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A little service....very little

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  • A little service....very little

    I hope this is the right section, if not move this thread please.

    This sighting was very direct for me since I was involved. My family and I went out the other night as we had been seperated for a while with all the snows lately (Mid-Atlantic where they're not used to large amounts of snow anymore it seems.) So we went to this one place where we have always gotten great service and food. No so this night.

    We arrived in two seperate vehicles. My two sisters arrived first and had already put in for a table for us (5 altogether). The local civic center had not too long ago let out from a Disney On Ice show and they were at the tail end of a rush, so we had to wait a bit. We got seated shortly after my wife, brother and I arrived. So far so good. That's where it pretty much ends.

    Our server came over after a bit more of a wait than we were used to and by that time we were ready with both drink and food orders. I got an appitizer (sampler platter. Very important later) and we all got entrees. Mine was a burger that normally came with BBQ sauce, crispy onion thingies, lettuce, red onion,and tomato. I asked for it to come without the tomato and add bacon. He goes away and we pick up our conversation from where it had left off.

    About 20 minutes later we realized that we still didn't have our drinks. My wife got up to go to the bathroom and on her way back she saw our server checking up on one of his other tables. She waited patiently till he was done and then asked if we could please have our drinks. It took him another 10 minutes to get them to us. It was at that point that I realized that we had no silverware as I wanted to stir my coffee. My wife gets up again and talks to someone at the front about getting silverware and checking up on our food. The server finally comes over with silverware, makes an appology about being real busy (not any more were they) and that the food should be out shortly (still haven't gotten my appitizer yet). About 2-4 minutes later the person my wife talked to came over with silverware AND placemats and gave a more sincere sounding appology.

    Our food finally comes out. While still approaching I saw a huge tomato slice on the burger....and no appitizer. As he sets the food down, he appologizes (still not sounding at all regretful) and says that the appitizer got burned and he had to reorder it. He starts handing out food. I point out that the burger had the tomato and that I could not have tomato on my burger at all. He asked if I wanted it redone. I said it needed to be since it would cause problems on just having the tomato removed. He takes it back. For the most part, everyone else's food was luke warm. Two people had sizzling platers. They weren't doing their normal sizzle and in fact the plates were quite touchable with no fear of burning. It was another 5-10 minutes before my appitizer appeared.

    Now at this place the normal sampler comes with chicken fingers, fried cheese sticks, qeusedia(sp) and onion rings. This one have the cheese sticks, a quesedia that looked only barely done and nachos, carrots and celery. As he droped this off one of my sisters asked for the manager.

    When she came over my sister proceded to tell her about all the problems we've been having, the lack of service (while he still checked on his other tables frequently) and the quality of the food, temperature-wise. I then asked if the sampler platter had changed. She confirmed that I had not gotten what I ordered. I told her to not bother to reput it in. Later when my burger came out, it was missing the onions, both types. At that point, I was real hungry so I didn't say anything.

    In the end the manager did right by us, by comping the entire meal. I also later found out that the server had put on the ticket that I wanted no onions. The whole time he checked on his other tables, but seemed to not want anything to do to us.

    Sorry for the rant, but just needed to get it off my chest.

  • #2
    Reporting this to the manager was the right thing to do, and his comping the meal was the appropriate response. I would imagine the server got a "talking-to" about his lack of performance.

    Now, one thing I might have changed: if the restaurant had a bar, hostess and/or busser on duty, I would have asked the manager if there were a tip share policy, and if there were, I'd have given the manager ~3% of the pre-comped bill to be distributed as tip share. This also sends the manager a *very* clear message that you are not cheapskate whiners (even though you were very clearly in the right here), and it gives him incentive to make absolutely sure you are well taken care of next time you return.


    • #3
      Had a similar experience once with the server not paying attention to us. I posted about it before in a thread about tipping, so I'll quote it here:

      There is only one time that I've ever left without dropping a tip. Many times I wanted to, but this is the only time I actually did it because we felt the service was so bad that it was deserved.

      We were at LAX airport waiting for a flight out to come back home and decided to stop at a restaurant for a bite to eat before getting on the plane. It seemed a little upscale, but not "suit and tie" upscale. More like a privately owned chain style place like Olive Garden or Outback. There were people much better dressed than we were, as we were in comfortable flying clothing rather than suits since it was a 12 hour flight, and hell, if a Best Buy exec isn't too good to fly in comfortable clothing (See: Man Denied First Class Seat on United on news sites Nov 09), neither am I.

      Anyway, we were seated and ordered our drinks, which took forever to arrive, and then took our order, which also took forever. We're talking about 40 minutes total of wait time just to get food and drink. Meanwhile, did the waiter, who was very snooty to begin with, come to see about refills? Nope. Did he come to see how our food was? Nope. He wouldn't even look at us when he passed us several times as we tried to wave him down.

      When he brought us the bill, we gladly paid and left no tip, and left.

      Here is where things get out of hand. You'd think it would be over and that was that, but as this is, you know that's not the case. We went to the bathrooms down the hallway and who other than our lowly waiter comes looking for us screaming "YOU! YOU! WHERE MY TIP?! YOU LEFT NO TIP!!!" while clutching on to our receipt. I explained to him that his service was not deserving of a tip, that he never came to see how we were doing, didn't ask to refill our drinks, pretty much ignored us every time he would pass us, and that a tip is not MANDATORY, it's something that is earned for your service of doing a good job. He then went off on how we're stupid Americans and that he came to this country to provide his family with a better life and how we're bad people... the normal "I'm stuck in a situation where I'm wrong so I will play the race card". Oh, he was of middle eastern descent. A fact of which wouldn't even be an issue had he not tried to play said race card with us as a persons race is of no issue to me. We all bleed red.

      I had enough at this point and was pissed that someone had the nerve to come after us for a tip after such shoddy service. I marched myself back up to the restaurant and demanded the manager. After explaining the situation to him, he said he would deal with him and that was that. At that point, I didn't care, but I felt insulted and the need to inform the manager of his workers less than kosher attitude and actions. Had this person been working for me, I'd have fired his ass publicly for such a performance as insulting a customer in front of everyone.

      Needless to say, we've not been back to that restaurant since.
      Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


      • #4
        I know it probably isn't convenient at all (and perhaps there were no other restaurants nearby) but if I had to wait 20 minutes just to receive drinks, I would probably walk out before going any further. That seems like such a bad sign right off the bat...lets you know what you're going to be in for :-(


        • #5
          Well as I said this is one where we usually get great service and good food. We'll be going back again, too. If we see this particular server, we'll ask to have someone else. We're pretty sure that this was all on the server and thus we're not going to punish the rest of the workers and staff for this one idiot's attitude.

