery, it is sometimes a mighty long time before I can get ahold of a cart (can't walk across an open parking lot without one).

      It's mighty frustrating to be unable to find an employee who will fetch me one, or a customer who will pay attention to "Maam, may I have that one when you're finished unloading?". If I can't find an outlying cart corral with an adjacent open parking space, I won't be able to shop just then.

      So, yes, I'm very grateful for someone who volunteers a cart.

      And ... P.S. ... us old crippled guys would love to find an empty cart left between handicapped parking spaces. Managers, please take note.


      • #4
        Quoth magician5 View Post
        And ... P.S. ... us old crippled guys would love to find an empty cart left between handicapped parking spaces. Managers, please take note.
        It would be nice, but also unlikely. A loose cart just left there could roll and create a traffic hazard, or damage someone's car, or roll so that it blocks the spot. And if something did happen, and it was found to be policy to leave the cart there, the store becomes extra-liable.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          ...Reminds me of yesterday. I went to my bank to deposit a check I got in the mail. On the way out there was this little tiny old lady walking up, who looked like a slight breeze could just blow her away. The Beau and I were coming out and both of us opened a door and just stood there saying "Let us get these for you ma'am"

          ...She was so shocked. Just a bubbly of "Thank you! You are so nice. etc".... makes me wonder how many times people just walk out the door and let her deal on her own.
          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


          • #6
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            It would be nice, but also unlikely. A loose cart just left there could roll and create a traffic hazard, or damage someone's car, or roll so that it blocks the spot. And if something did happen, and it was found to be policy to leave the cart there, the store becomes extra-liable.
            Not to mention that loose carts interfere with vans that need to extend ramps for wheelchairs.
            Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


            • #7
              sounds like one of the lady's who lives in the apartment complex where my parents live.

              i was taking the trash to the dumpster for mom & dad and saw a little old lady brushing snow off of her car with a broom. i stopped to ask her if she wanted help (had to ask her 3 times because of her hearing). she said no, but she was delighted that someone offered.

