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Travelling suckage (several stories)

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  • Travelling suckage (several stories)

    Update: Jan of this year I left for a whirlwind tour of the world...nah, just kidding. I left to take part in a six week and some change training stint with the company I work for now. Great job, funky week though. On three, off four, on four off three. (I'm on my four day off now.) I train others how to operate the machines, and will be required once a year to head overseas...again, to update my own training. (Least they pay for expenses.)

    It was flying over to Japan that much of my suck began, and in returning that it hit me full force. It's all laughable, though I think the best was an incident I had on one of my days off while over there.

    1.) Flight out: Concorde this is not. Ok, here's the deal, if you're flying international; you can usually bet on an 18 or more hour flight. After a short hop out to LA, I caught my transfer and settled in. The flight was supposed to take off right away, but something had blown onto the runway and the crews had to make sure it was clear. So we had to wait. Ten, twenty minutes at best. All is well and good, until the guy in the seat next to me asks quote "How long is this going to take? I've got an appointment today at four!" Blinking, I check my watch and see that it's noon, and look back at him. "You're going to be late. This is an eighteen hour flight." The man stares at me dumbfounded. He apparently had no clue.

    2.) Baggage warp. Short one this. When I landed, the airline had somehow managed to lose one of my bags which contained my underwear and toiletries, but in the process of doing so I'd somehow gained a suit. It doesn't fit, and smells faintly of mothballs, but the baggage claim tag on it says it's mine, and darn it the airline swears it's the one I started with, so I gave up arguing that one.

    3.) Do you speak ENGLISH? Second short one. Not long after landing, I drag my redneck, jet laggy self to the apartment I'm going to be staying at. I swear on my life, as I'm standing in the lobby of this place, this lady walks up to me and asks with a thick Boston accent "Do you speak English?" I simply responded. "No, hablo ingles.." This seemed to satisfy her, and she wandered off, muttering something about mexicans being everywhere.

    4.) Why did you ask me (part deux). Different tourist this time, and yet I still wonder why they ask me stupid questions. I had gone down to the shopping district (which is a MUST for anyone that gets a chance to go to Tokyo) for a bit one night. I'll be honest, I barely speak Japanese, and my reading...well it's hit and miss. So imagine my shock when another tourist walks up to me, this one with an accent I can't place, and asks me for directions. They were wanting the nearest train station, which I actually knew. So after a moment of thinking I gave some nice directions and watched them wander off, to which my friend noted that I needed to quit wearing whatever cologne it was I was wearing that day, as I seemed to be attracting them. (Gravekeeper, you lose any callers? I think I know where they went.)

    5.) BAKA! Ok, Baka means (roughly translated) Idiot. My supervisor, who was training over there, managed to screw up one of the machines to the point that even the Japanese trainers couldn't fix it. They took to calling him "Baka" every time they saw him. He thought it was a title. We let him wear a badge on his shirt for a week before letting him in on the joke. He was not amused.

    6.) Cool pilot! As we were flying over LA, our pilot comes on the intercom and directs us to the various sights we can see from the plane. After a moment he adds "And if there's any film directors in the plane "TORA TORA TORA!" I think he actually was handing out glossy photos as we departed, but I was too sleepy to notice or really care.

    7.) Time Warp? Last one this. Ok, it's funny to me, but somewhat stupid. When I left, it was a Thursday. When the plane landed, due to the international date line, it was a Friday. So, naturally I "Lost" a day. When I picked up my luggage, I noticed that the tag on it was dated for June of 2010. So some how my luggage had gone back in time to get to me. I wonder if I have to fly somewhere in June to keep from creating a paradox and unraveling time...
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Quoth repsac View Post

    5.) BAKA! Ok, Baka means (roughly translated) Idiot. My supervisor, who was training over there, managed to screw up one of the machines to the point that even the Japanese trainers couldn't fix it. They took to calling him "Baka" every time they saw him. He thought it was a title. We let him wear a badge on his shirt for a week before letting him in on the joke. He was not amused.

    I almost spewed my coffee across my keyboard reading this (gotta stop drinking beverages while reading on this site). That' hilarious. You're evil. I like you.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      Quoth repsac View Post

      It was flying over to Japan that much of my suck began, and in returning that it hit me full force.
      No need to go any further really. I hate air planes and I'm convinced they and airports form their own circle of hell.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        Quoth repsac View Post
        All is well and good, until the guy in the seat next to me asks quote "How long is this going to take? I've got an appointment today at four!" Blinking, I check my watch and see that it's noon, and look back at him. "You're going to be late. This is an eighteen hour flight." The man stares at me dumbfounded. He apparently had no clue.

        I love it.

        How can someone be so clueless..... Did he actually mean to go to Japan then, or did he get on the wrong plane too?


