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Was I the SC?

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  • Was I the SC?

    I'd love to hear anyone's comments on this, particularly anyone who works in the hairstyling industry. If I was in the wrong, I'd more than like to do something differently next time.

    I had my hair cut today. I'm a guy, and I don't have long hair. It only takes ten to fifteen minutes to cut, if that. The cut was $15. With tax, the total came to about $16.75.

    I tell her to take $19 off my debit card, figuring that 15% was a decent tip for ten minutes of work.

    She frowns and makes a noise like "mmm?". I figure she must think the tip is a little low. I'm deciding whether or not to say something, when I see her punch $20 into her point-of-sale.

    I figure that a dollar isn't worth making a scene over, so I complete the transaction. I politely thank her again and tell her to have a nice day. (I will forever be a customer service rep.) She doesn't look up.

    So, I have a few questions. Is 15% really that low? And if that's the case, does that constitute her taking the extra dollar off my debit card? I couldn't care less about the dollar, and I'm not about to go complaining to the owner. For all I know, she IS the owner. I just want to know if what happened was normal.


  • #2
    I don't see that you were an SC at all.

    If you liked the cut, I don't see anything wrong with 15%. My mom doesn't tip her current hairstylist, and didn't tip her last one, really. At the time she gets her hair cut, she makes an appointment for the next cut, so that's kind of a tip, they know that she's going to continue to come there. (I'm lucky, I have a friend that used to have a salon and cuts my hair for free! Whee! )

    Now, what your hairstylist did was not only impolite, but could be considered fraud. You told her to charge $19 and she decided to put in $20, she made a face, and then she ignored you? Oy! Does she realize that you could dispute the entire charge and then not only will she be out the tip, but the whole amount for the cut?! If I were you, I would not go back to that place.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      I tip $2 for my family's hair cuts, since the boys both get buzz cuts and my husband's is a simple cut. I hope that is not a bad tip.
      Last edited by Misanthropical; 12-10-2006, 12:28 AM.
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      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


      • #4
        yeah i only tip a dollar or two but my cuts are simple even if they take some time, i dont know how long but im sure only like 15 minutes tops depending on the cut i go with that day i have no idea
        i hope its not bad as well


        • #5
          I work in a salon/spa as a massage therapist and part time receptionist. First off, if someone asks me to put $19.00 on their card, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that it is okay to add an extra dollar 'just because'. TERRIBLE customer service. Your tip was absolutely fine as is. If this is how she was all of the time, she should feel lucky to be tipped at all. I urge you to call the business and speak to a manager about this. Completely fraudulent and unprofessional.
          I don't know if I could kill someone with a frozen turkey because that is a lot of evidence to eat .... unless I found a whole room of people who also wanted that person dead ... - Dane Cook


          • #6
            She should be happy she got a tip at all. Do you have any idea how many people don't know that you tip hair stylists, tattoo artists, limo drivers, etc etc? I had no idea you were supposed to tip your tattoo artist.

            I made up for it last time with a $10 tip.

            If your cut is simple and doesn't take much time, I don't see why 15% is small. Now, if you were to get your hair dyed, then highlighted, then cut, then spiked......then that'd be kind of small. Maybe she should pick a different job where she doesn't need to rely on tips.

            *I realize that sounded rude, considering I used to be a waitress, but when you do a simple cut, there is no reason to expect a huge tip, and bonus Sucky Employee points for making a fuss about it. They can bitch about shitty tips after the customer leaves. It's unprofessional to raise eyebrows or go "Hmmm" in front of a customer*
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Even if you HAD been an SC (which you most certainly were not), that never justifies her putting an extra, unauthorized charge on your card. I wouldn't go back there.
              Everything I do goes through...

              Think About It Central


              • #8
                My jaw just dropped when I saw that she had the gall to not only make a face but charge extra to your card right in front of you! Only a dollar, but still rude, unprofessional, not to mention downright stealing! She should be lucky to be getting a tip at all if she does this to everyone. For the cut you recieved, I'd say 15% is a good tip. I would still let the manager/owner know what happened. I'm not saying that you should demand your dollar back, but they have to know what their employee is doing so she doesn't lose any more business for them or put them in more trouble. After that I would never set foot in there again.

