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Tire place/electronic store/apartment/mechanic/retirement suckiness (long)

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  • Tire place/electronic store/apartment/mechanic/retirement suckiness (long)

    I've had a really rough month. Things have been going wrong left and right. Someone told me there's the "rules of threes," but for me, I'm up to at least a dozen. The biggest thing is that my best friend has cancer again. She's fighting it and is amazing, but it's hard to watch her go through. Add to that she told me it about 2 weeks before she told everyone else and I had to keep it a secret and act normal. Things would be better if I wasn't being treated so badly by everyone (add all of these to the dozen).

    First of all, my tire was obviously leaking air because I filled it and the sensor would come on again saying it was flat a couple days later. So I took it into a tire chain place that's always been good to me. They told me I managed to bend a wheel (I hit a curb once). I had to buy four new wheels (it's cheaper in the long run than to have an unmatching wheel and having to buy 4 ones later) and two tires needed replaced (I knew that was the case). 3 hours and $700 later, I pull out. The next morning, I had a flat tire. I had to call a guy who I was recently dating but then decided he'd rather remain single (add that to my list of dozen) to help me since he's the only guy I knew who lived close because I'm not strong enough to make machine tightened lug nuts budge. Fortunately, he's a really good guy and came to my rescue. Turns out they didn't secure the sensor, so they fixed it. My sensor has been on ever since, so I went in today and it turns out they never fully inflated the tire again. Oh, and by the way, my car manual is in Spanish and part of my jack is missing. If they had done their job in the first place, I'd have only gone once instead of 3 times.

    Secondly, I got a GPS for Christmas. "Santa" got that one specifically since it had Bluetooth. Well, the Bluetooth doesn't work. So, I go to exchange it. They don't have the same one or any one comparable, so they told me they'd order some from Chicago and it'd be about a week and they'd call me. They never called me, so two weeks later I called them. They said they never received shipment and there must've been a mistake on Chicago's end. They said they'd order one from Dallas and it'd be about a week. Seeing as how that was last weekend, I called today. He informs me that (1) They've never ordered anything from Chicago (so the other two guys lied to me?) and (2) He just got a truckload of them and they have plenty for me to come and exchange. Did they bother calling me? Of course not. Nor does it look like they really ordered from Dallas.

    Third, I moved into my apartment in July. When I signed my lease, they said I'd get my water through them. I didn't get a water bill for July or August. I thought, "Well, it must be included in my rent." Nope, in September I got a really ugly letter from saying that I owe them $30 that I never paid and if I don't pay it now they will be reporting it and fining me and all kinds of stuff. So I went to the office and said I never received a bill. They said they know, but they have to make it threatening or no one will pay it. Really, they were just behind on paperwork for some of us. The months of September and November, I get a $15 bill, which is normal in this area. Then December it's $120. I talked to them about it, they said they'd send someone to check for a leak. I know someone was here because things in the bathroom were moved. So I called them 2-3 times asking what they found and how much I owed. Finally, I got ahead of the manager and she said I should just pay $20 since that's what most people living alone pay. I agree that's fair, and pay it. This month? I get a bill for $60. Commence the calling , the promise of checking for a leak, the evidence that they checked for a leak, and no phone call. I have already left 3 messages asking how much I owe with nothing back. I want to just give up, but I don't want a $100 bill later because these just collect over time, just like at the beginning.

    So my brakes completely went out on me while in The Big City getting my computer fixed (add that to the list of a dozen things). I was nearly in an accident, so I pulled over and got my car towed to the dealership. I thought it'd be under warranty since my car is fairly new (about a year old, not many miles). Turned out, it wasn't. And the tow isn't covered either. They said it was because I caused it by leaving my emergency brake on several times. I did it twice and both times, I realized it before I actually left the curb. Of course, they'd blame me over backing up a warranty. I got my car back and the brakes have been squeaking ever since. I called the service person and left at least 4-5 messaged over the course of 2 weeks. Finally, I called the service manager (his boss) and told him that my brakes are squeaking. He said there's nothing they can do unless they hear the squeaking themselves, so I need to just stop by. I told him I work from 7:30-5:30 Monday-Friday in a town that's 30 miles away. If he'd agree to look at my car, I could schedule an appointment and arrange it with my work. Now I'm supposed to just pray I get a free Saturday before they go out again and I am in an accident. Considering I've had 2 Saturdays free all school year, that's not asking too much.

    Speaking of work, I am trying to get my retirement from one account put into my normal account. It's hard to explain because it's government/teacher stuff, but let's just say I have to buy a year from them. It's been going on since last May. It's been dozens of phone calls, hours on the phone, paperwork out the wazoo, all that jazz and it finally seemed to be coming to an end. Oh no, I just got a letter saying that since it's been another year, the bill for the year I'm trying to buy had gone up, so I either need to write a check for the difference or start this whole thing over again.

