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Pharmacy SC

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  • Pharmacy SC

    Reading this thread reminded me of an SC I witnessed a few years back. Although I get all my regular meds from the VA, little emergency scripts for asthma attacks and the like I pick up at my local drug stores (Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc), whichever is open and closest when I need it. So here I am at two or three in the morning, looking for an open pharmacy. Walgreens has a sign on their building that says "24 hr Pharmacy", but the light is off.

    Now, I figured that the light was just broken (it happens) so I went inside to get my script filled so I could go home and get some sleep. As soon as I walked in I could hear some harpy giving someone hell about something (loud enough to hear the obnoxious tone, but not clear enough to make out what was being said). I get to the back of the store and the pharmacy is dark. Damn. There's no sign or anything explaining why the place is dark, but it's pretty clear from the open register drawer that no one's coming back anytime soon (the drawer had been pulled, and those of us in the know know what that means). So I start looking for someone who can tell me if they know of an alternate store that might have an open pharmacy.

    That's when I encounter the Harpy and the poor CSM having to deal with her. Harpy is waving a crumpled piece of paper under the CSM's nose, the paper that *had* been taped to the drop-off window explaining to customers that the pharmacy was closed due to staffing reasons (so sorry about the inconvenience, yada yada yada).

    Apparently, she doesn't care *why* the pharmacist got fired, she doesn't care that the techs aren't allowed to fill 'scripts on their own, she wants her meds *NOW*!!!Eleventy!11!! Doesn't their sign say 24 hr Pharmacy?!?!

    Poor CSM isn't able to get a word in edgewise past this woman's EW ranting. Standing nearby is a coworker, trying to hide his snickering. When I hit him up for the story I learn that the pharmacist had not only been stealing narcotics, but had been selling them to store employees during business hours!!! One of the employees had ODed in the store and nearly died, and that was how the whole thing got to the management's attention. While this wouldn't normally be the kind of thing that employees are supposed to tell customers, these two had gotten tired of putting up with the bitching about a closed pharmacy and had been putting the blame squarely where it belonged. They had turned off the 24 hour sign in the hopes that it would deter people from coming in (D'oh!).

    Since I'm not being a bitch about the closed pharmacy and can actually listen without cutting someone off, the coworker lets me know right away that there is a store not more than three blocks away with a pharmacy that's open, and even calls them to verify it before I head over.

    The poor CSM still hadn't had a chance to tell the Harpy that by the time I left the store. For someone in such a hurry to get a prescription filled, she'd already wasted at least fifteen minutes on bitching about a closed pharmacy.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

  • #2
    I love how people expect us to do exactly what they want regardless of the consequences to us for breaking the law. It doesn't matter if it is inconvenient to a customer or not, if a licensed pharmacist is not on the premises it would be a federal crime for anyone to be inside the pharmacy. The pharmacy dept has to be locked up securely any time that a pharmacist is not present.

    But of course, that doesn't matter to the SC. Nothing matters to these people when it isn't their job on the line.


    • #3
      Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
      Reading [URL=""]That's when I encounter the Harpy and the poor CSM having to deal with her. Harpy is waving a crumpled piece of paper under the CSM's nose, the paper that *had* been taped to the drop-off window explaining to customers that the pharmacy was closed due to staffing reasons (so sorry about the inconvenience, yada yada yada).[snip] When I hit him up for the story I learn that the pharmacist had not only been stealing narcotics, but had been selling them to store employees during business hours!!!.
      Whaddaya want to bet that Mrs Harpy was one of his regular "customers"? That's the first thing that popped into my head when I heard this.

      if a licensed pharmacist is not on the premises it would be a federal crime for anyone to be inside the pharmacy.
      Pretty sure it's state, not federal. Of course if controlled substances are involved, the Feds get jurisdiction as well.


      • #4
        It would have been HILARIOUS to go to the other store, get your script filled right quick, and then pop BACK to the store to wave it under the harpy's nose.
        My webcomic is called Sidekick Girl. Val's job is kinda like retail, except instead of corporate's dumb policies, it's the Hero Agency, and the SC's are trying to take over the world.


