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Seriously, neighbors, clean up after your dogs.

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  • Seriously, neighbors, clean up after your dogs.

    We live in an upper apartment and have neighbors with dogs right below us. For the most part they're fine, the dogs bark once in a while but never at a time (like late at night) that's bothered us. However, we have noticed an increasing amount of dog poo laying all over around their/our apartment.

    There is a strip of grass right outside our apartments, between the building itself and where the parking lot starts. We have to avoid walking across it since we've stepped in dog poo more than once.

    Then, just last week, I was going down our stairs (which are outside the building) to do laundry and saw this "pile" at the bottom of our stairs. I wasn't sure what it was at first; it had rained a lot that day, so at first I thought maybe it was a bit of mud. I paused to look at it and one of the people living in the apartment below us walked outside, saw me, and said hello. I looked up and said hello back, and he looked down, saw what I was looking at, and said...

    "Oh yeah, they do that all the time."

    Then he grinned and walked past me, without so much as an apology.

    I mean, SERIOUSLY? There are also lots of piles of crap laying all over the cement slab outside their apartment, which is also where our stairs lead down to. Now we not only have to watch our step in the grass, but also on the sidewalk.

    Finally I got fed up and called the leasing office. They are going to send someone over to talk to the people and tell them they need to clean up after their pets.

    The guy I talked to at the office also told me another dog-poo story they recently had to deal with...a couple living in an upper apartment had a dog that they would leave out on their patio during the day. The dog would do its business and the people would take buckets of water and wash the poo off the side of their patio...where it would land on the patio of the woman living below them. It turned to sludge, and got into her apartment under the patio door or when she opened the door!

    Really? I mean, how inconsiderate do you have to be?

  • #2
    Heh, the week I moved into my apartment building, they sent out a letter saying "if we allowed dogs, we would be telling people to clean up after them". People here think that because it's technically a no-pet apartment complex, they don't have to clean up and won't get hit with fines because the owners don't want the town to know they're allowing pets. But they also don't seem to remember that the owners can simply tell them to get rid of the pet or GTFO for violating their lease...
    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


    • #3
      Ugh people can be so disgusting........
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        That is disgusting.

        Let us know what the leasing office does! At the very least they should be fined and made to clean up in the future.


        • #5
          Irresponsible pet owners are why so many landlords/property management companies forbid pets.

          It really sucks for those of us who care enough to clean up after Fido.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            One of our neighbors that lives around the corner used to bring their dog up to our part of the neighborhood for it to go potty. That dog would leave a trail of poo from the corner to about 3 houses past us. I swear, it stopped at every house to leave a pile.

            My next door neighbor got tired of it, so he borrowed our pooper scooper without telling us, and he went around collecting all the poo. Then he went down and left a gift for the neighbor and his poopy dog on their driveway. He had to do that maybe two or three times before the neighbor chose another way to take to get his dog taken care of.

            My aunt had to do the same thing with her next door neighbor who allowed her dogs to run free at night. My aunt couldnt do much about the damage the dogs did ripping up her yard and chewing up her yard art, but she would go out and pick up the poo with our pooper scooper (we live across the street) and then she'd leave the poo on the neighbor's back patio. It was a poop war for nearly a year.

            When that neighbor finally left (the woman left her husband, so he was still living there), my aunt had wondered where that neighbor had been dumping the poo she'd leave for them on the patio. She discovered a huge pile of it behind her bushes one day. Explains why the bushes were growing like crazy. She discovered another pile of it behind the bushes under her bedroom window a few days later.


            • #7
              My parents had similar issues with inconsiderate neighbors and their dogs. One would bring his dog into our backyard to do his business. When my parents caught him and yelled at him about it, he'd just smile and wave.

              Finally my folks put in a fence around the yard to keep people like him out. He'd actually open the gate, bring his dog into the yard and kept using it as his potty

              Naively, mom and dad never imagined that someone would be so crass as to actually open the gate and continue the behavior. The gate is now locked.

