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People At The Gym...

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  • People At The Gym...

    I recently had a free week trial at a gym, and I just enrolled.

    Just within one week, I have seen a lot of suck.

    It isn't cheap to join a gym....even with spring deals or corporate deals from your employer, it's still a costly hobby. It boggles my mind that some people are willing to shell out that kind of money to not DO anything there.

    You get a one day free consultation with a personal trainer when you enroll. So, you get one free day with a real trainer to go over your goals, how much weight you want to lose (or gain, I suppose), where you want to lose it, diet changes, etc etc etc....and they'll show you around the gym if you're not familiar with equipment and they'll suggest how many reps to do at what weight setting and what equipment will give you the best results.

    I know from personal experience how easy it is to get a little lazy and have a hard time picking back up to getting into shape....but for the life of me.....why is it every day I go to the gym and I see someone doing the rounds with their trainer and barely even TRYING the suggested equipment or getting an "I don't want to" attitude. Why are you wasting $40 a month when it doesn't look like you even WANT to try?

    I really can't wait for my session. I don't think I'm a perfect person, but at least I'm halfway motivated and I'm willing to listen and take advice. If a trainer can help me better lose some weight and tone up and I've been doing something wrong, I really want to know!

    And while I understand and even agree that a workout buddy is a great idea to help keep you motivated and to help the time pass......the gym is NOT the mall or a coffee shop or your livingroom. Why do people just hog equipment, sitting there gabbing away and not even working out?! There have been times I have wanted to use that equipment and I really don't want to be rude or interrupt the gossip, but for crying out loud...go gossip in the locker room! Some of us are actually here to work out and do something!

    Why does it also seem that a bunch of people only seem to go to the gym so they can go in the hot tub and sauna? The idea of that is AFTER you have worked your tail off, you can relax. Surely if you can afford to blow $40 a month just to sit in a hot-tub everyday, you could just BUY a hot tub for your home.

    Then there are the people and their random obnoxious behaviors.....the chick yesterday who was talking on her cell phone on the treadmill.....yeah, you're burning more calories flapping your gums than going 0.5 mph on that treadmill....get off and just take your call somewhere else! Why bring your cell phone around the gym with you?!

    Then there are the guys who are weight lifting and grunt and groan so loud it almost seems like we're all in the bathroom together. My god....if it's that bad, try a lighter weight. No, you don't look big and tough, you look and sound like a total idiot. It's one thing to be burning some calories and getting some good resistance and letting a grunt out here and there, it's another to put that bench press on 245 lbs and grunt and groan like you haven't shat in a week every rep that you do.

    I'm sure I will have more. I do enjoy my new hobby and have been going so frequently that I already feel a difference in my overall mood and I may have even lost a pound or's just there are some really dumb people that go there that kind of temporarily put me off. I can barely afford to be there, yet I take full advantage of every moment that I am there!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I've posted about some of the people who work out at my gym...

    Why is it that some people just can't wait to share certain things with their friends there? I mean, we *really* don't want to know about the rash you and your daughter have. Nor do we know about how your husband um.... "can't get it up." Seriously, shut the hell up!

    Then there's the whistler. He's probably in his late-60s, and manages to annoy the hell out of most people in a 20-foot radius. How? Well, he whistles the same two notes constantly for hours! I could understand if it was a tune, but only two notes? Go away!

    But the best, has to be the jocks. These fools are simply there for one reason--to impress the ladies. Most often, they're grunting away while attempting to use the machines. Sure takes the wind out of their sails when I'll jump on the same machine, add *more* weight, and lift it easily
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      Ugh, I feel you....I have my own gym rants (the grunters, cell phone people, the ones who cannot figure out where to walk to (ie standing in everyones way or taking up the whole hallway leaving the gym)

      The grunters are funny though...esp when they start pacing and swinging their arms, trying to look tough, LOL
      "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
      "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


      • #4
        The amount of self-absorption at the gym is just astounding. The worst, I think, is like Cat said: the people who stand right in the middle of everything just chatting with their friends...

        My gym is very small for a gym, as it's right in the middle of a cramped downtown area. (So no hot tub or pool ;_; ) The walkways are big enough for exactly two person to walk in each direction (or one bodybuilder guy to walk in one direction ). So when people insist on just stopping right in the middle to have a chat with their buddy or to watch the TV or something... well, people are kinda trying to get by you! Do you think we want to wait and listen in on your inane conversation? Yeesh.
        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


        • #5
          These are awesome.

          My only experience with a gym was at university. Students could get a semester pass for ten bucks and go to the gym as often as they wanted. The best part was, since it was a rather small gym for the size of the campus, they had some very strict rules to keep people from using it as a pickup spot (i.e. so that people who actually wanted to work out could have the machines and also not feel self-conscious).

          No hanging out on machines between sets -- move and let someone else use it. No sleeveless shirts or cap sleeves, no spandex or other skintight garments. The dress code was t-shirts or sweatshirts, sweatpants or shorts or scrub pants, nothing too short or too tight. It was great for us bigger girls because we could go there and get down to business, and not feel like we were having to compete with anyone else's looks.

