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Waiter issues

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  • Waiter issues

    All the resturant stories in here reminded me of my own incident a little over a year ago.

    Sucky Waiter - SW
    J - friend

    It was on my birthday and my friend suggested that we go over to the Olive Garden while she was on her lunch break. I was off work that day already so I agree and we meet up there.

    Our waiter comes out after a bit and my friend (who is a vegetarian) asks him about a couple of menu options. We've been there many times but she was wanting to try something new and just checking to see if there wasn't any type of meat products in the food she was eyeing. We also told him that we wanted separate bills.

    SW is starting to get a bit huffy at this point at her questions.

    SW: Aren't you ready to order yet?
    J: Give me just a second. *Decides on her food and orders*

    I wasn't very hungry so I decided to order just a slice of cake and SW disappears with our order. And we wait....and wait....and wait...After a while our glasses are empty and there is no sign of SW. We eventually get our food and have to ask him for a refill.

    Then he's gone. As it turns out, he was too busy flirting with a girl at another table to pay any attention to his other tables. He eventually comes back not with our drinks but with our bill. Our bills weren't separated and he had already ran off to flirt again. So my friend puts her card in and I put $20 to pay my bill. When the waiter finally comes back to us we tell him that we want my friends meal put on the card and mine out of the cash.

    So we wait for a bit longer and he comes back with the little folder and disappears again. My $20 is gone (my cake was $5 and I had a water) and everything was put on my friend's card. Oh hell no. There was no way in hell that guy deserved a $20 tip. So my friend got up and hunted him down and made him fix the 'mistake' he made.

    J: I just wanted to point out that you made a 'mistake' on our bill. The $20 was supposed to be put towards my friends meal and the change returned.
    SW: Oh...I thought that was my tip.

    We both left rather angrily and my friend complained to a manager. We still have gone back since then since we haven't had a single issue with the other waitstaff but we haven't seen SW at all. For those of you who haven't eaten at the Olive Garden, they usually give you a little Andes bar after your meal. Well...when we were passing by the table he was flirting with they had an entire wine glass filled with those.

  • #2
    Wow, what an ass. I'm glad you complained to the manager and haven't had any problems since. I know some people loathe Olive Garden, but every time my husband and I go to the one near us, the food is really good and the wait staff is great, even if they're really busy.


    • #3
      Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
      Wow, what an ass. I'm glad you complained to the manager and haven't had any problems since. I know some people loathe Olive Garden, but every time my husband and I go to the one near us, the food is really good and the wait staff is great, even if they're really busy.
      What she said. Word for word.
      Women can do anything men can.
      But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


      • #4
        I <3 Olive Garden.

        *knock wood* I've never had bad service at the one where I live.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Wow... I think that tops the time when I went there with a group of friends and the waiter not only ignored us (forcing us to ask a different waiter for help), but when he did finally come back to our table and we asked for cheese, he started walking away without grinding cheese on any of our dishes. When we yelled (he was that far away that fast!) that we wanted cheese he THREW the cheese grater at us! Needless to say we complained and none of us paid for food that night. I'm not even sure if the guy finished his shift, that's how fast they fired him.


          • #6
            That's been my experience almost every time I go to Olive Garden.
            I tend to order the unlimited soup salad and breadsticks because I really like it. Every time I do the waitstaff instantly start scrambling to get away from the table. I can't get refills, can't get breadsticks, not even a little more tea to drink.

            When I complained about it to a friend it was pointed out that even if I gave my usual 20% tip there was A LOT more work involved then with a regular meal due to all the refills. I understand that. I just wish I didn't get treated like a scrub for liking soup.


            • #7
              Did you ever get your change?


              • #8
                Quoth sprocket79 View Post
                Wow... I think that tops the time when I went there with a group of friends and the waiter not only ignored us (forcing us to ask a different waiter for help).
                I think that topped mine.

                And yes I got my change back. I was stupid enough to leave him a dollar behind though. I really regret that now.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sunsetsky View Post
                  I think that topped mine.
                  I'm still giving you the win on it. "Mistaking" a $20 tip for ignoring a customer is pretty ballsy!


                  • #10
                    The only time I left a $20 tip was when my oldest was about 1yr old and she got rice everywhere. My friend and I cleaned the table as best we could but the mess on the floor...yeah. So I left a 20 for the server and my friend left a big tip too for the unfortunate soul. But that guy...must have thought he was AWESOME or some junk.

                    The only tip issue I've had was at a restaurant near campus. We paid our bill with our card but left cash tip and we had the tip charged to our card...on two separate occaisions. first time, i thought "okay, could be a bit of a mix up". second time was "oh hell no!!" I wanted to complain but hubby said not to. we just won't (and didn't) go back. should not have listened cuz gods know how many more people got screwed.
                    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                    • #11
                      because of that... when i tip in cash, i hand write in the amounts on the slip and put down 0 for the tip, and write the price in