        • #5
          Harpy is waving a crumpled piece of paper under the CSM's nose, the paper that *had* been taped to the drop-off window explaining to customers that the pharmacy was closed due to staffing reasons (so sorry about the inconvenience, yada yada yada).
          This part especially got me. Another person who has not heard the rule of "keep your hands off everything that does not belong to you"!
          Reading this site often makes me think "what ever happened to normal behaviour??"
          You see a sign that the pharmacy is closed? Oh yes, the logical reaction is to pull that sign right off the window, walk into the store, and start bitching. I mean...


          • #6
            Which leads to more SCs coming in and bitching about why there's no sign telling them the pharmacy is closed.

            Yeah, that one boggled me too. Especially since the sign had been taped to the drop off window. Taped as in all four sides plastered down with no apparent way of getting a finger under the paper without removing some tape, first. I had thought it odd that there were bits of tape stuck on the window when I went back there, but at the time I dismissed it as having been remains of an advertisement or something. I mean really, if it had been a "we're closed" sign, wouldn't it still be there?

            Back then I understimated the combined power of stupidity and entitlement.
            Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


            • #7
              Quoth RxBoy View Post
              The pharmacy dept has to be locked up securely any time that a pharmacist is not present.
              Quoth Shalom View Post
              Pretty sure it's state, not federal. Of course if controlled substances are involved, the Feds get jurisdiction as well.
              I think that is federal. RxBoy and I work for different national chains. Ours can't be open without a pharmacist either.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                Taped as in all four sides plastered down with no apparent way of getting a finger under the paper without removing some tape, first. I had thought it odd that there were bits of tape stuck on the window when I went back there, but at the time I dismissed it as having been remains of an advertisement or something.
                I'm wondering why it was taped in such a way that some SC could reach it to pull it off.

                I like to tape things to the other side of the glass, so they can't deface or otherwise muck it up.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  They probably thought that taping it down so all foursides were sealed to the glass would be enough to deter people from messing with it. Sure, they might write on it, but they wouldn't actually take it down, would they? What reasonable person would actually try to take it down in order to bitch about it?

                  Oh, wait, that's right, this Harpy wasn't reasonable.

                  Again, an underestimation of the power of stupid + entitlement.
                  Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                  • #10
                    Quoth Pagan View Post
                    I think that is federal. RxBoy and I work for different national chains. Ours can't be open without a pharmacist either.
                    I'm sure all 50 states have a law on the books saying this, but as far as I can tell it's still under the jurisdiction of the individual state in which the store is situated, and violations are prosecuted by state authorities (State Board of Pharmacy or what have you), not federal authorities. For example here in NJ, the relevant reg is NJAC 45.14-69.d, which states:

                    Each holder of a pharmacy practice site permit shall ensure that a licensed pharmacist be immediately available on the premises to provide pharmacy services at all times the pharmacy practice site is open.
                    New York State has almost identical language. From the education law, article 137, section 6808.2.e:

                    Conduct of a pharmacy. Every owner of a pharmacy is responsible for the strength, quality, purity and the labeling thereof of all drugs, toxic substances, devices and cosmetics, dispensed or sold, subject to the guaranty provisions of this article and the public health law. Every owner of a pharmacy or every pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy shall be responsible for the proper conduct of this pharmacy. Every pharmacy shall be under the immediate supervision and management of a licensed pharmacist at all hours when open. No pharmacist shall have personal supervision of more than one pharmacy at the same time.
                    I just took a quick browse through the CFR (using Justia search) and I didn't notice any Federal regs regarding operations of a pharmacy; only stuff pertaining to controlled substances, and requirements for pharmacies which participate in Medicare Part D. I'm pretty sure it's only state law that covers this, but again, I'm also pretty sure that all 50 states have laws or regulations that say you can't open the pharmacy without a pharmacist. (Disclaimer: I'm only licensed in NY and NJ, don't know other states' laws off the top of my head, but I'd be real surprised to find a state that would allow a pharmacy to run without an RPh.)

