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  • Blockbuster

    So one of our local Blockbusters is closing and my mom and I decided to stop by while running errands. I manage to pick up some of my fav vamp/zombie/werewolf movies cheap as well as some other stuff. While looking at the horror flicks, I happen to overhear this little gem:

    SC: we know
    Clerk: awesome clerk

    SC: "So why can't I rent this movie?" (He's got some action flick in his hand, waving it around)
    Clerk: "Because this location is going out of business. We won't be here after 3 days"
    SC: "But I want to rent this movie!!!"
    Clerk: "Sir, you can buy it for $2.00. It's 80% off the sticker price."
    SC: "But I want to rent it to see if I like it first!"

    This goes on for a couple of minutes before I step out of the horror section.

    Me: (to the SC) "So you're basically saying that you'd rather pay a higher rate to borrow the movie than to own it for the rest of your life?"
    SC: "I didn't ask you. Besides, you don't work here."
    Me: (to SC) "Fine, whatever" (to Clerk) "So I need your help figuring out what the prices are on these movies since I'm actually BUYing something" (emphasis done while glaring at SC)

    So the clerk came over and we discussed which horror flicks were so bad they were funny and which were decent. He's a pretty awesome clerk and has seen me in there before so he knew I was just giving him an out from that SC. I think the SC actually ended up buying the movie after all though.

  • #2
    Didn't happen to give him the address to this site by any chance, did you? I'm sure if that SC is an example, he'll have plenty of fuel for these boards.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Is it me or are blockbusters closing everywhere? They have had some close around me too.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        They might be cutting back some. Around here, the one that I bought my Wii from closed, but the other two are still going.
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #5
          My closest Schlockbuster shut down months ago. I only noticed because I drive past the building it used to be in.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Sometimes you just have to give the customer what they think they want. In this case, tell him you'll rent the tape to him, charge it as a sale, and send him on his way. If he comes back to return it in three days and finds an empty building, that's his problem.


            • #7
              Quoth Shalom View Post
              Sometimes you just have to give the customer what they think they want. In this case, tell him you'll rent the tape to him, charge it as a sale, and send him on his way. If he comes back to return it in three days ....
              ... and the store is still there, take it back, shrink wrap it, and sell it again as a used video.
              Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


              • #8
                Quoth telecom_goddess View Post
                Is it me or are blockbusters closing everywhere? They have had some close around me too.
                A few years ago my friend was the manager of a Family Video. He said the rental industry is in bad shape due to Netflix and movie channels.


                • #9
                  blockbuster feel in to the economic raise's big down fall. They over extended themselves by placing locations to close to each other.

                  like grocery stores, chain resturants and other business with mutliple location they found with the fall their one location every mile is costing them huge if the business drops even 25%.

                  i have 2 grocery stores, 1 fast food chain (i miss that KFC) and a bank branch and a block buster close their doors because there was another one of them withen 2 miles of me.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                    blockbuster feel in to the economic raise's big down fall. They over extended themselves by placing locations to close to each other.

                    Not only that and the previously mentioned factor of Netflix/redbox/movie channels, but at least in Salt Lake they started catering to the lowest common denominator and replaced the knowledgeable and helpful clerks with minimum wage drones who could barely do their job... and in some corrupt managers who were willing to bend ethics to make their revenue goals (ie, lying about when movies were returned to charge late fees on them, and making other blatantly fraudulent charges to customers' credit cards) and you have a recipe for bankruptcy.
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Netflix and Redbox killed Blockbuster. From what I have heard though, Blockbuster will have Blueboxes kind of like the Redboxes. We will see if they get it right or not.
                      I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill

