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No I don't work here....

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  • No I don't work here....

    Me and a friend of mine were at a Fry's Electronic store shopping around in our civvies. We were standing there looking at some DVDs when this lady walks right up to my friend.

    SC: "I'm looking for <some product>.
    SC: Do you work here?
    Friend: No....
    SC: *runs off*

    I mean come on! He wasn't wearing anything remotely close to Fry's dress code, and he sure as hell didn't look like he was stocking or anything. Still it was funny to see my friend with that puzzled look on his face. I of course wasn't that surprised someone would do that....... I think I've been on these boards too long.

  • #2
    At least your friend got lucky and the SC didn't yell at him for lying.
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      or threaten to have you fired for not assisting them


      • #4
        I did that the other night, it has been COLD this week and I was looking for something in the store I was in and there was a lady with no Jacket on standing in the middle of a large pile of stock.

        I asked if she worked there, she said no, I said sorry and left.
        If it makes sense, it's not allowed™. -- BeckySunshine

        I've heard of breaking wind but not breaking and entering wind. --- Sheldonrs

        My gaming blog:Ghosts from the Black


        • #5
          Awww...I wanna go to Fry's...

          still, funny. At least it wasn't you, being sucked into it by the retail aura people emit when they work at various stores. It's happened to me a couple times.


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            or threaten to have you fired for not assisting them
            Or go get the manager. XD I had that happen once, at a Green And White bag supermarket. I was dressed in black velvet trousers, scruffy trainers and a Slipknot hoody. This woman came up to me and demanded to know where the milk was. "Find it yourself!" was my response.

            She went and got a manager... who nearly died on the spot of laughter as he told Mrs SC that since I didn't work there, he couldn't do anything about my rudeness. Oh, the epic SC fail.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              I once had an experience with a fellow customer asking me for advice while I was shopping at the electronics store - the customer though did say that she knew I wasn't working here, but apparently I had that "Aura Of Knowledge" (TM) around me.

              If I ever should encounter a SC while shopping who bitches about me not helping him/her because I'm not employed at that store, I would act polite, say "Please follow me, sir/ma'm", guide them to an area near the CSR desk and/or the security guard, and THEN rip him/her a new one.
              A theory states that if anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for, it will be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

              Another theory states that this has already happened.


              • #8
                I have twice at the local mill end store been mistaken for staff. The first time it makes perfect sense - I had been helping this woman's granddaughter (we were in the yarn section and I advised choices for a "learn-to-crochet" project), so when she walked up she assumed I was staff.

                It's when someone walks up to the cutting counter, which has a really obvious "inside" and "outside", and addresses me directly, asking for help, that the WTF reactions really come out - all three of us (the two ladies who were obviously BEHIND the counter are included here) were quite shocked, and it took a while for us to figure out that I was being addressed.


                • #9
                  Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                  Awww...I wanna go to Fry's...

                  still, funny. At least it wasn't you, being sucked into it by the retail aura people emit when they work at various stores. It's happened to me a couple times.
                  I <3 Fry's! I can find anything their! Even Dublin Dr. Pepper(Mmmhhmmmm!!)! I just wish I could afford some of their prices.


                  • #10
                    Quoth SG15Z View Post
                    I <3 Fry's! I can find anything their! Even Dublin Dr. Pepper(Mmmhhmmmm!!)! I just wish I could afford some of their prices.
                    I'm laptop shopping for a new machine. My beast is about to kick the bucket, and I saw some really nice deals on the Fry's website. Problem is, METRO trip planner doesn't think the address of the one closest to me exists, since it's in a shopping center off of a feeder for 59.

                    I'll figure it out, though! Maybe go on Friday or Saturday, see what all the buzz is about.


                    • #11
                      Oh that's a nice store two. I regular the one closer to me though (obviously) down by the NASA bypass. It's huge! And everything is sooo pretty!


                      • #12
                        My sister had that happen once at a (I think) Big Lots store - some woman came up asking her if she knew where the pots & pans were......funny thing was that my sister was 12 at the time, and did NOT look anywhere near old enough to be an employee.


                        • #13
                          Quoth SG15Z View Post
                          Oh that's a nice store two. I regular the one closer to me though (obviously) down by the NASA bypass. It's huge! And everything is sooo pretty!
                          The weather keeps up like it is and METRO keeps being stoopit like it is, I may just end up going to Best Buy.

                          I really really really wanted to see Fry's, but it's looking to not be feasible. At all. Boo...

                          Ah well. someday!!


                          • #14
                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            The weather keeps up like it is and METRO keeps being stoopit like it is, I may just end up going to Best Buy.

                            I really really really wanted to see Fry's, but it's looking to not be feasible. At all. Boo...

                            Ah well. someday!!
                            I hate this weather. I'd like to go outside without worrying about tracking in mud!


                            • #15
                              How do YOU handle them?

                              If someone walks up to me in a store, I usually make the small effort to at least help them a little bit, even if it is just telling them where to look for the products (if I know the store) or finding an associate who can help them. It doesn't usually take much time, and most people are very appreciative....

                              Maybe, in some kharmic way, it will continue being passed around so everyone can just take a chill pill every now and then and be civil towards everybody else, thereby receiving civility in return! What a wonderful fantasy, huh?

                              As far as Fry's - I WISH we had a Fry's in the area! The only technology choices I have for computer stuff is Worst Buy ($$ over MSRP), Red Circles (slim pickings), two office store chains (mostly accessories), or the two Big Box Mart chains (mostly cheap / lame).... and an HHgregg is moving into the old Circuit City location. Our CompUSA closed a while back, and I sorely miss my reasonably-priced computer parts & mods! I used to love browsing, trying to imagine a build of a weird or wonderful computer...

                              (Yes, I am a BIG hardware geek!)

