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At the movies...

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  • At the movies...

    Went to see Avatar in 3D yesterday (cool CG and 3D effects, but a cliche plot), and everywhere I looked I had sightings!

    Before I even left, it started.

    I feel bad for my landlord

    I really do. I mean, the guy's got bills to pay, and he'll work with his tenants, but he gets taken advantage of so much.

    When I saw him, he apparently was finishing up an arguement with a neighbor in the next building over.

    Landlord: "Do you need to get more money or something?"
    Tenant: "No, I have it all, I just don't know where it went..."

    Landlord threw up his arms and walked away, while the tenant kept calling out her (very weak) excuses. "I have the money! It's not here, but I have it! ..." (Err...then you don't really have it, now do you?) Then she slammed the door shut. Hmmm...guess she didn't sell enough drugs last month? (Yes, she is a drug dealer; she tried to sell us some when we first moved in; so did a bunch of our other neighbors....oh yeah, I live in a real classy neighborhood!)

    Don't ignore the line and glare at ME for it

    When we made it to the theatre, we were behind the don't-move-when-the-line-moves guy. He would space out, eventually notice that the line had progressed, and then turn and GLARE at me(!) before moving up with the line. Keep in mind, I wasn't crowding him at all. I kept a socially-acceptable amount of space between us and then some.

    The line wasn't long, but it was moving slooooooow! It was taking no less than a minute per person!

    Hubby: "How long does it take to get tickets to a 3D movie?"
    Me: *observing the ticket lady's and customers' gestures*
    Me: "Perhaps they didn't realize it's an exta $3.50 for the 3D?"
    Hubby: "Yeah, you're probably right."
    Me: "Though you'd have to be pretty dumb not to realize it costs extra. I mean, you have to pay for the glasses; they don't just pull those out of their asses! Duh, it's going to cost extra!"

    The guy ahead of us at this point has his head cocked like he's listening. Cue him tensing up and leaning forward towards the ticket prices. It's now us, him, and one couple at the ticket counter. As that couple is finishing, the guy ahead of us glances around, GLARES at me again!, and then bails.

    Not sure if Hubby and I were right about what was taking everyone else so long, but we got our tickets very quickly.

    Minor brain burp on my part

    I hate people who run on auto and give inappropriate responses to your script just as much as everyone else, but d*mn it, I could not stop myself!

    Ticket taker: "You'll be in theatre 3, second door on the left, blah blah blah, enjoy the movie!"
    Me: "Thanks, you too."

    I get about two steps.

    Me: "Wait, no! Gah! I mean, have a nice day! What? Argh!!!"

    At least the guy had a very good laugh at my expense.


    We sit down and are waiting for the movie, when a horrible stench assaulted my nostrils. I soon found seated next to me a most vile creature. Now, I work with several pack-a-day smokers, my in-laws are pack-a-day smokers, so I'm used to smelling very heavy smokers. This unkempt...thing...smelled at least 10 times worse than the heaviest smoker I know. This Smokestack Creature severely needed to do some laundry, or at least spray a little Febreeze around.

    If that only was his only offense...Smokestack Creature kept brushing up against my thigh, and I'm not sure it was entirely accidental.

    At the risk of appearing rude, I was about to ask Hubby if we could move a few more seats down, this...thing...stank THAT badly. Fortunately, Fate smiled on me. The people in the row ahead of us decided they were too close, so Smokestack Creature and his sidekick decided to ooze up a row. The thing was now downwind and I could breathe. Unfortunately, as it sat down, I was given a lovely view of it's sweaty, nasty ass. Remember kids, say no crack - wear a belt!

    That was...pointless?

    Not quite two hours into the movie, a couple of guys came in and sat next to us. Not sure if they were sneaking in or just moved from another set of seats, but they vanished just before the big final battle scene. Not sure what was up with that...
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
    (Yes, she is a drug dealer; she tried to sell us some when we first moved in; so did a bunch of our other neighbors....oh yeah, I live in a real classy neighborhood!)
    Wow... we had dealers in our building when we moved in (having people walk up, knock, wait outside a bit, then leave isn't suspicious at all, noooo.... ), but nobody ever tried to sell us anything.

