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You young 'uns don't know what work is!

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  • #16
    To summarize: people need to stop making assumptions about others and start minding their own damned business.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #17
      I deal with this all the time, though not from the elder generation. I deal with it off the baby boomers usually and younger folks.

      Apparently being a full time parent and home maker = lazy and spoiled to these people.

      I call it being lucky thank you. I'm glad I can spend time with my son and keep my house in order well enough to go forth and do work for free at the local animal shelter too. I'm lucky enough to be able to donate my time and muscle to a good cause and do everything my family needs done. I fail to see how this means I don't work. Should I start demanding paychecks here?
      "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


      • #18
        Quoth Mamadrae View Post
        I deal with this all the time, though not from the elder generation. I deal with it off the baby boomers usually and younger folks.

        Apparently being a full time parent and home maker = lazy and spoiled to these people.

        I call it being lucky thank you. I'm glad I can spend time with my son and keep my house in order well enough to go forth and do work for free at the local animal shelter too. I'm lucky enough to be able to donate my time and muscle to a good cause and do everything my family needs done. I fail to see how this means I don't work. Should I start demanding paychecks here?
        It sounds like they're just jealous and want to make you feel bad for getting to do what you enjoy. I get similar guilt from people because I don't have a job yet and have easy going parents. People like that suck. They're unhappy so they want everyone else to be just as unhappy as they are. I say screw em.


        • #19
          But then, there are people like my brother. Not long after I bought my house, he was working at some job for the county. I stop by most nights after work to "beg for food," or just annoy my father One night though, he just pissed me off...

          He was whining about how my mother was charging rent, how gas was "expensive," and how much all that sucked. Of course, I lost it. I basically said that my mortgage payment was *3 times* what Mom was charging for rent. I was also on the hook for home insurance, auto insurance, food, utilities, home and car repairs, etc. and how he needed to grow some fucking balls and deal with it.

          He literally went white, since he had *no* possible comeback! My mother was laughing so hard, she almost fell off her chair
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            protege, while I have a great relationship with my brother, he learned a long time ago to never, ever bitch about his accomodations living at home with mom and dad while I have to pay $600 a month rent, PLUS gas and insurance and all the fun stuff....including MY OWN health insurance because I'm not still on mommy and daddy's chain.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              I HATE when I get people like this. They assume that because I'm young and in college I've got no clue what the hell I'm doing. Its part of the reason I can't find an out of school job at the moment, no one wants to hire an 'irresponsible' college student.

              Well excuse me, just because I'm 21 doesn't mean I'm irresponsible. Hell since I haven't been working I've been donating my time to the homeless shelter down the street from campus, they're kinda hoping I don't find employment again. I've been knitting my tail off making money to benefit Doctors Without Borders and I go to school full time.

              But no I don't know what work is since I make my own clothes (right down to spinning the yarn) by choice not need, because I make my own soap because I want to not need to.

              And clearly I'm lazy because I can't find a job when no one wants to hire a college student. *grumble grumble*

              Sorry for the thread jack
              Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


              • #22
                Quoth blas View Post
                My next door asshole neighbor tries that shit with me when I come home at 3 pm on a Saturday afternoon. "Is that all you ever do is party?" or "Drinking again last night? Hyuck hyuck!"
                UGH! I do NOT miss that about working graves. I live in a condo park populated by older people. I used to get all manner of looks and commentary from people when I'd pull in to my parking spot at 7AM after a 9+ hour shift at work. I got tired of it, and explained that I work all night, because not everyone gets to sit at home watching reruns all night...That stopped shortly after. :-D

                I do miss having a shift that met with my natural sleep patterns, however, even if my wife has banned me from taking any more grave shifts. :-(
                Coworker: Distro of choice?
                Me: Gentoo.
                Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.

