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Erm, uh, my porch?

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  • #46
    My mom's next-door neighbour's kept insisting that her property ended at the edge of her flowerbed. He was also complaining that her "weeds" (she planted native plants. Yes, they're technically illegal, but I believe that those laws don't apply inside cities) were coming up on his side (probably were, they reproduce by sending roots out), and his poor back wouldn't let him weed the garden, etc. My mom a) showed him a photocopy of the survey and b) was very sympathetic to the fact that he was clearly unable to garden at all, and wow he did a really good job given that he can't do the most basic of tasks.

    The whole lawn thing wouldn't have actually been that much of a problem if he knew how to mow his lawn. Now, it's possible that he just didn't have time, but he mowed it on the order of once a week. Even in the spring. On top of that, he would water his lawn, meaning that he couldn't get away with "oh, I'll only mow it once a week" in the middle of summer. And, like a lot of people who don't mow their lawn very often, he would cut it really really short when he did mow it, meaning that he had a really gross lawn.


    • #47
      Quoth blas View Post
      Might I also add, after the douchelords for whatever dumb reason decided to cut down ALL the trees that were along the side of the apartments that face the street

      Yes, we must get rid of all of these trees (for whatever reason, they were beautiful pine trees, and they also cut down any old tree that was around the properties, save for a few).
      Do you know if they were White Pines? Because many places have actually made it illegal to have them due to the White Pine Blister Virus, because it weakens the tree and makes it easier to fall over during inclement weather. Also it spreads easily from tree to tree through the leaves so that makes it harder to control.

      I know because where I live in NY removed ours almost a year ago, but at least they posted signs stating why they had been removed and that they would be putting in new trees as soon as they found a suitable replacement. It took a couple of months but they did find one. But I still miss the trees they were beautiful.


      • #48
        They were not White Pines. They'd been here for years and years and were just beautiful trees and they provided so much shade and privacy.....

        I am now beyond a doubt it was the property management company who ordered it done, because private contractors came to cut the trees down, not the city workers.

        Same lazy bastards (or the landlords) left those trees sitting there for almost a week before they cleaned them up. If they thought those trees looked bad for any reason before, it looked way worse seeing several trees cut down and laying on the ground.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #49
          hey... the sword's not a bad idea

          who says you can't sit out on your porch and polish it?

