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Could you at least tell us when you're going to mess with the hot water?

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  • Could you at least tell us when you're going to mess with the hot water?

    We live in an apartment complex. Lately (the last couple of weeks) sometimes when we turn the hot water on, the water will sputter and we'll get some dark brown/black bits out before the water actually starts running clearly. This is rust. I know this, because a couple months ago, they were working on the hot water for our building, and for several nights after they'd have the hot water off all day, when I'd turn the hot water on I'd get these bits out of the faucet. Our bathtub was covered in brown junk every day until they fixed the hot water problems.

    I didn't think much of it at first lately, because it didn't happen every time we turned the hot water on and it wasn't really a problem. But last week it started getting annoying (our tub was getting full of rust bits again) so I called the main office and asked what was going on. They said that they were in the process of trying to install washer/dryer hookups in the rest of the 2 bedroom apartments that didn't have them, so the water was being turned off periodically.

    This didn't sit well with me for 2 reason: One, the office manager didn't post any notice that the water was going to be off periodically. They've always given us notice when there's something like this going on (they did a couple months ago when they had the hot water off for several days in a row.) Two, we live in a 2-bedroom apartment that doesn't have a washer/dryer hookup. From what the girl who I talked to said, they want to install the hookups in EVERY 2 bedroom apartment that doesn't already have them. Which would include ours. But, again, we have been given no official notice of this.

    Today, just now, I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the water hot water. I called the office. Apparently the pipe that connects the water boiler to the buildings is so gunked up with calcium and other hard water deposits, that the inner diameter of the pipe has been reduced from 2" to 1". They're in the process of replacing it, but don't know if they'll be done today or not.

    I'm really fed up with this. I asked to talk to the manager, but she was out getting supplies for this pipe-fix project so the girl I talked to took my number and said she'd have the manager call me back. I hope she does soon.

  • #2
    Seems only right to give you notice. Right and courteous. In case you're going to be showering or something. You know, living your life. Oversight or lack of consideration?
    Life's too short to drink cheap beer


    • #3
      Ugh. And I thought *my* water company was bad! Seriously, we were constantly having our water shut off last year. I can understand during the line replacement (in the middle of winter ), but frequently, I'd come home during summer, and there'd be no water. Either that, or the faucets would splutter when I turned them on.
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Seems like they know of issue with the hot water and a notice saying "we hare haveign problems with the hot water, we are in the process of fixing it. As a result their may be interruptions, etc."


        • #5
          IANAL, but I'm pretty sure if they are going to be doing your apartment, unless it's an emergency, they HAVE to give you notice that they'll be entering, when they are entering and why they are entering at least a day or two before they do so; so you should have gotten some notice (or will be getting notice soon)

          On the other hand, giving notice of work going on in the building but not in any particular apartment doesn't NEED notice, but it is certainly a nice courtesy to tell people as much. Someone really dropped the ball there. (since from the OP it sounds like they usually do give that courtesy notice)