    Short one: On Friday night, I chipped a tooth (add that to the dozen things). I just changed insurance companies, so I had to wait until today to see where my nearest provider was and call them for an appointment. The receptionist was so annoyed at me. I chipped a tooth, lady, and it hurts really bad. I'm not asking you to fit me in for a cleaning at the last minute. This is a semi-emergency. She acted like it was such a burden, and then when she acted like she was not happy about fitting me in, she said, "I doubt he's going to do anything but look at it, though, since you're putting us in such a bind." I should've said, "Well, then maybe I should call a dentist that wouldn't be put in a bind by me, but I didn't want to risk calling around and not having anyone with any appointments available so I'm forced to call her back.

    I'm female, young, and petite and sound even younger on the phone. I guess that in their mind that justifies their treatment of me?

  • #2
    You really need to watch a film called "The Secret".
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #3
      *hugs*.... just *HUGS* I'd like to spew out something like "life will get better" but I think this warrants 'just keep truckin' *hugs and cookies*
      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


      • #4
        Quoth tollbaby View Post
        You really need to watch a film called "The Secret".
        I haven't even seen it, yet I can deduct what it's about. Pretty sure it doesn't coincide with AJ's beliefs.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          Quoth Food Lady View Post
          I haven't even seen it, yet I can deduct what it's about. Pretty sure it doesn't coincide with AJ's beliefs.
          I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's based on the pop-psychology/self-help book by the same name. For those unfamiliar with it, it boils down to "if you wish really hard, the universe will help you get what you want." It's more complicated, it'd have to be, or it'd never have made a whole book, and they term it "The Law of Attraction."
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Let's add to my list something I forgot to mention---

            The absolute psycho woman who's done everything to make everyone around her miserable, especially me, is pregnant. If you knew my health history, you'd know what I am so ready to punch a wall.

            Here is a sample of her normal, everyday behavior:


            • #7
              Quoth Broomjockey View Post
              I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's based on the pop-psychology/self-help book by the same name. For those unfamiliar with it, it boils down to "if you wish really hard, the universe will help you get what you want." It's more complicated, it'd have to be, or it'd never have made a whole book, and they term it "The Law of Attraction."
              I figured as much. It must be the handbook for EWs.
              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


              • #8
                Quoth Food Lady View Post
                I figured as much. It must be the handbook for EWs.
                Not really. EWs are active. This is more a passive approach.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  are you still associating with sonny & cher then?
                  i can only imagine that the hormones would make her even more easily upset...


                  • #10
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    are you still associating with sonny & cher then?
                    i can only imagine that the hormones would make her even more easily upset...
                    No, I talk to neither anymore. That was the last time I truly spent time with them. Since then, they've been to a wedding I was in (where she threw a screaming fit) and 2 parties I was at. Thank goodness!

                    I am their friend on Facebook, though, and she lets everyone know she's pregnant as often as she can. She calls the fetus, "Cashew." So now every status is about how her clothes fit, the gifts she's got, or, if it's just a normal one, it's "Cashew and I saw an old friend today." Seriously? She does about 10-15 status messages a day so everyone's annoyed at this point.


                    • #11
                      the in me says let's make some cashew butter...


                      • #12
                        She was at a thing I went to tonight. She was only there a short time (less than an hour) and managed to mention she was pregnant at least 3 times. Actually, she walked in the door announcing it. "Hey everyone, I brought cokes (pop for you up north ) since I can't drink alcohol!" Nevermind that since it's a work night and we're not there very long (and alcohol is expensive) we do not drink when we get together typically. She knows this. She just thinks we should be in awe.



                        • #13
                          Quoth aj_prettiful View Post
                          First of all, my tire was obviously leaking air because I filled it and the sensor would come on again saying it was flat a couple days later. So I took it into a tire chain place that's always been good to me. They told me I managed to bend a wheel (I hit a curb once). I had to buy four new wheels (it's cheaper in the long run than to have an unmatching wheel and having to buy 4 ones later) and two tires needed replaced (I knew that was the case).
                          Sorry, but this reeks of scam.

                          Wheels don't wear out. They do get bent occasionally, and if you bend an alloy wheel, you can always get one from a junkyard or wheel shop if your car is under 20 years old. If you have standard wheels with hubcaps, just slap the hubcap back on to cover up the new wheel

                          As far as the car is concerned, as long as all of the wheels and tires are roughly the same dimensions and balanced, it'll drive fine (and safe) when it's dry out. Relatively close tread wear and grip will help when it's wet.


                          • #14
                            Quoth bean View Post
                            Wheels don't wear out. They do get bent occasionally
                            That's what I said happened. I bent them.

                            Quoth bean View Post
                            As far as the car is concerned, as long as all of the wheels and tires are roughly the same dimensions and balanced, it'll drive fine (and safe) when it's dry out. Relatively close tread wear and grip will help when it's wet.
                            Unfortunately, my job doesn't just open when it's dry out and since it's many, many miles away, I want to be as safe as possible.

