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Fun at the Post Office

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  • Fun at the Post Office

    I had to go to the local post office yesterday to pick up a parcel. Now I don’t get home normally till about 4.30, so I only have a small window of opportunity to get there before 5pm.and of course at 4.40pm on a Monday the post office is overflowing. There were about 15 people in the queue in front of me. I joined the queue and patiently waited for my turn

    About a minute or so after I got there a couple walked in behind me and joined the queue. The guy was so non-descript that I can’t remember what he looked like. The woman (and I do use that term loosely) was stereo-typical trailer trash. (Also referred to here in Oz as a Skank or a Bogan)

    A couple of minutes pass as the line slowly moves forward and this “woman” is doing the impatient sigh thing. Then she starts muttering about “F***ing Yuppies always coming in the post office last minute” and how she “had to pay this bill by 5pm or they would cut her power off” There were also comments about how blotto she had gotten the night before and how she didn’t even wake up till noon. Then she started grumbling about the charity organization that was actually paying her bill and bitching cause they would only give her a cheque and not cash (as if they would) There was more general grumbling interspaced with numerous references to “F***ing Yuppies” As I was almost to the head of the queue, I had had enough of her bitching.

    The following is not word for word, but fairly close.

    Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you, but the F***ing Yuppies you are constantly referring to are the ones that pay the taxes that pays your welfare benefits AND supports the charities that are paying your bill. We also work, so our opportunities to get to a post office are slim and usually fall near closing time. Not all of us have the luxury of staying home all day and perhaps if you managed you time better, you would be able to get here in the other 7.5 hours a day the post office if open

    Now I fully expected this woman to either yell a string of low brow insults at me or even throw a punch. I was not actually prepared for the blank stare and speechlessness that I got. I turned back around and was called up to the counter to get my parcel. As I left (she was being served at the next counter) I received several smiles, thumbs ups and even a small round of applause from the people in the line behind her.
    "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
    "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
    "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

    -Jasper Fforde

  • #2

    mad props. more people should do as you did.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      So, wait a minute, she came in even later than the people she complained about waiting til the last minute? The mind boggles.


      • #4
        Ah, but the only reason that her timing was a problem was because all of those awful yuppies had decided to wait to the last minutes. That's her prerogative.


        • #5
          that and shared how part of her 'valuable' time was lost to a drunken stupor. classy all the way.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Maybe I am weird, but I have always preferred to get up and out of the house early in the day to get errands finished. You have smaller lines, better choice of stuff in stores, in hot weather it is still a bit cooler from the night. If there is a glitch in something, you have more time to get it fixed.

            I am not a morning person, even though I get up at 5 am, I have to so I can get my meds in at a reasonable schedule for the rest of the day.
            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


            • #7
              I'm more surprised the lady didn't have access to online Bpay. (bit of background, Bpay in Australia basically is short for "bill pay" and allows you to pay your bills anywhere that displays the BPAY symbol. Meaning I can pay my car rego, insurance etc. all at the one stop)
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                I'm more surprised the lady didn't have access to online Bpay. (bit of background, Bpay in Australia basically is short for "bill pay" and allows you to pay your bills anywhere that displays the BPAY symbol. Meaning I can pay my car rego, insurance etc. all at the one stop)

                pretty sure you can't pay online with a cheque from a charity made out to the company.....
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Since most of us work all day, we typically don't have much time to get to places like the post you said above. One thing I really can't stand is a person who truly has all day waiting until the last minute to get something done.

                  I used to work at a grocery store that accepted telephone payments. However, for security reasons, we were only allowed to accept up to $5000 per day in payments, then we could not take any more until the following morning. Often times around 4pm we would have to stop taking payments until the next day. It amazed me how often someone would come in about 4:50pm and get mad because they had a "final termination notice" that gave them until 5pm that day to pay off their account or loose service. They get those notices at least 14 days in advance, yet they wait until the very last 10 minutes before they are going to shut it off to pay the bill. I never understood that.


                  • #10
                    I've been known to wait till the last minute to take care of things from time to time (real life issues getting in the way, my work schedule making it difficult to get some things taken care of) however... the one thing I don't do is complain about it. Life is life, and in the end, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so if I do something last minute, it's usually my own fault for not taking care of things sooner.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RxBoy View Post
                      Since most of us work all day, we typically don't have much time to get to places like the post you said above.
                      That's why many local post offices are open on Saturdays. By the time I'd get home from work, the post office would be closed. I know, I *could* get off my lazy ass and walk up the street to the one near work...but that's not going to happen. I can't justify spending my entire lunch hour waiting in line while some crackhead decides what stamps to buy Soooo if I need stamps, I have to wait until Saturday morning
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        thats awesome