              So then the guy starts using the front yard! Mom got so frustrated, she had a conversation with another neighbor, who's a cop. She asked what she could do. He told her if he did it again, she could have him cited for trespassing and get him arrested.

              The crappy neighbor's buddy happened to be walking his own dog by them while this coversation took place, and overheard it.

              Problem solved.
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #8
                Sh*t wars

                I had a neighbor a while back that would let his 3 dogs crap all over the place. Including on my front lawn & driveway. I spoke to him about it time and time again, but it never quite sank in that such behavior was unacceptable. Day after day, his ill mannered dogs would crap up my lawn.

                I went away for a week long vacation once. When i came home, my properly was covered in little brown land mines. Lots of little brown land mines. Enough to almost completely fill one of those white 5 gal. buckets. Said bucket then found it's way, with the help of a brick in the bottom of it, to the bottom of this asshat's backyard swimming pool. Not the most mature way to deal with the problem, but, his dogs never shat in my yard again.

                *I feel the need to point out that i love animals, including dogs. It's just the irresponsible owners that i hate.


                • #9
                  It's bad enough to not pick up after your dogs, but I would be especially mad if they blatantly did it right in front of me- because then it would be obvious they are not in the slightest bit ashamed.
                  It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                  -Helen Keller

                  I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                  • #10
                    Quoth RestaurantDude View Post
                    I went away for a week long vacation once. When i came home, my properly was covered in little brown land mines. Lots of little brown land mines. Enough to almost completely fill one of those white 5 gal. buckets. Said bucket then found it's way, with the help of a brick in the bottom of it, to the bottom of this asshat's backyard swimming pool. Not the most mature way to deal with the problem, but, his dogs never shat in my yard again.

                    Not the most appropriate way of dealing with it but FUNNYYYY!! You rock.

                    My inlaws also had an issue with their neighbors pups pooing in their front yard. they finally had to bet their HOA involved, but it stopped.


                    • #11
                      I have so many dog poop stories that I'll confine my reply to just the one:

                      Every once in a while, while headed to/from work, I'll see someone in the alley walking his (never her, for some reason) dog.

                      Without carrying a plastic bag.

                      So, when the dog poops, are you going to carry it around in your hands until you reach a garbage can? I'd like to see that someday.

                      But no. I'm usually late for work then.
                      Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


                      • #12
                        When I was in High School, our neighbors left their dog tied up in the front yard all day and in a fenced in (tiny) dog run in the back yard at night. They complained about my cat pooping in their yard despite the fact that he was an indoor cat and there were about 20 cats that roamed the neighborhood at night.

                        Not much of a poo story, you say? These same neighbors encouraged their oldest son (about 5 years younger than me) to pee on the side of our house.


                        • #13
                          When I was a teen and used to walk the dog, I'd always carry lots of plastic bags. Not just cuz the dog was a sneaky second pooper, but cuz of all the people who'd let their dog crap, then walk away without picking it up.

                          Strangely, they were persuaded otherwise by a teenage girl holding out a plastic bag and saying, "You forgot something." XD The playing field in question had several dog bins around, so it wasn't as tho it was hard to find one.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Years ago, there was a family down the street, whose dog was always getting out. For whatever reason, she always chose to take a dump in my parents' yard. We complained, but they wouldn't do anything. Well, until the dog chose to crap in the yard next to us. Seems the owner got even--he'd amassed a huge selection of crap from his own dogs, bagged it up...and proceeded to dump the entire contents...all over the hood and roof of the guy's Mercedes. Oddly enough, the dog stopped getting out all the time
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              Some people who live down this road that I travel down to get to work used to exercise their dogs (a pair of small white dogs, no idea as to the breed but they looked like chiuahas a bit cept the size of normal small dogs) simply by letting them run down the road. Yes, a main road which is travelled regularly by cars, buses and trucks.

                              The story has a sad end to it in that, inevitably, one of the dogs was mown down and killed by a car. The owners stopped letting their remaining dog out after that, but it's tragic that in order for them to realise just how moronic they were being, an animal had to die.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