          Once I was on the elliptical and saw a girl on the treadmill across from me wearing tight leggings and a black sleeveless polyester top with sequins, and lots of eye makeup. I was vastly amused to see the attendant come over and tell her that she had to leave and change her clothes.


          • #6
            And the dress code at the campus gyms makes a lot more sense now.

            They hire trainers to be there as resources for the students who come in (generally kin students, but always students), I've asked for form pointers a few times when I'm worried about hurting myself. One of them was a smaller woman, who told off some of those muscle-bound guys (the ones who like to announce to everyone that they're lifting more than they ought). She explained to them that if the weights were really so heavy that they didn't have the strength to put them down softly after their set, that the students shoudl be lifting less.

            The one guy who was impressive though was doing something on the order of 120lb each arm. He was grunting softly (the "I'm working hard" kind, not the "I want everyone to know I'm working hard" kind). I was scoffing, wondering why someone felt the need to push themselves to that level*, when I noticed that he had a varsity team shirt on. After noticing that he was one of the cheerleaders it made a lot more sense. (Is it bad that if they're on our one good team that I think it's ok to do something that I don't approve of otherwise?)

            *pushing is good, but reasonable limits apply, and so many of the guys there do it just to show off that I'm very jaded.


            • #7
              Those "muscle-bound" guys have GOT to be on something to get that big. I've been lifting weights at the gym for three months and I've only gotten a LITTLE bigger. But I DO feel younger, dont get sick as much, and I dont pull muscles anymore. And my belly has shrunk so much that I'm starting to get a six-pack.


              • #8
                Another sighting today: some creepy guy was staring at me from the staircase (a good distance off, but right at me) givin me the "stinky face."

                "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                • #9
                  Quoth ditchdj View Post
                  Those "muscle-bound" guys have GOT to be on something to get that big.
                  Just remember, the stuff they're on makes certain other bodily parts smaller.

                  Me, I've never joined a gym and don't intend to. The closest I ever did was circuit training in high school gym class, with about half the football team. Actually, they weren't that bad to me.

                  I sucked at lifting weights. I had little to no upper body strength at the time. I mean, it took years until I could do a pull-up. Now, maybe I'd be a little better since I lift heavy things for a living, but it depends on the specific exercise and if I do it right. All my muscles seem to be in my legs. I used to be able to do squats pretty good--almost as much weight as the football players. I has thighs of thunder.

                  Instead of lifting weights, I'd ride the exercise bikes in the adjoining room. There I could watch TV while doing it.
                  Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 02-19-2010, 12:20 AM.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas View Post

                    Why does it also seem that a bunch of people only seem to go to the gym so they can go in the hot tub and sauna? The idea of that is AFTER you have worked your tail off, you can relax. Surely if you can afford to blow $40 a month just to sit in a hot-tub everyday, you could just BUY a hot tub for your home.
                    In defense of this, my boyfriend goes to his health club often just to use the hot tub or sauna. He lives in an apartment, so getting one of his own isn't feasible, and after a long day of working on his feet all day, its bliss for him to relax that way. He also goes on his off days and works out/swims, but his "unwind time" after work is a godsend for his legs and feet.
                    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


                    • #11
                      Reading topic title...

                      Gime, what's a gime? Oooh! A GIME!
                      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                      • #12
                        I kinda figure, if I'm paying the money, I'll do what I want at the gym; even if it is just using the hot tub (you never know, maybe they run 10 miles a day and so they ONLY use the gym for the hot tub!). I'm trying to push myself to get fit, but some days I just want to 'aaaahhhhh....' a bit and I'm just not in the mood to work-out. Plus, I'm kind of intimidated by the people around me, so I try to go early or late. I agree though, the excessive grunting, and the sitting on the machines chatting, is annoying.
                        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                        • #13
                          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                          Reading topic title...

                          Gime, what's a gime? Oooh! A GIME!
                          Haha..first thing that crossed my mind.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                            These are awesome.

                            The dress code was t-shirts or sweatshirts, sweatpants or shorts or scrub pants, nothing too short or too tight.
                            I think my university gym has a similar dress code (I'll be joining them soon). They also have a rule: maximum time period of 20 minutes per machine for the cardio machines (ellipticals, handbike, exercise bikes, treadmill and rowing machines). Basically nothing too tight or too skimpy really. Crop tops are a huge no-no.

                            Quoth ditchdj View Post
                            I've been lifting weights at the gym for three months and I've only gotten a LITTLE bigger. But I DO feel younger, dont get sick as much, and I dont pull muscles anymore. And my belly has shrunk so much that I'm starting to get a six-pack.
                            This thread is worthless without pics.
                            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                            Now queen of USSR-Land...


                            • #15
                              Quoth neecy View Post
                              In defense of this, my boyfriend goes to his health club often just to use the hot tub or sauna.
                              I sometimes head to the gym, just to use the hot tub and sauna. The heat helps get some of the crap out of my I'm not so stuffed up. Damn sinuses!
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