        • #5
          As best I could tell, he meant to go there, but he'd booked his flight wrong. I remember that most of the flight he kept checking his watch and looking really upset. The only thing I could come up with, (didn't talk to him much) was that he actually thought that the planes flew fast enough to make the trip in five or six hours.
          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


          • #6
            Let's figure this out...

            There's a 7-hour difference between Pacific time (GMT-8) and Japan time (GMT+9), modulo the Date Line. The flight takes 18 hours, but is travelling with the Sun. That means the clocks (if set for local times) will show 11 hours and a day later when landing compared to when taking off - and that's what the timetable/itinerary would show, too.

            I would also allow at least another hour to get through passport control, baggage reclaim, and the winding corridors of a major airport, not to mention any logistics that need to be taken care of after intercontinental travel. Then there's the travel time to wherever the meeting is, which will mostly depend on how big the city is (Asian cities tend to be bloody huge) and how far the airport is from it.

            So yeah, he's a moron who can't plan ahead.


            • #7
              Quoth repsac View Post
              As best I could tell, he meant to go there, but he'd booked his flight wrong. I remember that most of the flight he kept checking his watch and looking really upset. The only thing I could come up with, (didn't talk to him much) was that he actually thought that the planes flew fast enough to make the trip in five or six hours.
              It's been a while since I've been to Japan, but I seem to remember that landing there felt like only a couple hours ahead of where I left. Granted there was a 14 hour flight in between that...but still. I left here late in the afternoon and arrived there late in the afternoon. But don't ask me what day though...:P

              The Tora Tora Tora Thing is pretty cool though...


              • #8
                Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                No need to go any further really. I hate air planes and I'm convinced they and airports form their own circle of hell.
                Wow! I must be an aeroplane/airport masochist then. I love air travel, including all the delays/cancellations/passport control and inevitable loss of baggage.

                Mind you, in the travel agency I work for we have a saying:

                "If you want to arrive on time, in the right airport, with your person and baggage intact, DON'T fly with Chris."

                Yes, my delays are legendary.

                Nothing in this world will ever be truly idiot-proof as long as they keep making more effective idiots... -EricKei


                • #9
                  Quoth repsac View Post

                  5.) BAKA! Ok, Baka means (roughly translated) Idiot.
                  That was the first word of Japanese I learned from watching anime. Though to be more accurate, it was the phrase "Baka nekko!" It came up in almost every episode of Fruits Basket.

                  Maybe I should start referring to CEO as the Baka Boss...Wonder how long I could get away with it...
                  "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                  My pony dolls:


                  • #10
                    Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                    Maybe I should start referring to CEO as the Baka Boss...Wonder how long I could get away with it...
                    She'd probably want to make it into a monthly awards ceremony. She would (well, you in the art department would) make up Baka badges to be handed out to the employee of the month. They would get a special parking place labeled "Baka of the Month."

                    You could start the whole thing by making up a Baka badge and pinning it on whoever screws up. They have to wear it until someone else screws up. After awhile the CEO will notice and want one for herself. This could go on for months, maybe years, before she found out what it stood for.
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      Quoth Chrismor View Post
                      Wow! I must be an aeroplane/airport masochist then. I love air travel, including all the delays/cancellations/passport control and inevitable loss of baggage.

                      yes, yes you are-I personally have to be heavily sedated to even set foot on the time I wasn't took the sedative just after boarding(delayed flight, they were seating anyone they could on this first one out)-my poor husband had to drag a very um shall we say loopy and distracted Katt through O'Hare...apparently it was easier to pull out the credit card and buy me the crap I was whining about at the airport kiosks than to argue with me...I have no clue why I wanted a deck of clear plastic cards...or any of the other totally random items I now own....I'm also amazed he let me go outside in that condition to smoke-once again apparently easier than arguing....I love that man.....
                      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                      • #12
                        Me, I just get fed up with the hurry-up-and-wait nature of airports. It is routinely three hours between walking in the terminal's front door and the plane actually getting into the air, and a half-hour *minimum* between landing and walking out the door at the other end (and that's if you have no trouble with passport control, the airport is not laid out like a labyrinth, and your luggage is the first thing off the belt). Much of the intervening time is spent either waiting in queues, or sitting around waiting for everyone else to get through the queues.

                        Given that one can fly all the way across Europe in 3 hours, and there are some trains that can go half the speed of a plane, that's really not kosher. Fifty years from now, I expect to be able to go to England faster by train than by plane, via a tunnel to Tallinn and then through the Baltic coast states and Benelux to the Channel Tunnel.

                        For intercontinental travel, planes still make sense even with the waiting around.


                        • #13
                          Fun is obeying the "show up three hours if you're going to fly into the States" directive, and discovering that customs and security doesn't open until 4am. I felt less bad about having checked luggage at that point. (It was for a conference, but my prof said that we were showing up 3 hours early with or without checked luggage, so I might as well check it at that point).


                          • #14
                            The Baka thing made me laugh - because 'Baka' is Croatian for 'grandmother'. My poor grandmother. LOL

