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Atlanta Flying Fun

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  • Atlanta Flying Fun

    I live in north east US. This means that usually I get stuck flying through Atlanta if I want to go to Florida. I have about a 50% success rate of getting through Atlanta without any problems. This particular time our flight out of Atlanta got delayed 2.5 hours (instead of landing at 11:30pm we landed at 2:00am). My husband and I were not too happy about it but from past experiences we were not surprised and knew we really couldn’t do anything about it.

    They finally started boarding the plane there were a few people that didn’t have valid boarding passes and were asked to step to the side so they could keep the line moving. I could tell that the one woman that was asked to step aside was not happy. She was mumbling and grumbling to the other couple that was waiting with her.

    My husband and I find our seats and then the woman that was grumbling earlier gets on the plane. The flight was full and overhead space was at a premium. The lady’s seat was toward the front of the plane but she couldn’t find a place to put her bag. So she proceeds to walk towards the back of the plane looking for somewhere to put her rather large and odd shaped bag. While she is walking down the aisle she loudly announces that we all better stay in our seats when we land because she was going to get her bag before we got off. All of the people sitting around us kinda look at each other like “yeah right”.

    She goes up and down the aisle a couple of more times looking for a spot for her bag. By this time she is the only one standing up and two out of the three flight attendants are trying to help her find a spot for her bag. All the while this woman is bitching up a storm about how much the airline sucked (not going to disagree) and how she was never flying with them again.

    The one flight attendant finally found a spot for her precious bag near her seat. Then the woman proceeds to stay standing complaining to the flight attendants. She would not sit down and when she finally did she started raising her voice even more to the attendant.

    By now we have clearance for taxiing out and have closed the hatch of the plane. The only thing we are waiting on is this woman complaining loudly. It was very obvious that the flight attendants were tired and they also wanted to get going.

    Finally the pilot came out and threatened the woman that if she didn’t stop making a scene she was welcome to get escorted off the plane. Thankfully she finally shut up.

    The best part was when she did shut up and the pilot and attendants walked back up to the front of the plane the rest of the passengers start clapping. It was great.

    Thankfully, we didn’t hear a peep out of her the rest of the flight.

  • #2
    These idiots who inconvenience and interfere with other people always seem to think that we'll be sympathetic. Oh, hell, no, it doesn't work that way. Mess with my plans and I'll be looking for a poppet and pins.
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    • #3
      I misread the subject line as "Atlanta Flying Nun" and got a bit confused; by an odd coincidence, though, the last time I saw someone in real life wearing a full habit was also the last time I went to Hartsfield. She was walking through the parking deck, though, not waiting her turn for a runway.
      Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

