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The worst stench ever!!!

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  • The worst stench ever!!!!
    Today started off OK. Had a routine appointment with a doctor this morning. You check in at the first room, pay co-pay,whatever. Then, they tell you to wait in the next room on the right. I checked in, went to the next room and sat quietly, reading my newspaper in the waiting room. I was the only one in there. UNTIL this kinda skanky-boozy looking guy came in. (He just looked like he was unemployed and did drugs to me.) Nothing really alarming about him. He had a folder full of what looked like his medical files. The woman asked if he checked in yet. He said no. She told him to check in the first room, and he said OK, and left.
    I'm still reading the paper..................suddenly, I smell the most goddamn, foul, putrid, nasty, NASTY, NNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSTY f***in' FART to ever contaminate the world.
    It f***in' hung there and remained so bad. I immediately commenced to freaking out.
    I tried to wave the paper, started bitching very loudly! The receptionists were lucky- they were behind a closed window. It was just me and a f***in' stink cloud left behind by this disgusting slob. I was covering my face with my hoodie and stamping my feet. He either shat his pants or I don't know what.
    I made a worker who walked in laugh when I said "Some guy just left a stinkbomb in here, and it stinks so gross!" It just hung there like a sour dead, rotting cabbage. I told everyone within earshot how much the waiting room smelled. Thank God the doctor called me. I want to find the creep and lock him in a closet with decayed broccoli drizzled with Limburger cheese! GROSS!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Ree; 02-18-2010, 02:37 AM. Reason: Fixed smiley

  • #2
    This is the thing that makes me glad I lived with smokers my whole life.

    My nose is pretty darn dead...barely works, and I'm thankful for it. When someone farts I rarely even notice.
    My Guide to Oblivion

    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


    • #3
      Maybe he was there to see the doctor because the stink was a symptom?

      Last time someone pulled that on me, I was in a bookstore and the dude purposely walked down the same aisle as me (He wasn't looking at the books, just waltzed by, the store was nearly empty, why me??), and it was so bad I honestly wondered if he needed to change his pants.
      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


      • #4
        Quoth Tama View Post
        This is the thing that makes me glad I lived with smokers my whole life.

        My nose is pretty darn dead...barely works, and I'm thankful for it. When someone farts I rarely even notice.
        I'm not that lucky...I smoke and have a nose that can smell ANYTHING. It's too sensitive.
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #5
          I think it's the effect of second-hand, not direct smoking, but...

          I wish you were so lucky.
          My Guide to Oblivion

          "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


          • #6
            I am so having a hard time keeping a straight face, while reading this.
            Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

            Proud Air Force Mom


            • #7
              I'd be careful about making such a fuss over a smelly fart.

              People might start think you were deflecting the blame.
              Haven't you ever heard the old, "They who smelt it, dealt it" rule?
              What about, "Methinks he doth protest too much"?

              Sorry you had to sit through that, but unfortunately, in a doctor's office, there are going to be people with smelly medical issues.

              I feel bad for the people around you who were subjected to your hysterics.
              I immediately commenced to freaking out.
              I tried to wave the paper, started bitching very loudly! <snip>

              I was covering my face with my hoodie and stamping my feet.<snip>

              I made a worker who walked in laugh when I said "Some guy just left a stinkbomb in here, and it stinks so gross!" <snip>

              I told everyone within earshot how much the waiting room smelled.
              Why did you have to tell everyone within earshot?
              Couldn't they smell it too?
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                At work today I passed an area where there was this stong smell of pee. I didn't see a puddle, and no one was emitting the smell, so it must have stayed when some person stood in that spot a long time. I didn't smell a trail though. It was godaweful.

                I do feel you pain.
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  This hasn't happened recently, thank goodness, but there is nothing worse than to find out the cat had a snit fit in the middle of the night and peed on your last pair of clean jeans...and you not find out about it till after you've driven an hour to work! It was a very cold day, and my car heater wasn't working. I now carry a change of clothes in the back seat, just in case!
                  Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                  • #10
                    Nope.....The receptionist at the sleep doctor's office closed the slider and went in back. The guy walked out after leaving the stinkbomb. I was ALONE in the waiting room making all the theatrics. It was so putrid! The staff girl walked in as I had my hoodie covering my face gagging...and I told her "That guy just left a stink in here" and she cracked up, and quickly left.
                    When the doctor came out to call me, I told her that the waiting room stunk. She said "Oh, I thought that was something else...sorry!"
                    Dear Lord, it smelled so bad......No one could escape the gagging. I don't think farts count as a sleep disorder. Guess you had to be there. Just a story about getting someone's ass funk and nearly puking and getting pissed for the amusement of my fellow retail workers!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Primer View Post
                      there is nothing worse than to find out the cat had a snit fit in the middle of the night and peed on your last pair of clean jeans...and you not find out about it till after you've driven an hour to work!
                      I've had a bad virus going on for a couple of weeks, and my sinuses have been a bit stuffed up.

                      On Friday, I was mortified for a few minutes, because I was sure I suddenly got a whiff of cat pee, and I didn't know if it was coming from me or not.

                      Turns out it wasn't from me. (I asked someone and told them to be honest.) I'm not even sure if it was even cat pee I was smelling.
                      It was only for a brief few seconds, then I couldn't smell a damn thing again.

                      Years ago, when my daughter had a cat, that did happen, though.
                      I didn't notice until I got to work that my shoes smelled of cat pee.
                      I had to keep apologizing to everybody all day when they would say, "Why do I smell cat pee?"
                      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