    I'm just glad the potheads don't smoke on our stairs any more. The smoke would waft up and straight through the louvered windows we used to have.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Yeah, I'm glad that they've finally figured out whoever was the previous tenant isn't here anymore. During our first month here we'd get people knocking at our door at 1am asking for "Tiny Tim," so I'm pretty suspicious of the previous tenant. Not sure who he was, but our neighbors say he was stabbed to death in our apartment. I hope our neighbors are just f*cking with us, but then again, there are some odd stains on the carpets...
      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


      • #4
        Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
        Minor brain burp on my part
        I hate people who run on auto and give inappropriate responses to your script just as much as everyone else, but d*mn it, I could not stop myself!

        Ticket taker: "You'll be in theatre 3, second door on the left, blah blah blah, enjoy the movie!"
        Me: "Thanks, you too."

        I get about two steps.

        Me: "Wait, no! Gah! I mean, have a nice day! What? Argh!!!"

        At least the guy had a very good laugh at my expense.
        Have you heard of Brian Regan? One of his acts is about exactly this.
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          I always wonder if you could just bring your 3D glasses and not pay the extra? I've never called cause it's not a big deal. But I've seen other 3D movies and I have those funny glasses sitting around doing nothing.


          • #6
            it wouldnt work. you pay the rate to see it in 3D even if you bring your own, since thats the programmed-in rate in the computer.

            Hobby Twitter.


            • #7
              You are paying more for the special projector than the glasses when you go to a 3D movie. The theaters around here won't let people take home the glasses. They use the ones that are like sunglasses.


              • #8
                Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
                That was...pointless?

                Not quite two hours into the movie, a couple of guys came in and sat next to us. Not sure if they were sneaking in or just moved from another set of seats, but they vanished just before the big final battle scene. Not sure what was up with that...
                It could be that they were waiting for another movie, had seen avatar already and just nipped in to pass the time till their film started
                "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

                CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
                Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


                • #9
                  Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
                  Went to see Avatar in 3D yesterday (cool CG and 3D effects, but a cliche plot), and everywhere I looked I had sightings!

                  Minor brain burp on my part

                  I hate people who run on auto and give inappropriate responses to your script just as much as everyone else, but d*mn it, I could not stop myself!

                  Ticket taker: "You'll be in theatre 3, second door on the left, blah blah blah, enjoy the movie!"
                  Me: "Thanks, you too."

                  I get about two steps.

                  Me: "Wait, no! Gah! I mean, have a nice day! What? Argh!!!"

                  At least the guy had a very good laugh at my expense.
                  I've had days on the teller line when I've purposefully made my last line something that would not be appropriate to answer "You too" for, just to see how many people I'd catch.

                  I'm much less bored now that I do new accounts and loans.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
                    I always wonder if you could just bring your 3D glasses and not pay the extra? I've never called cause it's not a big deal. But I've seen other 3D movies and I have those funny glasses sitting around doing nothing.
                    I'm pretty sure your $3.50 also covers additional royalties the theater pays, not just the glasses. Not to mention that a 3-D projection setup is also quite pricey.



                    • #11
                      Regarding the glaring guy: every time he would turn around I would've made nasty, disgusting faces at him, or else make remarks about "Hey, stop staring at my breasts!" or something to that effect, or even point blank asked him if there was something on my face or if he found me beautiful because he's staring at me an awful lot. Just to screw with him.
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                      • #12
                        Just saw Avatar yesterday.

                        Really cool GGI work. The storyline.. meh. Cliché IMHO.

                        Now... what on earth would possess parents to bring their little kids to this kind of movie! Yeah, I know.... it's par for the course...

                        Someone on the other side of the theatre had a baby. A crying baby. There were cowering three and four year olds. Five and six year olds wandering up and down the stairs. Just wait... there is going to be a whole generation of kids terrified of smurfs.
                        There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


                        • #13
                          Quoth It's me View Post
                          Just wait... there is going to be a whole generation of kids terrified of smurfs.
                          You forget that my generation is fairly unfamiliar with smurfs, and that the current generation of children will probably not know in the least what they are.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Magpie View Post
                            You forget that my generation is fairly unfamiliar with smurfs, and that the current generation of children will probably not know in the least what they are.
                            That's sad. I was born in '91 and I watched the Smurfs regularly.
                            "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                            I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                            • #15
                              Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
                              That's sad. I was born in '91 and I watched the Smurfs regularly.
                              Probably a regional thing then. Some things are going to kick around longer in some areas than in others.

